Season 4 Episode 23:

Hey everyone, we are back with the season finale of Season Four of the Flash, directed by David McWhirter. In this episode we see team Flash using the last of their efforts to stop DeVoe's enlightenment, while Cecile gives birth, as they enlist the help of some unlikely allies. Spoilers ahead for this episode of the Flash, let's recap.

With the enlightenment beginning, the city is out of power. Cisco manages to get power at STAR Labs, as Cecile and Joe come in with Cecile having major contractions. Iris comes with Marlize who tells the team that their time is limited, as when the permutation grid is not yet at 100. Marlize creates a plan, rebuild the Cerebral Inhibitor, place it on Cecile, as she can use her pregnancy powers to link Barry to DeVoe, where Barry can find the old, good DeVoe who can overpower the Thinker.

The plan is set in motion as Barry is in the Thinker's mind. Barry finds evil DeVoe on his chair, floating around. In the real world, Cisco sees Harry, who is nearly unconscious. Wanting the Thinking cap on, Cisco puts it on Harry as he tells Cisco for Barry to go to where DeVoe first met Marlize. Over the coms, the team tells Barry to go to where Harry went, and he does, however, no one is there. In the mindscape, Barry finds Ralph. The two reunite, as Barry promises to get Ralph out of DeVoe's mind. DeVoe finds the two, as they run away. In the real world, DeVoe is coming in on the team, as Marlize teleports them away to the Thinker's old lair. Ralph tells Barry that the good DeVoe might be in his class. The two go there and finds that the good DeVoe is dead. In the mindscape, Barry, and Ralph go to the city center, where they see that the speed force wormhole is the way out, and if Ralph and Barry make it out, they can take over their bodies in the real world. An army of DeVoe's come out and the two try to fight them and fail. Mindlessly fighting, the two manage to take down the DeVoe clones.

In the real world, DeVoe tracks the team to his old lair where he fights all of them. In the dream worlds, Barry wheres Ralph as a cape, as the two get out of the speed force wormhole. In the real world, Barry gets up from the Thinking chair, as he confronts DeVoe, who starts to collapse, realizing he lost to the power of friendship. DeVoe taps a button on his chair, as Ralph takes over his body, defeating DeVoe. Marlize uses the computer to stop the enlightenment from happening. Back at STAR Labs, the Caitlin helps Cecile give birth. DeVoe's chair shows up and a hologram of DeVoe appears. Saying one goodbye, Marlize shuts down the chair. However one of the satellites is coming down to crash into Central City. Barry, Cisco, and Ralph suit up to save everyone. With the satellite coming down, Barry tires to infinite punch the satellite, however time gets re-winded, as the same thing happens again as Barry is aided by another speedster, saving the day.

At STAR Labs, the team sees that Cecile has given birth. Marlize gives the team a device to save Harry, as she leaves to be a mechanic to help people. Barry and Iris have a talk as Barry says that there was another speedster. Barry, Caitlin, Cisco, and Iris visit Harry as Cisco uses the device Marlize gave them to restore his mind. Harry gets his memory back, however not his intelligence. Harry thanks Cisco and the team, as now he feels a balance in using his mind and heart. The five have a group hug as Harry goes back to Earth-2. At the West house, the team has a party for the newborn baby, named "Jenna". At the party, Wally shows up. Joe catches up with Wally and his adventures with the Legends. Iris talks to Barry and says "we're next", Barry freaks out as Iris clarifies that someday down the road that they'll have a child. There's a knock on the door and Barry opens it, as a girl walks in. The team says they recognize the girl from separate occasions. Iris points out that the girl is wearing her jacket. The girl tells the team that her name is "Nora" and she is Barry and Iris' daughter from the future and that she messed up.

Overall, this episode of the Flash was an exciting episode and a brilliant way to end off the season. To start off, this episode had a much lighter tone. I appreciated that because it worked well with the acting of the cast in the episode, and the themes which flowed from that.
Going through the episode, this episode had great pacing. There weren't any scenes which dragged on for too long, and it made the episode feel very dense in the contents, bringing in that ticking clock aspect of the episode.

The scene with Cisco and Harry at the beginning of the episode was a brilliant scene. I complained last week that Harry was used more for comedy, but this episode brought in the emotional side of the story, where Cisco saw that he was on the brink of losing his friend. The conclusion to the story wasn't too tragic, however, the feels came out with that scene.

DeVoe's mindscape was an interesting concept. I wasn't too much of a fan of the dulled out and blue color scheme in the mindscape. It just felt like a lazy way to differentiate the real world and the mindscape. However, what went on in the mind space was amazing. That reuniting scene with Barry and Ralph was amazing. It showed the impact of the loss of Ralph had on everyone. It was a shame that we didn't see the other Meta-Humans, it seems like they are all dead. But Ralph is the only one who survived.

In the mindscape, there were some interesting things going on, as we saw on screen and stuff that was metaphorical which was great to see. The idea that a good version of DeVoe existed was interesting, and he did. So it was interesting to see that the evil DeVoe killed his good side, it showed that DeVoe is purely a villain and that there is no redemption for him, as the redeemable embodiment of DeVoe is dead. The clones of DeVoe was great. Ralph made an "Attack of the Clones" reference, however, that scene felt very much like Matrix Revolutions, where there were hundreds of Agent Smith's in the matrix which Neo had to fight. If you watch that end fight of the film, you see how much this episode pulled inspiration from that. It looked cool on screen seeing the DeVoe army, however,r the idea that Ralph and Barry could mindlessly fight was a little silly. Especially the idea that they still had to think what they were doing. I did like, however, the way that Ralph and Barry had to escape the mindscape was through the speed force portal which started all of this.

Coming into the real world, we see that the theme of the episode was friendship and human emotion. Concepts which cannot be calculated, which is where DeVoe failed. The strength of Barry and Ralph's friendship in the episode was stronger than DeVoe could ever think to be, and I thought that was an interesting concept. You can also see that play out through the episode. Marlize's love for DeVoe or the old DeVoe was strong enough, that she convinced Team Flash to find him. Harry finally got a full understanding of human emotion in the episode, as he was balanced. I will get into that in a bit.

We saw Cecile give birth in the episode, something which was a major plot device in taking down DeVoe. Like all newborn babies on tv, that baby looked too old. However, it is great that Joe and Cecile got a story arc this season.

The satellite heading towards Earth was an interesting idea, as it was DeVoe's final straw. The idea that it was DeVoe's final play is a little odd, and it did feel a little anti-climatic, in terms of having that as the final play for DeVoe. However, that satellite takedown was brilliant. We saw Vibe and Elongated Man save the people below as the Flash tries to take down the satellite. When I first saw the scene, I thought my tv was playing up, but nope, that was part of the episode. It seemed like in that first take, Barry failed and died, and his daughter, Nora saw him and had to help him, which might lead to the ending. The end of that scene did have the Flash suit ruined, so it seems like there will be a new suit upgrade next season.

Harry's goodbye was a neat way for the character to leave the show. I was glad that the character got his memories restored, as the way that the story could have gone down would have been extremely dark and tragic. The balance that Harry was talking about was not a balance between mind and heat happening at a singular moment, it referred to across time. All his life, Harry has been using his mind, however from getting his memories restored, Harry feels like he can finally use his heart, and there are some other aspects which define him. I am not too sure what will happen Harry next, season, we can talk about that later.

Of course, my favorite scene in the episode was the end scene. First of all, we saw Wally come back for the party which was great. But the biggest thing that everyone called out, but it was still awesome, as the reveal that the mystery girl who first appeared in Supergirl 308, and continuously appeared on the Flash, is "Nora West-Allen". Barry and Iris' daughter from the future. Her coming into the house was amazing, and it was awesome seeing everyone recognize her. Her story seems to be heavily tied to season five, where the team will have to help her. It will be interesting to see what happens with the character. I will do a separate speculation on her later this week, as this review is getting long enough.

Grant Gustin was amazing as Barry Allen/ the Flash in this episode and had the best performance in my opinion. Playing the character in a state of disbelief, Gustin did a great job. There was not major season one finale scene with him this year, which showed off his acting, however, this episode played with the lighter tone of the season, which was great to see tied in with Gustin's performance. I also did like the character at the end of the episode, with him freaking out about the idea of having kids.

The cast of the episode was brilliant in this episode. Everyone did an amazing job with the character's, and it was amazing seeing everything escalate quickly.  Starring in the episode we had Grant Gustin (Barry Allen/ The Flash), Candice Patton (Iris West-Allen), Kim Engelbrecht (Marlize DeVoe), Hartley Sawyer (Ralph Dibny/ Elongated Man), Carlos Valdes (Cisco Ramone/ Vibe), Tom Cavanagh (Harry Wells), Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin Snow), Jesse L. Martin (Joe West), Danielle Nicolet (Cecile Horton), Keiynan Lonsdale (Wally West/ Kid Flash), Neil Sandilands (Clifford DeVoe/ The Thinker), and Jessica Kenedy Parker (Nora West-Allen).

In conclusion, this episode of the Flash was a brilliant episode to end the season. All though there were some odd plays with the characters, and design choices in the mindscape, the ideas were great, with some alright execution, and all right CG. Along with a great cast, and an amazing cliffhanger, I will give this episode of the Flash an 8.75 out of 10.

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