Season 5 Episode 12:

Directed by Kevin Tancharoen, this episode of Agents of SHIELD marks the 100th episode in the series, so it is a milestone for any television show to reach. With a story which ties the previous 4 and a half seasons together, we see the culmination of all the shows events in this episode. Spoilers ahead, let's recap.

The episode opens up with a drone being flown into the explosion sight in the lighthouse bunker, where the monoliths where destroyed. It is discovered that there is a forest in the lighthouse, where Lash, A.K.A Calvin Zabo (Daisy's father) destroys the drone, not before the drone captures footage of a space-time rip. Mack and Simmons check up on Yoyo who is bedridden, however, is alive. Daisy and Deke to search for supplies when they are attacked by a Kree. Daisy takes down the Kree, however, it evaporates. Looking at the footage, Fitz theories that the rip is manifesting the team's fears and turning them into a reality. Fitz comes up with a plan. With remodifying Deke's gravity belt, he can create a device to shut down the rip, however, it may cause one of them to sacrifice themselves. Coulson tells the team that he will sacrifice himself. Daisy and May try to talk him out of doing so saying that everyone needs him. However, Coulson collapses the ground.

After being examined. Simmons reveals to the team that he has dead tissue. Coulson reveals to the team that "The real deal" with Ghost Rider was that to destroy the Dark Hold, Coulson had to pay the price of the Kree blood keeping him alive to be gone. As everyone's eyes start to water up, Daisy tells Coulson that he should have told them sooner, when they had a cure in 2091, like with Tess. Coulson tells Daisy that he did not want to go through being brought back to life again. In a private talk, Daisy tells Coulson that he has given her everything, a belief. Coulson tells Daisy that she needs to become the shield, and she needs to become the belief. Daisy tells Coulson that he is her belief, and he defines SHIELD. Coulson and Daisy reconcile and then hug.

Meanwhile, Yoyo wakes up from her sleep in her med bed. Simmons comes in a attempts to suffocate Yoyo with a pillow. Mack takes down Simmons discovering that it is an LMD. Simmons comes in and sees that the rip is creating even more fears. Ordered by Coulson, Deke goes to the outside world where he sees that the military is monitoring everywhere. Deke goes to a phone booth and puts in a number. At the police station, General Hale questions the police officer who believed that they saw Daisy. The police tell Hale that Daisy bailed out a man, so Hale and her crew do some DNA tests from Deke. Coulson has a talk with May and tells her that he did not want to get into an intimate relationship with her because he did not want her to worry when he passes. Coulson gets suited up and he is handed the device Fitz created to shut down the rip. Coulson and Fitz part ways as Coulson takes the elevator to the rip.

The team looks at the camera footage from Coulson when Coulson goes down to face the fears of everyone. Coulson comes across Mr. Peterson, A.K.A Deathlok. Coulson knows that Deathlok is a fragment of his imagination of his fear. Deathlok tells Coulson that he can end it all by activating the device. Deathlok goes on to tell Coulson that nothing happened. That all the events he has been through since "Loki" killed him have all been a mixture of his fantasies and his memories. There was no Inhumans, no man on fire, no Kree, no space portals, no framework, no robots, no time traveling, no love, no family, and no daughter. Deathlok tells Coulson that he is still on the table being operated on, in a failed surgery which is struggling to bring him back to life.  Up above, the team gets a transmission from another SHIELD team. Daisy and May go open up the Quinjet hanger and out of the Quinjet is a team of SHIELD agents, Deke, and the real Deathlok.

Back in down below, Coulson ignores the fear version of Deathlok and attempts to activate the device to stop the rip. However, the fear Deathlok knocks Coulson down, and then the real Deathlok comes along and destroys the fear version of himself, blowing it to dust. Coulson is helped up, as the two fight Lash, Hive, and the Kree dogs. Coulson activates the device, to shut down the rip as Deathlok protects Coulson. Getting up, Coulson, and Deathlok are both successful in shutting down the rip.

Taking an elevator down to the forest level, Deke brings along some Zima, as Coulson tidies up Fitz. The three walk out of the elevator to the forest level where we see Mack, Daisy, May, Davis Deathlok and other agents. Fitz walks over and finds Simmons in a dress. Coulson gathers everyone around to get Fitz and Simmons to give their vows to each other. Leo and Jemms put their rings on each other. Deathlok asks Deke where he got the rings, and Deke tells them that he found them around, one of which looks like the one his mother wore because it was her mothers. Hale gets results back from Deke, he has no DNA samples of himself, however, his DNA can be traced to Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons. Coulson announces Fitz and Simmons husband and wife. The episode ends with Deathlok asking Deke "who's side is one", to which Deke replies "I don't really know any of them."

Overall, this episode of Agents of SHIELD was amazing and was a great story for the 100th episode. I first have to comment on the title sequence of the episode. I know Arrow did a similar thing for its 100th episode, which was a mixture of all the previous title sequences. I loved seeing that done on Agents of SHIELD. The storyline with the rip was genius. We got a recollection of all the villains from the previous seasons, we saw Lash, which was awesome, we saw Hive, Kree, LMD's, and the fear version of Deathlok. The episode did a good job in displaying all the events that the show has been through. It was a creative way to have imminent threats rather than bringing everyone back to life or something. The action in that sense was exciting, and suspenseful because we have seen the capabilities of all of these villains before.

The episode's strong points were definitely in the character work. I loved the concept that Coulson's fear was him being told that this is all a dream inside his head. He is dying on the table, and he is going through all these events as a part of his fantasy and memories. It was an interesting concept to dive into because there was evidence from fear Deathlok to support this. The conversations that Coulson had in the episode was brilliant. I loved the conversation that Coulson had with the team telling them about his deal with Ghost Rider, his death, to stop the dark hold from existing. It was an excellent tie-in from the end of last season to the beginning of the series. When May and Coulson had the individual talk, it was great seeing how Coulson wanted to get intimate with May but didn't want her to be heartbroken when he died. Coulson and Daisy's talk was one of the best moments of the episode, we see the recap of the evolution of their relationship in the series. Skye at was lost, and Coulson saved her and became her belief. I did like the idea Daisy has nothing without Coulson, because he changed her life, from being the sad hacker Skye to the hero of Daisy. The episode called out the relationship between Coulson and Daisy, and that is the relationship between a father and daughter. It brings the show into a different light which was really sentimental to see, and you see how it is the core of the show.

The best scene of the episode was the ending, the Fiz and Simmons wedding. It was a heartwarming moment to end the episode, as it ended the large story that was the relationship between the two which had been hinted at since season one. The bigger reveal that was the reveal that Deke is their grandchild. This was an absolutely awesome reveal, tieing the character of Deke closer to the team. It will be interesting to see where this goes, and if they will ever reveal it. Deke is an interesting character now, and I am excited to see where this goes. I feel like this will be more of a season finale reveal to the characters on the team, because that is a very large reveal to drop.

Chloe Bennet was amazing in this episode as Skye, Mary Sue Potts, Daisy, Quake, Destroyer of Worlds. The character sold me in bringing the emotional performance in potentially saying goodbye to Coulson. The idea that the show centers around essentially a story about a daughter and her father were illustrated by Bennet's acting in the episode. Clarke Gregg was absolutely astonishing in the episode. The way that the character of Phil Coulson reacted to things said by fear Deathlok was great. The reacting to the idea that the show is a dream, and that his family of the Agents does not actually exist. I was excited to see J. August Richards return to the show for this episode as Deathlok. He is one of the founding characters of the show, defining it, and being one of the main selling points of the show, so it made sense, that one of the characters who appeared in the first episode returned in this episode. The rest of the cast in the episode was amazing in this episode, selling you on the situations that were going on. Starring in the episode we had Ming Na Wen (Melinda May), Iain De Caestecker (Leo Fitz), Elizabeth Henstridge (Jemma Simmons), Jeff Ward (Deke Shaw), Natalia Cordova-Buckley (Yoyo Rodriguez), Henry Simmons (Alphonso Mack), and Catherine Dent (General Hale).

In conclusion, this episode of Agents of SHIELD is one to remember, as the 100th episode ties stories from the past seasons together, all in a way as to which it does not feel forced. The character development in the episode was brilliant, and that is thanks to the acting talent of the cast. Along with amazing cinematography, lighting, and larger than life music, this episode was remarkably special. I will give this episode of Agents of SHIELD a 9.5 out of 10. I would like to hear your thoughts on the episode down in the comments below. You can click on the left for more Agents of SHIELD, and click on the right for Avengers Infinity War, and if you haven't already, subscribe. As always thanks for reading, take care.

