The new trailer for Avengers Infinity War is out and is awesome. We get a look at most of our heroes (still no Hawkeye), we learn the main synopsis of the film and we see the Avengers interact with the Guardians of the Galaxy. There is a lot to unload from this trailer, some things weird, some things cool, and some things interesting. So let's get on with the breakdown

The trailer opens up with an establishing shot of New York City. The first shot of characters features Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo), and War Machine (Don Cheadle). This shot takes place in Wakanda I am assuming, as seen by the floor and the detailing. In the shot they are looking up, I don’t think they are looking at any invasion, but something else, say Shuri performing removing the stone surgery on Vision. 

“To wipe out half the Universe. If he gets all the Infinity Stones, he can do it with a snap of his fingers.” Gamora (Zoe Saldana) says to Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.). The shots are split up, so we specifically do not see an Avenger on screen at the time times as a Guardian,  cause that is saved for the middle of the trailer. To start off from this the snapping of the fingers is what Thanos does in the Infinity Gauntlet story in 1992, where he wipes out half of the life in the universe with a click of his fingers. Many people believe that the film will end with this, Thanos snapping his finger, so in Avengers 4 we learn who has lived and who has been wiped from existence. But in this shot, we do see Tony on the Milano, which looks a little different from the inside. I do like the end of the scene, where Tony asks for his name again, “Thanos”. 

This next shot will be at the start of the film, as we see Thanos removing his armor, the armor that we haven’t seen in the previous trailers. We did learn that we would see Thanos flashbacks to him on Titan. That will make the character more empathetic, which will be the purpose of the flashbacks. But this shot is not one of those as Thanos wields the Gauntlet with the Power Stone. I believe that this happens on the Asgardian ship, he invades it with full armor, gets the Space Stone from Loki, and then starts to remove the armor having the power of two Infinity Stones.

I guess identity’s don’t matter when Thanos comes. We see Peter Parker (Tom Holland) suit up in his Spider-Man suit on the side of the school bus. This is when Thanos invades New York, Peter crawls out from the bus and heads into action. I have no idea as to when he will suit up in the Iron Spider suit, but it is before he gets into space. One question I wonder how many people will see Peter?

“We have one advantage, he’s coming to us...” Tony Stark is most likely saying this to someone like Doctor Strange on Earth during a battle, hence the tense tone. In the shot above we see the Extremis Iron Man armor at work. all the little bots form this leg thrust which helps Tony to fly faster, as he is chasing after Thanos’ ship who is leaving. We know that Spider-Man is on the ship, so it seems like Tony will give Peter the Iron Suit, os you know, he does suffocate in space. 

“...We have what Thanos wants, so that’s what we’ll use.” A reference to the Infinity Stones that the Avengers have is what we see. A shot of the Time Stone with Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), and a shot of Vision (Paul Bethany). Possessing the Mind Stone in his forehead. The shot shows a couple new things. First, Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) in a new suit, which looks a little redder. In this shot, we see Vision and Wanda in Wakanda, as seem by the green background. Here we will see Shuri remove the Mind Stone from Vision or at least attempt to.

Coming out of from the Avenjet into Wakanda is the Avengers. From front to back we see Captain America (Chris Evans), Black Widow, Bruce Banner, War Machine, Falcon (Anthony Mackie), Vision, and Scarlet Witch. The Avengers greet the royal body of Wakanda, as we see Captain America shake Black Panther’s (Chadwick Boseman) hand. In this shot, we did get a glimpse at Okoye (Dana Guriria), as well as the rest of the Dora Milaje. The Avengers comes to Wakanda to fight Thanos on the front lines, however most importantly to store Vision in a safe place so Shuri can attempt to remove the stone. In this shot, we see all the Avengers spill out of the Avenjet. You would expect someone like Black Widow or War Machine to pilot the jet, however, they are near the front, so I think that Hawkeye is potentially still in the pilot set of the Avenjet in this shot. I will talk about why he isn't been shown in the next couple days, separately.

In Wakanda, we find the heir to the throne, Shuri (Letitia Wright), who is holding a hologram of Vision. In the film, Shuri will be fixing another “broken white boy”, the Vision, by removing the Mind Stone. I have no idea how Shuri attempts to take out the Stone, even with all the Vibranium technology she has. In this shot, Shuri is wearing this new orange attire, I don’t think it is a safety shirt, just something different from the rest of her Wardrobe.

The Guardians of the Galaxy consisting of Gamora, Star-Lord (Chris Pratt), Drax (Dave Bautista), and Mantis (Pom Klementieff), walking off the Milano. In this scene with no Iron Man, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, I am guessing that the Guardians are going to check up on the Collector, possessor of the Reality Stone. In a leaked seen on YouTube, we do see Thanos asking the Collector where the stone is, while the Guardians attempt to stop Thanos.

Here is our first shot of the Guardians and Avengers on screen together. We see Star-Lord, Iron Man. Drax, and Spider-Man on the red planet of Titan, Thos’ home planet. From the comic con trailer, we know that Manntis is also in this shot. But in this shot, Star-Lord says to Tony 
“Let’s talk about this plan of yours. I think it’s good, but I think it sucks. So let me do the plan and in that way, it might be really good.” 
To which Tony responds with “wow.” I still can not get over seeing these characters on screen together. But this shot it seems like Star-Lord will be taking charge in the fight against Thanos as suggested by the conversation there.

This is where we see things escalate, we see all the Avengers alongside the forces of Wakanda preparing to fight Thanos and the Black Order, along with their army. We see the Hulk-buster, which is a new version of the suit from the version used in Age of Ultron. Looking at the characters in Wakanda, we know that Tony is not here, so it seems like Bruce Banner might pilot the suit. I do like how this shot looks with Falcon and War Machine flying over. 

“The end is near.” A mysterious voice says. I am assuming a member of the Black Order is saying this. But here we get a few shots of the side Guardians plot, finding Thor a new weapon. After a few shots of Thor’s cape, and Rocket Raccoon (Sean Gunn) we see Thor (Chris Hemsworth) in full glory, summoning lightning. I am guessing that the lightning will be used to power the forge to create the new weapon for Thor. I do like the shot of Groot, from where he couldn’t care less about what is going on, to be curious from all the lightning Thor is summoning.

This shot is on Titan, the home planet of Thanos, we see the ship of Thanos crashing dos. Through some structures. First of all, we get a full scope of the ruins of Titan. We know that the planet was destroyed by something and that Thanos wants the Infinity Stones to save his planet, but he has to wipe half of the life in the universe to make room for his? I am not too sure what Thanos’ full motivations are. The ship is coming to Titan for some reason, but following them is the combined Guardians and Avengers team which we saw on Titan earlier. 

Now, this is interesting. We see Gamora take Thanos hand and walk with him. In this shot, Thanos has his full armor, so this a flashback to when Thanos adopted Gamora and she became one of his children. The other big question here is who's flashback is this. This could be Gamora's, or Thanos' No one knows. But the planet looks interesting, from the way it looks and with the people in the back, this is Gamora's home planet as her species are seen being guarded off by Thanos' guards. So this is when Thanos stole? abducted? lured? Gamora to be his child. I think the full origins of Gamora and Nebula joining Thanos will be explained.

“When I’m done, half of humanity will still exist...” Thanos says. This shot right here was in the comic con trailer, Thor being crushed by Thanos.from this we can see the full strength of Thanos, making Thor scream; the only other time Thor has screamed was on Sakar when he was about to meet Jeff Goldblum. This scene will take place at the beginning of the film where Thanos invades the Asgardian ship, and he will wreck everyone including Thor. What I guess happens is that Thanos throws Thor across space, and thus he lands up with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Thanos is not alone, as the rest of the Black Order join Thanos on invading Asgard. Here we have Ebony Maw, Call Obsidian, Proxima Midnight, and Cull Obsidian round up Loki (Tom Hiddleston) who has the Tesseract. They are all looking up has presumably at Thanos. I am assuming not all of Asgard dies here, but some will survive. I don’t think that the Space Stone will be used to evacuate the Asgardian to Norway, I think that the ship will be piloted to Earth by Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) who appears to be knocked out on the ground in the bottom left corner. You can get a glimpse of her shining white armor covered by a blue colored cape.

This is an absolutely insane shot, Thanos crushes the Tesseract to turn it into a stone. I was wondering how half of these would fit into the Gauntlet as the stone form, and I guess this is the answer, however the Reality Stone (the Aether), is more of a gas, so does Thanos try scrunch that all up in a ball to put in the Gauntlet or ???

Absolutely every Avenger is here, alongside the forces of Wakanda. This looks awesome, Bucky loads his gun, Captain America deploys his shields, as everyone else gets ready. So it seems like Thanos’ army break through the force field that Wakanda has, and now everyone has to fight the army off. I do love seeing everyone in their different ready for battle posses. The Dora Milaje are ready for battle in a formal formation, next to the Avengers, and the Hulkbuster is there; it looks awesome. But this scene leads into that running scene with the Avengers, so between this and that, Bruce turns into the Hulk. After Black Panther, we know that M'Baku's tribe is helping in this fight, but I am not too sure about W'Kabi.

“...perfectly balanced...” Thanos continues his lime from before. In this scene, we see Doctor Strange making platforms for Star-Lord to step on in this battle. This is on Titan where we see the Guardians team face off against Thanos. I don’t think that Stephen Strange took the Time Stone to this fight, otherwise, he would have a clear advantage, and disadvantage, as he could use the power of the Time Stone to make baby Thanos, or Thanos could get the Stone from Strange and be one stone closer to universal domination.

Here is a shot of Scarlet Witch at night time. This is most likely at the beginning of the film where the Black Order tries to come after the Mind Stone in Vision’s head, so Scarlet Witch has the fend off the Black Order. Wakanda will get the help of Captain America, Black Widow, and Falcon to protect Vision before they go to Wakanda to remove the stone. In that operation, I am assuming Wanda will stay with Vision seeing as though she is not seen on the battlefield.

“... as all things should be,” Thanos concludes his line as we see a screaming Doctor Strange I paired with glass. This is crazy, weird, and cool. So it seems like in the begging of the film when Ebony Maw tries to take the Time Stone, he impalas Strange with either real glass, or magical spears, but the damage is undone with the use of the Time Stone. 

“I hope they remember you,” Thanos says to who I assume is Iron Man or Doctor Strange as he is planning to wipe them from existence. The trailer posses this more to Tony Stark, as he is the center of this universe. In the shot above it looks like everyone got their asses wrecked on Titan, as we see Iron Man hold the hand of a fallen Guardian in this scene. I am assuming this is Spider-Man. Tony is the one that got Peter in this mess and is the only person he has a connection to outside of this. The suit is completely destroyed, rip offed is the top half, so who knows how that happened without Tony getting decapitated. On this Titan battle, we have not seen Thor, Rocket, nor Groot participate. After creating the new weapon, they might show up here when they are needed the most. 

Captain America is fighting hard in the battle of Wakanda, but Thanos jumps from Titan to Earth as Captain Holds a punch from Thanos. To start off this is bad ass. We see Captain America hold his own against Thanos. But the way this is cut is misleading. Thanos jumps from Titan to fight Captain America on Earth, so this fight starts off differently. There are two options here:
A) Cull Obsidian is being masked over with Thanos, to make it more exciting. We know that Cull Obsidian will be in this battle, and we have not seen Thanos in Wakanda until now.
B) Thanos uses the Space Stone to get to Wakanda as he wants to get the last Infinity Stones on Earth himself. With Thanos coming to Earth I am sure we will see the Guardians fly over with Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Doctor Strange to stop Thanos. I also think Thor will come to Earth as well. But this looks freaking awesome and I would love it if Thanos used the Space Stone to jump across the universe the try punch Captain America.

After the logo, we see Doctor Strange and Peter Parker introduce themselves to each other. We then see a shot of Peter in the Iron Spider suit swinging around the ruins of Titan in their battle against Thanos. I do feel like they wanted to show off the Iron Spider legs of the suit, however, weren’t allowed to; save that for the actual film. But in this battle on Titan, those legs will be used. The trailers usually erase people or objects that are in the final cut of the film. 

In conclusion, this trailer for Avengers Infinity War is awesome. There is so much going on in every shot, and it is exciting to see all the new stuff in the trailer. There was a bunch of cool hints in the trailer. I do have to say my favorite part of the trailer was Star-Lord and Iron Man on screen together, I’ve been waiting four years for that. There was so much I missed from the trailer, so if you found something new and interesting, please comment below, I would like to hear all your thoughts and opinion on the trailer down in the comments section below. You can click on the left for more Infinity War and click on the right for Agents of SHIELD episode 100. As always thanks for reading, take care.

