Season 5 Episode 17: Hey everyone, we are back with a brand new episode of the Flash, directed by Rob Greenlea, and in this episode we see Nora and Eobard's plan go haywire when the new Cicada comes to Central City, as Nora jeopardizes the relationships and trust she had with has with her family. The episode opens in 2049 where Eobard tells Nora that she needs to tell Barry about their dealings as he will know how to sort out the problem of the new Cicada. Back in present day, the team is researching how a new Cicada has emerged. The team discovers that Eobard's time sphere was stolen by the new Cicada in the future and bought back to the present day. After some investigating, Cisco breaches an ATM and finds out that Grace's parents were killed in a Meta-human accident, as they believe that Grace in the future is the new Cicada who wants revenge. The team tracks down Grace's parents killer as they discover that the woman who killed them, Vickie Bolen, did it o...