With 2017 coming to a close, let's evaluate and review the year that was 2017. At beginning of the year, I thought that life couldn't get worse than 2016, to that I was only slightly proven right. 2017 was still a really crappy year, one that is not my fondest, but there was some great stuff from movies and tv to video games, it was all really exciting. Television this year was astonishing. We had so many great shows on tv this year. Game of Thrones season 7 was so exciting, seeing the larger story unfold was amazing. Rick and Morty was big this year, with season 3. Although there was the whole Sechzun sauce fiasco, the show this year was great, and I loved doing episode reviews for the show each week. This year introduced a brand new show to us, that being, Riverdale. I was asked by some of you guys to review the show, I was going to watch the show regardless, but the support of the community got me invested into the show, and I am so glad I did.Stranger Things season ...