Season 10 Episode 13, Series Finale:

It is time, the adventure of a lifetime is here, that is right, ten seasons, 280 episodes, and eight years, Adventure Time is has come to a close, in arguably the best, and definitely my favorite episode so far, with "Come Along With Me" directed by Cole Sanchez and Diana Lafyatis. Spoilers ahead; let's recap the episode and then go over the ending.

A mysterious pair named Shermy and Beth find Finn's metal arm on the ground. Curious about its origins, the two visit the "King of Ooo", BMO who tells the two the story of the great War of Ooo.

Flashback to the present day, the war between Princess Bubblegum and Gumbald is escalating,

Finn and Jake have one last plan. When Bubblegum, Finn, and Jake meet with Gumbald and Fern on the front lines, Jake activates the nightmare potion, sending the five into an unconscious world.
In this world, Bubblegum and Gumbaldia chase each other through a psychedelic trip; Finn fights Fern, as Finn attempts to reason with his grass counterpart. All the while, Jake imagines Jermain into the unconscious world. Everyone eventually sorts out their differences, with Finn destroying the grass parasite inhabiting Fern, and they wake up the real world.

In the real world, Bubblegum and Gumbaldia hug it out, however, Gumbaldia trips and spills his "dum-dum juice" turning him into the punch bowl. Lolly offers her loyalty to Bubblegum who accepts. However, Fern starts to flake away. Normal Man comes to Finn and tells everyone that "Golb" is coming. A portal opens in the sky and Golb flies down. Ice King has a flashback to when he was Simon and he was researching Golb with Betty.

Golb unleashes his power as he takes control of some of Lolly's army and morphs them into a singular monster. Bubblegum tells the Banana Guards to flee as well as Lolly's army. Bubblegum assembles the ones who stay behind, Finn, Jake, Marceline, Lady Ranicorn, Flame Princess, LSP, Lemongrab, Huntress Wizard, NEPTR, the Gumball Guardians, Cinnamon Bun, Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant, and Fern.
The Gumball Guardians get possessed by Golb and turned into his servants, as they wreak havoc.

Normal Man tells Ice King that he has to stop Golb because Betty is harnessing its power. Ice King accidentally reads Fiona and Cake fan fiction, which causes Maja to explode which causes Finn, Ice King, and Betty Golb's body, and Finn's mechanical arm falls off.

Meanwhile, Bubblegum is getting attacked by Golb's servants, as Marceline goes super saiyan to help her out seeing Bubblegum nearly die. The two are thankful that they are alive and kiss.
The Golb servants walk towards the Treehouse as Jake chases after them. The servants destroy the treehouse and flee. Jake sees his livelihood, his brotherhood in ruins, as he curls in a ball and cries. BMO picks up the shrank down Jake as he sings to them, which acts as a weakness against the servants. Marceline and Bubblegum pick up BMO and Jake as Bubblegum says that Golb does not like the idea of Harmony, such as singing.

Inside Golb, Finn and Ice King find Betty. Golb peals back the three's layers in life, so Ice King reverts to being Simon, and Betty looks regular again, and the Ice crown falls to the ground. The red room that the three are in is shrinking in. Betty and Simon share an intimate moment, as Finn tries everything to stop the shrinking. Simon tries to calm down Finn by telling him  "No one knows how it's going to happen, we just have to accept that it happens"

Marceline flies through the battleground, with Jake creating a speaker, as everyone follows BMO's singing. This creates a hole in Golb's body which allows Finn, Simon, and Betty to escape. Betty decides to stay behind as she pushes Simon out with Finn. Betty puts on the Ice crown and wishes for Golb to go away. However, it doesn't work. Betty then wishes for Simon to always be safe.

Everything fades in color as Golb is being destroyed. Simon walks up to Golb which is now Betty. Simon cries as Marcelines comforts him. Gunter puts on the Ice crown and turns into Ice King 2.0. Finn comforts Fern as he continues to disintegrate. Fern gives Finn a seed before he fades from existence.

At their destroyed home Finn and Jake plant Fern's seed in the ground. Bubblegum comes to visit the boys the thanks to them for standing by her side and saving Ooo.

Flash to the future, BMO ends the story and tells Shermy and Beth to go home.

Finn and Jake lie down beside the music hole which sings the end theme song "come along with" as we see a montage of every character ever carrying on with their lives. This montage includes:

  • LSP becomes a queen
  • Lady Ranicorn, Jake, and the kids open up the investigation offices, where T.I is the investigator
  • Gunter marries Princess Turtle
  • Sweet P graduates from school as Tree Trunks and Pig watch
  • Colenol Candycorn spends time with Banana Guards and Rattleballs
  • Simon meets up with Prismo and Cosmic Owl
  • Bubblegum and Lolly spend time with Neddy
  • Jake paints a painting for Lemongrab who accepts
  • BMO and Banana Man test rockets
  • Flame Princess and NEPTR do some rap battles as Candy People such as Princess Cookie and Cupcake watch
  • Tiffany has more cybernetic implants and looks over a canyon
  • Jiggler gets a job
  • Colenol Candy, Donny, and other Candy citizens watch Crabbit Familiar perform on stage
  • Susan and Frieda find Lemonhope while exploring
  • Tree trunks bake an apple pie
  • Starchy, cookie, punch, and Dirt root beer guy are patrons at the Candy Kingdom bar
  • Normal Man becomes a King Man on Mars while looking at a picture of his late wife
  • The princess hang out together
  • Huntress Wizard meditates 
  • Bubblegum and Marceline spend time together along with Simon, Gunter, and the Princess Turtle
  • The dumbed down Peppermint Butler become his old self by reading on dark magic
  • Minerva [Finn's mother] and the other humans come to the mainland of Ooo and are greeted by Finn and Jake

The episode ends with Shermy and Beth going to the Fern grown tree where Shermy pulls the Finn Sword from the tree.

To start off, I absolutely love this episode and everything that went down. Going from the past five years to when Adventure Time was speculated to end this year, I was always curious to see what would happen, and how this show would close off all of the storylines which have been set up, and all that had yet to come. From that, this episode paid off nearly every storyline which has been developed, and it was great seeing closure on every single character in the show, from the major to the minor, it was all exciting to see characters I love but have not seen in a while make an appearance such as Shelby and Princess Cookie.

However, this episode strived from its development of the main characters and the plots that came with them.

Finn Mertens was an interesting character in this episode. The finale did not involve him too much considering this being the series finale, and how he is the main character. However, this is a large series arch. Finn has been a hero all his life, and it was time that to be the ultimate hero he had to think about all the consequences and not fight. That is what I liked about Finn stopping the Candy war.

Finn also had a great arch in the way that although he was not a part of the main plot, he still tried to help, and he always stood up. One of my favorite scenes in the episode was when Finn, Simon, and Betty were inside Glob. Finn giving his all to stop the room from shrinking, and stop their death. It showed his determination, and it showed how through all these years, Finn still tries to the very end to never give up.

Finn's counterpart, Fern had a brilliant arch in the episode. The Fern story was one that was interesting, as he realized that he does have a place, and he does have a purpose, even though his values are derived from Finn's. In having Fern feel like Finn, as evident by Fern's "fight to the end" attitude, Fern's death was made all the more emotional, as it felt like Finn was dying, and erased from existence. And from having frown attached to Finn, we could project him in Fern, which made the death all the more emotional.

Jake was a character who did not have too much to do in the finale. However, I loved the scenes he did get. I loved his adventure with Jermain in the dreamscape, it was a neat way to expand on Jakes loveable personality, and it was an awesome last way to see Jermain, who I love.
Jake's scene in the tree house was a great way to show his emotional side and struggles. The treehouse being destroyed was not only their house being destroyed, however, it was a sense of their memories, their brotherhood being destroyed, which is one of the last things which Jake would want.

One thing that I absolutely loved in the episode was Bubblegum's arch. The way her character developed and started to slow down to think rationally was great, as it almost has come full circle in her series arch. Bubblegum started off as a rational person, but when the threats of the Litch, Gunter, and the King of Ooo came along, she started to get a little short, and jump to conclusions to stop. But this episode, we saw Bubblegum jumping to the conclusion of going to destroy Gumbaldia, however, she stepped back and realized that working in harmony was better for everyone.

But one of the main things that happened to Bubblegum is her relationship development with Marceline, they finally kissed. There have been plenty of theories that the two were dating before, but now it is confirmed that the two are dating. That was something that I wanted to see and I am glad that it was done.

Marceline was an interesting character. I did feel like she was pushed aside, however, there was a pay off with her character. I enjoyed that she did find a relationship with Bubblegum, and that was something which was set up throughout the episode, especially with Marceline going super saiyan when Bubblegum was being attacked.

Simon was amazing in this episode. Seeing the way that Ice King was peeled back to Simon was a brilliant concept, and bought the more emotionally driven and vulnerable side to the character out. Simon is one of my favorite characters on the show from his mysterious origins, and ultimately the tragic story of the character, seeing himself become someone he's not [the Ice King] in doing something that he wanted [finding the Ice crown].

The character is someone that I wanted to see return, and he did in a meaningful way. I enjoyed seeing how Simon reunited with Betty after a long time. I believe that it was back in season 6 or 7 that the two were last seen together, so them reuniting was great. I did like how Maja got her three seconds of screen time before she exploded. But Simon and Betty had a neat story. I enjoyed Simon's speech to Finn when they were about to die "No one knows how it's going to happen, we just have to accept that it happens". When Simon was hugging Betty when that was happening, it showed that Simon was accepting fate, even after all that has happened, and he was enjoying the few moments he had with Betty.

Betty's character arc was one that fascinated me. I enjoyed how she eventually came to terms and knew what she had to do, and that was to protect Simon. The story of the two came full circle in which all they wanted to do was to harness the energy of Golb. Simon wanted it in general, whilst Betty wanted it to revert the Ice King back to Simon with the energy. Betty's sacrifice at the end of the episode was a brilliant way to end the character, especially as her one wish was for Simon to be safe.

I want to discuss the main villain of the finale, Golb. I love the idea that Golb is essentially the anti-Christ of Ooo. That is because of the line dating back to the first episode "Oh my Glob" referring to the God of Ooo "Glob" so rearranging the letters to have the villain be "Golb" was a brilliant idea. although the character was not developed a whole lot, it carried so much significance and meaning because of its name, its reference, and how it paints a bigger picture in terms of Ooo.

The montage at the end was brilliant. I loved seeing every character ever in the montage somewhere. "Everyone Is Here", well except Martin and Hunson. However, I was fine with that, there were a plethora of awesome characters in that montage who did not have involvement of the main story, such as Tree trunks, Shelby, Rattleballs, Prismo and Starch to name a few.

BMO as a link to the present and future was a great choice. I did like how the episode started off with this ambiguity, and that BMO acted mostly the same over the two time periods, however, there was this feeling of loss in BMO in the future, and that is because he most likely has witnessed all of his friends die over the past 1000 years.

Looking at the future which we saw at the beginning and end of the episode, it takes places around 1000 years from the finale. That is because, in one of the fable episodes, we saw a similar looking future which was a millennium in the future.
In the future, we know that BMO is alive because he is a robot, and from that, I would speculate that NEPTR is also still alive.

The only other characters that I would expect to be alive at this point is potentially Bubblegum and Marceline. That is because the two have lifespans of thousands of years. But that is assuming that neither of the two is killed at some point.

To interpret Shermy and Beth, I believe that they are reincarnations of Finn and Jake. The show has dived into reincarnation, and in the episode, we saw Finn manifest into his past life butterfly in the unconscious realm. Shermy resembles Finn, and Beth resembles Jake, in the way that she is most likely Jake's predecessor. However, I do have a theory which does twist this on its head. What if Finn is Beth reincarnated, and Jake is Shermy reincarnated. The only proof I have of this is that Beth pulled out the Finn sword from the Fern tree in the end. I feel like only a reincarnation of Finn could lift that sword because of the significance it holds with a Finn being inside at one point.

This whole episode was an excellent end to the beloved series, and it is all thanks to the creator of the show, the writers, and the cast. So here is the cast of the episode:
Jeremy Shada (Finn Mertens), John DiMaggio (Jake), Hyden Walch (Princess "Bonny" Bubblegum), Olivia Olson (Marceline), Tom Kenny (Ice King/ Simon Petrikov/ King Man), Felicia Day (Betty Grof), Niki Yang (BMO/ Lady Ranicorn), Tom Sharpling (Jermaine), Pendelton Ward (LSP, Shelby), Justin Roiland (Lemongrab), Jessica DiCicco (Flame Princess), Dee Bradley Baker (Duke of Nuts), Andy Milonakis (NEPTR), Jenny Slate (Huntress Wizard), Steve Little (Cinnamon Bun), Keith Ferguson (Colonel Candy Corn), Hayden Ezzy (Fern), Maria Bamford (Aunt Lolly), Fred Melamed (Gumbald), Bettie War (Poodle), Jill Talley (Maja), Steve Agee (Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant), Ashley Eriksson (Music Hole), Sean Giambrone (Shermy), and Willow Smith (Beth).

Overall, Pendelton Ward has created a brilliant tv series which appears as a simple kids show, however, has evolved into something brilliant, dealing with the themes of friendship, brotherhood, and harmony. "Come Along With Me" was an excellent way to conclude the finale of Adventure Time, as it bought in every character, every story tied with brilliant themes, tones, and stories to present and it was an exciting, algebraic, and mathematical way which I could not have thought of anything better series finale for a show which I have watched for the past eight years, and has had a huge impact on not only my life, however, thousands, if not, millions of others around the planet.

I will give the series finale of Adventure Time, the ultimate adventure, a 10/10.

What did you think of the series finale of Adventure Time, did you cry? what were your favorite scenes and characters? Let me know down in the comments section below, and let's start a discussion about all the exciting things which happened in the finale down in the comments.
 As always thanks for coming along with me and reading this review and all the other Adventure Time articles, but take care and continue "living so merrily"

