Season 4 Episode 17: Arrow this week was great.The Bug eye bandit from The Flash season 1 episode 18 when Ray and Felicity came to Central City.Those bees look awesome, I felt as if the stakes for Team Arrow went up 400%.I loved the fight scenes as usual entertaining but that bee man that was made at the end looked like Yellow Jacket from Ant-Man.One of my favorite part if the episode was Felicity trying to escape with her mother and Thea.But my favorite part of the episode was Mr. Terrific saving the day.I really hope Curtis becomes Mr. Terrific this season.My favorite character from the episode was Curtis. He proved himself a hero today. I also did like Felicity this week and I can't wait for what she might do with Palmer Tech.Well, those were my thoughts on the episode let me know what you thought in the comments below.As always thanks for reading, take care.