Season 3 Episode 11:

Back for week two, with a brand new review on the latest Supergirl episode where we see Supergirl make a Suicide Squad type team. So spoilers ahead for this episode of Supergirl, let's recap.

Wanting to get more information on Reign, Kara Danvers learns that  Kryptonian her mother locked up, Jindah Jol Rozz has information on Reign and her objective. Kara learns from the DEO that Jindah is in Fort Rozz which is orbiting a blue sun. With the area being poisonous to the Y-chromosome, and Kara not having her powers, Kara Danvers gathers a team of enhanced females to go to the prison. Supergirl recruits Leslie Willis, the Livewire, and Gayle Marsh, Psi. Kara, Irma, Livewire, and Psi take the Legion ship and fly to Fort Rozz.

Meanwhile, broken foot Alex is taking care of Ruby for Sam, as she is doing some business, however, we learn that the Reign came out from inside her and Reing was called by dark Kryptonian to go to Fort Rozz to stop Supergirl from getting intel on her.
On Fort Rozz, the team finds some dead bodies of prisoners, and then they are attacked by a Rozz prisoner. Psi freaks out and accidentally gives Irma a fear shock, but then Livewire uses her powers to take down the prisoner. The team experiences a solar flare from the blue star, losing communication from Brainiac-5 and Winn at the DEO. Irma and Psi stay on the Legion ship to re-establish communication while Kara and Livewire go out to seek Jindah.

Kara and Livewire go down a corridor and then they are attacked by some dementor like creatures. Kara gets knocked down as she has no powers, so Livewire has to save Kara, throwing the Dementors out into space. Back on Earth, Brainiac-5 tries to find a solution to get communication back to the Legion ship with what he considers primitive technology.

On Fort Rozz, Kara and Livewire meet Jindah who tells the two about the otherworld killers. Reign shows up and kills Jindah to stop information from leaking to Supergirl. Reign tells Kara that her powers are not dependent on the sun. Without her powers, Kara tries to talk to Reign, however, she starts attacking. Livewire then has a battle with Reing, wanting to kill her to avenge her fellow criminal friends who Reign has killed. Winn uses some old technology to reestablish communication with the Legion ship. Learning that Reign is on the Fort, Psi rushes to the fight. Lightning versus heat vision. Reign knocks down Leslie. Psi then gives Reign a nightmare where she sees Ruby is trouble.

Leslie is on the ground with Supergirl by her aid. Leslie tells Kara that she turned her outlook around and she is thankful, and then Leslie takes her final breath and dies. Reign is in a confused state and flies away. Back at the DEO, Irma hugs Mon, Psi gets an upgraded cell and Kara and Mon have a talk as he tells her that she turned was a hero in turning Leslie's from a bad person to a good one.

Sam goes to pick up Ruby from Alex's place where she learns that she missed a lot of phone calls and business stuff, and she looked back on the day and learns she blacked out. The episode ends with a woman surviving being crushed by a car, and then throwing the car away.

Overall, this episode was a relatively good episode. The plot on Fort Rozz was really exciting and it showed the dynamic between Supergirl and Livewire. Having of not visited the set of Fort Rozz since the season one finale it was great seeing how the placed has changed, and how it has fallen to a desolate state which created for some suspense, such as the dementor scene, they came out of nowhere. I wish in the episode we got more unexpected twist and attacks. The second plot regarding Alex felt kind of pointless. I get where they were going, but even the set up was kind of weak. There has not been much of an established relationship between Alex and Sam, not enough for Sam to leave her kid at Alex's place.

But the death of the death of the episode. Leslie Willis, Livewire in the episode was a mostly great way to send off the character, there could have been more pay off. I wish that in the episode we saw Livewire mourn the death of a fellow criminal friend that was killed by Reign, that would have given the character a more emotional payoff in losing the fight. But overall, for what it was, the death was handled relatively well, and it was cool that we saw the character in some bad ass scenes before she passed.

The cast of the episode was great, we, of course, had Brit Morgan return as Livewire for the last time. She was fun in the episode and is the definition of a villain that matches the tone of the tv show. Also starring in the episode we had Melissa Benoist (Kara Danvers/ Supergirl), Amy Jackson (Irma/ Saturn Girl), Yael Grobglas (Gayle/ Psi), Chris Wood (Mon-El), Jeremy Jordan (Winn Schott), Jesse Rath (Brainiac-5), David Harewood (J'onn/ Martian Manhunter),Chyler Leigh (Alex Danvers), Emma Tremblay (Ruby Arias), and Odette Annable (Sam Arias/ Reign).

In conclusion, this episode of Supergirl was an interesting one, it had a really awesome plot on Fort Rozz, although it could have handled it a little better with the setup, the conclusion to that story was overall fulfilling. The side plot of the episode was useless and took away from what could have been set up for a better sending off of the Livewire character. I will give this episode of Supergirl an 8 out of 10. I would like to hear your thoughts on this episode of Supergirl down in the comments below. You can click on the left for the review of last week's Black Lightning review and click on the right for the schedule changes with Supergirl in a couple weeks. As always thanks for reading, take care.

