Season 4 Episode 9:

Hey, everyone, it is time for the recap and review of the mid-season finale of the Flash season 4, where we see some awesome plots with the Flash himself and Killer Frost along with such an incredible ending which I will get into later on. So spoilers ahead for the episode, let's recap.

The episode opens in STAR Labs where Cisco and Harry are placing some Christmas decorations. Caitlin walks in and Cisco, Harry, and Ralph reference an inside joke which they had with Killer Frost, and Ralph accidentally tells Caitlin that he prefers Killer Frost.

Meanwhile, Barry and Iris are at their apartment unwrapping their wedding gifts. Clifford DeVoe is in his house where he loses control of his arms and his wife, Marlize helps him. That night, Caitlin goes to Jitters where Harry meets her and tells her that he and the rest of the team prefer Caitlin over Killer Frost. Amunet Black then breaks into Jitters. Harry attempts to stop her however fails, and Amunet captures Caitlin and takes her away.

While that went down Barry and Iris are walking in Central City but then they are attacked by DeVoe, the Thinker in his chair. Barry is zapped and taken away by DeVoe. Iris rushes back to STAR Labs to tell the team as Harry also tells the team about Caitlin being abducted. The team uses all their resources to track both Barry and Caitlin. Cisco attempts to vibe Barry, however, gets a headache from even attempting to do so.

We see that Amunet took Caitlin to an abandoned hospital where Amunet tells Caitlin that she needs her medical skills to save the life of a Meta-Human, Dominic who Amunet got some metal stuck in his neck. Caitlin uses the limited resources she has to save Dominic who she finds out is a telepath. Caitlin and Dominic first attempt to escape however they are caught and Amunet and Caitlin is forced to work on fixing Dominic so Amunet can sell him.

Barry finds himself in the Thinkers lair. He is stuck in a holographic cell which renders his powers useless. Joe and Harry visit DeVoe at his house and confront him of taking Barry, however, the two find zero evidence. Barry has a talk with the Mechanic and tells her that she can walk away from all this mess.

At STAR Labs Cisco and Ralph have a fight and Harry tells Iris that she needs to make a decision what to devote their resources to, finding Caitlin or finding Barry. Cisco and Ralph apologize to each other as Iris chooses to save Caitlin. Cisco and Ralph gear up to save Caitlin who they have tacked down. Meanwhile, Caitlin saves Dominic from the metal in his neck. Caitlin puts on some gas which makes Amunet and her guards drowsy so she and Dominic can escape. Amunet wakes up and chases after that two. outside Ralph saves Caitlin and Dominic as Cisco takes down Amunet and teleports the team home.

Meanwhile, Barry has a talk with DeVoe and starts to fight him, where DeVoe teleports out of his lair and into the sky of Central City with Barry. Barry holds onto the chair as DeVoe attempts to fight   Barry. Barry uses his phasing technique to get DeVoe to attack himself. He does so and Barry crashes into the water safely with the emergency floating device while DeVoe crashes and burns in water.

Barry goes back to STAR Labs where he sees the team who are thankful for his return. The team has a party at Joe's house where Ralph put up all the decorations and dressed up as Santa. Caitlin also invited Dominic, and Cisco dubs him as "Brain Storm", Cisco also gets a special gift Gypsy. Barry gets an alert of the security alarm going off in his and Iris' apartment so he races over there.

At the house, Barry gets a call from DeVoe who tells Barry that he is inside Dominic's body and his mind is still alive and that he will not go after Barry's friends, but Barry himself. We get a small flashback scene of Dominic captured y Amunet and then he is taken by Amunet to the Thinker where DeVoe places his mind in Dominic, which left his original body to die. DeVoe then tells Barry that he has a gift under his Christmas tree for him. We then see DeVoe in Dominic's body leave the party and meet with Marlize. Barry then checks under his Christmas tree where he finds the dead body of Clifford DeVoe. Barry uses advice he got from Iris a little earlier and is "don't run". The police bust in Barry's apartment and arrest him for the murder of Clifford DeVoe.

Overall this episode was a brilliant episode which got on the edge of my seat especially in that last minute and a half, which I will talk about in a second. The episode as a whole had great storylines with both Caitlin and Barry. The Caitlin storyline was interesting. I liked seeing Caitlin in the spotlight in a storyline which did not focus heavily on her Killer Frost alter ego, but instead how Caitlin is as a person and her reactions to the crazy situations she was put in. I also liked the development of Caitlin's relationship with the team, especially with Killer Frost around, it made for some neat perspective views of the characters on Caitlin and Killer Frost. But The Caitlin storyline is definitely one that will continue in the season and will most likely link with the main storyline as we now know that Amunet Black is working with the Thinker. So I am very excited to see Caitlin get her own villain when it comes down to the finale.

The ending of the episode, wow. That was insane, Barry Allen being arrested for the murder of Clifford DeVoe. So if you have no clue what was going on, DeVoe transferred his mind into Dominic, and then he murdered his old body framing Barry for the murder. So this story is taken from the comics with a twist. That story being the "Trial of the Flash", in that comic we have the Flash on trial for the murder of the Reverse Flash. The tv show is doing a similar thing but instead of the Reverse Flash, we have the murder of the Thinker. The show has been foreshadowing this storyline for a while in season one and in the premiere of season four where Barry said in his crazy state "no, I'm innocent." So the show has definitely been building up to this comic story for a while and this is the time it will be paid off, the trail of the Flash will be the next storyline in the Flash, and what an awesome way to pull it off, with a fake murder done by the smartest man alive.

Grant Gustin was great in the episode of the Flash, definitely one that killed it in the episode. I liked how the character was portrayed in this tight situation where he had his hands tied, and with Grant's performance in the episode and prior episodes, I am excited to see Grant play a jailed Barry Allen. Danielle Panabaker was absolutely amazing as Caitlin in the episode. She bought an amazing acting talent in the episode playing the helpless side of herself who took control. I was definitely pleased with her storyline. The rest of the cast in the episode also was great in the episode, I honestly can not find many flaws in anyone's acting, everybody portrayed the characters in the best way possible regarding the situations that the characters were placed in. Staring in the episode we had Candice Patton (Iris West), Jesse L. Martin (Joe West), Carlos Valdes (Cisco Ramone), Tom Cavanagh (Harrison Wells), Hartley Sawyer (Ralph Dibny), Katee Sackhoff (Amunet Black), Kendrick Sampson (Dominic/ Brainstorm), Kim Engelbrecht (The Mechanic), and Neil Sandilands (Clifford DeVoe/the Thinker).

In conclusion this episode of the Flash was a brilliantly crafted episode, however, there were a few flaws, with the set up with the ending and some of the expected CG scenes. But the acting and story of the episode were great in the episode and served as an epic mid-season finale to season four of the Flash. I will give this episode a 9 out of 10. What was your favorite scene in the episode? Please, let me know by dropping a comment down below. Click on the left for last week's Flash review and click on the right for the Supergirl mid-season finale review. As always thank you so much for reading, take care.





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