Season 2 Episode 17:
This week on the Flash, Barry went back in time to get answers from the Reverse Flash in order to gain speed to and bet Zoom.I did get a little confused as to what time we were watching.I loved seeing two flashes was cool as our Barry was more fleshed out in his powers.It did kind of remind me of when both Barrys encountered each other on Earth 2.I am wondering how messed up the timeline got.Some of my favorite parts of the episode was Barry confronting himself in front of last year team Flash.The ending with Pipe piper being good was cool and a nice turn in the character.My favorite part of the episode was at the end when Barry gets all the information to build the tachyon accelerator.My favorite character from the episode was Reverse Flash.There is a very dark tone to the character.One thing that wasn't mentioned was his adventure with Supergirl.Well I guess that will be solved with what Team Flash will be busy working on for the next couple weeks.Just in case if your on desktop and your confused it's the tags the one labeled "The Flash" is Tv and the one labeled "Flash"is the movie. I will give this episode a 9 out of 10. Well I overall enjoyed the episode let me know what you thought of tonight's episode let me know in the comments below and as always thanks for reading, take care.
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