Star Wars the Last Jedi gave us a story on Finn, the ex-First Order Stormtrooper. In the film we saw Finn go on his own adventure with Rose and BB8 where we saw him follow through on the main lesson of the film, that being "failure" is an option. Spoilers ahead for the Last Jedi as we will discuss Finn and his journey in the film as well as his future.

In the Last Jedi, Finn wakes up from recovery after his fight with Kylo Ren. Finn immediately tries to escape but is caught by Rose, so Finn, Rose, and BB8 go on a mission as instructed by Poe to find a hacker on Canto Bight, then sneak onto the First Order Supremecy so they can shut down their hyperspace tracker on the Resistance. In their mission, things go awry as their hacker, DJ, turns on the team and Finn faces down with Captain Phasma before he, Rose, BB8 flee the Star Destroyer failing their mission. Finn goes to Crait to meet with the rest of the Resistance where he flies a ship to fight the First Order. Finn is about to sacrifice himself before Rose saves him as the two form a relationship. Luke Skywalker buys time for the Resistance to leave Crait as they are greeted by Rey and Finn with the Resistance leave on the Falcon.

Finn failing the mission contributes to the theme of failure, as that is the ultimate fate of each character's arch in the film. They all fail their mission, well except Luke. Finn's mission may have seemed pointless, however, it contributed to a theme of the film, one which was not illustrated clearly which is why people are annoyed at Finn's story, as it felt like it did not achieve anything/

In the film, Finn felt like a character that got the short end of the stick. There could have been a more interesting story for the character instead of what happened. What I wish happened is that with the First Order tracking, Finn, Rose, and BB8 go to Canto Bight, find DJ who is the hacker they are looking for. The four go to the Supremacy to shut down the tracker, however, they do not find a tracker. Instead, Finn, Rose, and BB8 are turned on by DJ who alerts the First Order of their presences as he does in the film. Finn and Rose are captured, with BB8 escaping. Finn and Rose are brought to Snoke who they learn is the thing that tracked the Resistance. Finn and Rose are taken away by General Hux and Captain Phasma for their execution.

When Rey is bought to Snoke by Kylo, Snoke would have said something like "I saw your friends early, I hope to destroy them, and their leader." That would refer to Leia, building up to Kylo's turn on Snoke, which would go the way it does.  The Resistance ship crashes into the Supremecy as Finn and Rose escape with the help of BB8, and they go to Crait as in the film. The only difference I would have here in the film is that Rose does not kiss Finn, but what happens at the end is that Finn kisses Rose on the forehead when she is injured, mirroring what happened to him at the end of the Force Awakens.

With this alternate story, Finn basically fails his mission like he does in the film, but his story is closely tied to the main story of the film, giving Snoke more of a purpose and making Finn feel more connected to the story. With this alternate story, a lot of the Canto Bight stuff could be narrowed down shortening the length of the film, which was a complaint I had with the film.

Anyway, John Boyega was great as Finn in the film, but the character felt a little under-serviced with his plot not feeling like it matters as the theme of failure in the film was not expressed, as well as his story being isolated from the interesting plots of the film. I hope that Finn is given a better story in Episode IX because this character can be so much more than this film gave him. Please comment on your thoughts on Finn in the Last Jedi down below. As always thanks for reading, take care.

