Season 3 Episode 17:

Hey everyone, we are back with a brand new episode of Legends of Tomorrow, directed by Ralph Hemecker, and this is the second to last episode of the season, as we close into the final stages of Mallus' plans, and we also meet a number of real-world people who help the Legends on their quest. Spoilers ahead for the episode, let's recap.

With Amaya gone to prevent the destruction of her village in 1992, Nate and Wally are sent after her. All the while the rest of the team go with Rip Hunter and Ava to stop Gorilla Grodd from killing Barrack Obama in 1979. In 79, Barrack, or at this time "Barry" is being chased by Grodd. Mick comes in to stop Grodd with his heat gun, while Ray shrinks down Grodd and places him in a jar. Meanwhile, in Zambesi, 1992, Nate and Wally find Amaya, and try to stop her from changing the timeline as it will free Mallus.  Erasing, Obama's memories of Grodd, Sara, and Rip are confronted by Damien Darhk, who wants the help of the Legends. On the Waverider, Damien fixes the anti-magic spell on himself attempted by the Legends. Damien tells the Legends that he does not want Mallus to be let free as it will kill his daughter, Nora, who is housing Mallus. Damien hands over the Water Totem to the Legends for their help.

Back in Zambasie, 92, Nate and Wally witness old Amaya in the ceremony of handing over the Spirit Totem to her daughter, who does not show up as told by her granddaughter, Kuassa. Seeing this, Nate and Wally talk to their Amaya who tells the two that she wanted this to happen. Wally tells Amaya that she is creating another flashpoint, however, Nate believes in Amaya's plan. Stressed out on the Waverider, Sara goes to speak to Obama, as he provides Sara advice that maybe she and the Legends are the only things that can stop Mallus. Erasing the future president's memory, Sara heads back to the Waverider to put her desire to kill Damien aside so the team can come up with a plan. Listening to Mick watch Lord of the Rings, the team finds an actor that sounds like Mallus, so using recorded dialogue, the team can manipulate Mallus. 1999, New Zealand, Ray goes on the set of Lord of the Rings where he meets John Noble, as he gets Noble to record some lines as Mallus to manipulate Nora.

In Zambesi, young Amaya goes to speak to her daughter, Esi, where she tells her that she needs to confront her destiny of the Spirit Totem. Being inspired, Esi decides to gain the Spirit Totem. Meanwhile, Nate has a conversation with old Amaya as she has no memory of Nate. Back in their lair, Damien shows up to confront his daughter. Ray shrinks down and flies into Nora's air where he starts to play the recorded Noble lines, persuading Nora to go to the Waverider. On the Waverider, Nora/Mallus is trapped in a magic cage. Ava talks to Rip as she confronts him about her being a clone. Rip tells Ava that she is the twelfth clone, but she is a clone because she is so perfect. Damien has a conversation with Sara where he tells her that if she could, he would take back everything, killing Laurel. That is because he never felt the pain of losing someone, and that is because he never felt love. Damien tells Sara that she never killed her team with the Death Totem because she loves her team, and love is the only thing that can keep people like Sara and Damien from keeping sane.

In Zambesi, old Amaya hands Esi the Spirit Totem, as young Amaya and Nate watch. On the Waverider, the Wally tells the team what happened with Nate and Amaya. Not finding any loopholes in the timeline, Zari finds no way of saving Zambasei. The team learns that they will use the broken timeline to free Mallus then kill him. Ava leaves saying bye to Sara. On the Waverider the full team assembles with the six Totems. Zari wields the Air Totem, Amaya to Spirit, Mick the Fire,  Damien wields the Death Totem, Nate the Earth Totem, and Ray the Water Totem. Taking Nora/Mallus down to Zambesi, 92, in the enchanted trap. the Legends wait for Esi to fight off the warlords. Esi does successfully, however, Grodd shows up. Damien tells the team that he let Grodd free to keep the timeline intact. Amaya tries to save her daughter, however, is knocked down by Damien. Nate goes after her while Wally is chocked by Damien, who takes down the rest of the team. Using the Earth Totem, Nate takes down Grodd. Nora/ Mallus escapes and starts to turn into its true form. Seeing the horror, the team and Damien see their villain, Mallus take its true form, destroying the form of Nora, as we see Mallus ascend above the team.

Overall, this episode of Legends of Tomorrow was one of the most insane episodes in the series, as we see the suspense built up. I like how in the episode we split off into two parts of the episode, one in Zambesi and one on the Waverider, however by the end of the episode it all wrapped up in one story. In the first plot with Nora, it was interesting seeing the humanity of Damien, I will get into that later. In the plot, we saw Obama which was great. This role was announced last year, so it is awesome to see the former president in his younger years on screen. There were some great scenes with the character, some on the nose, but he was placed into the plot in a way which wasn't forced, however still helped develop the story.

Ray Palmer got a larger role in this episode, and it was great seeing him being integrated more into this main story as we saw his relationship with Nora teased in all the sex jokes possible. I do love the way that John Noble was in the episode. If you do not know he voices Mallus on the show, so it was awesome seeing him in the show as himself, on the set of the Fellowship of the Rings, as we saw the actor in the show, record lines for the character he voices in the show. It got very meta this episode.

The best scene in the episode was that ending where we saw Mallus take his true form and everyone freak out. Mallus looks like a more fantasy looking Steppenwolf, however, more developed. The reveal of Mallus was something that we have all been looking forward to for a while, so it was awesome seeing the reveal be seen. The look of Mallus is what most of us would have expected. A giant monster with wings, and horns. The CG of the character looks mostly good. I mean, it could look a little more polished, however, its fine for the show. I am looking forward as to what the character is going to do in his true form next episode.

The stand out character of the episode was Neal McDonough as Damien Darhk. In exploring the character's humanity we saw a side to the character which Arrow season four failed to do. This side of the character places his motivations now in a more clear position. With the psychology of the character being shown in the episode, we see Damien become more of a protagonist, which is neat seeing as the villain is very much the closest to him. The acting from McDonough shows the feelings of the character at a deeper level, making for a more likable protagonist side to the character.

The rest of the cast of the episode was awesome. Everyone played their role in a manner where I was sold that these characters were in these scenario's, immersing me in the episode more. Starring in the episode we had Brandon Routh (Ray/ the Atom), Caity Lotz (Sara/ White Canary),  Nick Zano (Nate/ Steel), Keiynan Lonsdale (Wally/ Kid Flash), Maisie Richardson-Sellers (Amaya/ Vixen), Arthur Darvill (Rip Hunter), Jes Macallan (Ava Sharpe), Tala Ashe (Zari Tomaz), Dominic Purcell (Mick/ Heatwave), Amy Louise Pemberton (Gideon), Courtney Ford (Nora Darhk), John Nobel (himself/ Mallus [voice]), David Sobolov (Grodd [voice]), and Lovell Adams-Gray (Barrack "Barry" Obama).

In conclusion, this episode of Legends of Tomorrow was one an exciting one, with two simultaneous plots combining into a singular story at the end of the episode, we also saw some awesome characters in the episode such as John Noble himself and also young Obama. I will give this episode of Legends of Tomorrow an 8.75 out of 10. I would like to hear your thoughts on the episode down in the comments below, like what were your favorite scenes and characters?
The season finale of the show is next week as long with the season finale of Black Lightning next week, but don't worry, all the shows were renewed for another season, so Legends season four hype in the comments below. You can click on the left for more DCTV and on the right for Infinity War. As always thanks for reading, take care.

