Hey everyone, in Infinity War we saw Zoe Saldana return to the be the green hero, Gamora, as she faces what everything in her life has been leading up to, her father, Thanos. Spoilers ahead for Avengers Infinity War, as we will be discussing the role of Gamora in Infinity War, and also her role in Avengers 4. Once again, spoilers ahead.

In the film, Gamora is with the Guardians who are going to a distress call from the Asgardian ship, which has been destroyed. Finding Thor floating around in space, the Guardians bring him in as he tells the Guardians that Thanos has two of the six Infinity Stones. Having a secret, Gamora tells Star-Lord to swear on his mother's life, that if Thanos takes Gamora he must kill her. Gamora, Star-Lord, Mantis, and Drax go to the Collector's room to find out that Thanos has the Reality Stone. Thanos takes Gamora as he shows her Nebula being tortured. Not wanting to see her stepsister in pain, Gamora agrees to take Thanos to get the Soul Stone, where only she knows the location of.

In a flashback, we see a young Gamora on her home planet, "Zen-Whoberi" which is under purge by Thanos and his forces. With her mother taken away, Gamora is stopped by Thanos as he gives her a balancing knife, which she plays with as half of her people are killed.

Thanos takes Gamora to "Vormir" where the Soul Stone resides. The Father and daughter are greeted by the Red Skull who tells Thanos that the only way to get the stone is to sacrifice the one thing he loves. Thanos drops Gamora off a cliff, killing her, as Thanos receives the stone, adding it to the collection.
Thanos snaps his fingers with all six Infinity Stones in his gauntlet, Thanos has a vision of young Gamora where she asks Thanos "How much did it cost?"

Gamora was one of the most pivotal characters in the film, arguably the most pivotal hero. In Guardians vol. 2 we saw Star-Lord fight his father, so it was neat seeing a parallel of that in this with Gamora fighting her father. But getting into Infinity War, Gamora's death was something I did not see coming. I thought that she would be a character that would live through to Avengers four, and be a part of the surviving characters. However her death was pivotal in the film, and it humanized Thanos a little more, as it shows how he did care about Gamora, enough for him to get the Soul Stone.
With that scene at the end, we saw young Gamora in the orange world. It seems like Gamora could potentially be in the Soul World. That is a world which is in the Soul World. It would be an interesting concept to explore, especially if Gamora and the half of the dead universe are in the Soul Stone.

Moving into Avengers 4, Gamora will be absent for the most part. However, Gamora could potentially be brought back. If Gamora did have to come back, I would say, that Star-Lord could trade the Soul Stone for Gamora's life. Personally, if Gamora stays dead, or is brought back, I wouldn't mind.

In conclusion, Zoe Saldana was amazing as Gamora. Saldana's performance was brilliant in the film as we saw this new side to the character as she was handling this issue at a much more personal level compared to any other character, and Saldana's acting made this side to the film much more compelling.
What did you think of Gamora in Infinity War? Comment below your thoughts on the character down below. You can click on the left for more Infinity War, or on the right for more Marvel, and if you haven't already, subscribe. As always thanks for reading, take care.


