With 2018 here let's go over and see what awaits on this year's anticipation train of all the films that have us hyped for their release this year. This is my personal opinion, share your most anticipated films of 2018 in the comments below and this is in order, with number one the film I am the most excited about of the year. So without further ado, let's get started.

10. Ant-Man And The Wasp

Release date: July 6, 2018
Read more: Ant-Man and the Wasp, Marvel
In tenth place is Ant-Man and the Wasp. The character of Ant-Man has evolved over the past three years since his cinematic debut, and I am excited not only to see Paul Rudd return to the role, however, to see the Wasp, the longtime Avengers member to get her cinematic debut in this film.

9. A Wrinkle in Time

Release date: March 9, 2018
Read more: Disney
The Wrinkle of Time is a film which I have not heard of, but when the trailer was released in 2017 my interest was peaked. The film has an epic cast an seems to have an interesting story with neat concepts. The visuals in the film look amazing and this film should be a classic for Disney.

8. Tomb Raider

Release date: March 16, 2018
Read more: Tomb Raider
Video game films do not have the best track record. One of the last Video game films I was excited about was the Assasin Creed film, but that did not do too well. Tomb Raider seems like it could be an awesome film, capturing an Indiana Jones-esque vibe and telling a great story about Lara Croft is something I am excited about. So cross your fingers for the new Tomb Raider film coming this year.

7. Ready Player One

Release date: March 30, 2018
The legend himself, Steven Spielberg is directing a film this year, that being the film adapted from the novel of the same name, Ready Player One. The story of the film is relatively simple, however from the trailers, this film is a collision of easter eggs from everywhere, from the Iron Giant in the film to having Tracer from Overwatch. A film which combines cool characters and a legendary director is sure to be a hit.

6. Black Panther

Release date: February 16, 2018
Read more: Black Panther, Marvel
Chadwick Boseman debuted as Black Panther in Captain America Civil War, but this time we get to see the hero in his own solo film. Black Panther is such an awesome character and it is great to see the character take the center stage in his own solo film early this year. With a talented cast, this film has everyone hyped and peaked with curiosity.

5. Pacific Rim Uprising

Release date: March 23, 2018
In the middle of the list is the sequel to the 2013 blockbuster hit for everyone's inner kid, that being the Pacific Rim sequel. Pacific Rim Uprising seems to have an interesting plot and having the Jaegers and the Kaiju duke it on screen once again.

4. Deadpool The Second Coming

Release date: June 1, 2018
Read More:  Deadpool The Second Coming
The first Deadpool film was a huge success for Fox, so why would there not be a sequel. The first film developed Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool and mastered the personality of the character. The sequel shows that the film should live up to the first one going deeper in Deadpool comics with the introduction of Cable and Domino in the film.

3. The Incredibles 2

Release date: June 15, 2018
Read more: Pixar, Disney
14 years ago, Pixar brought to us the best family superhero film, before any cinematic universe was launched, and this year we are getting a sequel. The Incredibles are back this year guys and it has been so long, but this Pixar film seems like it will be the sequel we deserve. I am super hyped for the film to release and to see, not the first, but the best Superhero family on screen once again.

2. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Release date: June 22, 2018
Read more: Fallen Kingdom
Taking second place is the Jurassic World sequel, the Fallen Kingdom. This film sees the continuation of the franchise, picking up with the plots laid down by its predecessor which will be interesting to see develop. With a brilliant cast and director, this film is sure to be a hit, thus being near the top of the list.

1. Avengers Infinity War

Release date: May 4, 2018
Read more: Infinity War, Marvel
Six years ago I watched the Avengers, it was a film that basically changed my life, this film was my introduction to really looking into comics. Now the looking back it is insane to see how far the MCU has come, Infinity War is the film that I have been hyped about for the past half a dozen years, from when Thanos showed up at the end of the Avengers to when the film was announced back in 2014. 2018 is finally the year we see the past 10 years of the MCU come together into one film, and I am so excited.

So that does it for this list, again this is my own personal list, there are plenty of other films that I am excited about such as Aquaman and Rampage, but I just wanted to keep this kind of short. Please list your most anticipated films for the year down in the comments below. I will try to review all these films when they come out, and I sure as hell will cover as much of the news about them as possible. As always thanks for reading, take care.

