Television this year was astonishing. We had so many great shows on tv this year. Game of Thrones season 7 was so exciting, seeing the larger story unfold was amazing. Rick and Morty was big this year, with season 3. Although there was the whole Sechzun sauce fiasco, the show this year was great, and I loved doing episode reviews for the show each week. This year introduced a brand new show to us, that being, Riverdale. I was asked by some of you guys to review the show, I was going to watch the show regardless, but the support of the community got me invested into the show, and I am so glad I did.Stranger Things season 2 happened this year and it delivered on all the hype that the last season had. It was great revisiting this time period which was well polished and thought out.
Video games this year were so amazing, especially with Nintendo's new console, the Switch. This console bought us brand new games such as Zelda breath of the wild, one of the best Zelda games to ever come out, as well as another banger of Mario Odyssey, again, arguably the best Mario game to ever come out. Cuphead was also another amazing game which I loved. From the art style to the challenging levels, this game was something I really enjoyed.
In movies this year there were so many great films, such as Baby Driver, and IT. In terms of comic book movies, it was really awesome this year. Last year, the live action comic book movies were not so great, but this year, I thoroughly enjoyed all the films. I absolutely loved Wonder Woman this year, that was a huge success which was well deserved. We got a brand new Spiderman movie, which reinvented the character as a whole in new and exciting ways. And who can forget Logan. The masterpiece of the year. The film that is arguably the best film of the year, but the best superhero and comic book film of all time, it was absolutely amazing seeing Hugh Jackman close off his career as Wolverine, after 17 years.
There was a bunch of other stuff that happened in the year, most of which you can see in that banner above. That for me sums up 2017, the more or less basic of memes that happened this year, or more the death of some memes such as Pepe which is why Pepe is the in blue. In that banner, you can see stuff from earlier in the year such as "cash em outside" and all of that Jake Paul, Its everyday bro debacle. In that banner also is all 2017 stuff, so comment on all the stuff you could find.
Anyway, this does it for 2017 really. This was one hell of a year, and I hope that 2018 does not get any worse, but if it does, I know that there will still be some awesome stuff in the year which is what I will cover here. So thank you for supporting me throughout my second year of doing this, 2017, that does it, and happy new year, see you in 2018.
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