Season 5 Episode 17:

Hey everyone, we are back with a brand new episode of the Flash, directed by Rob Greenlea, and in this episode we see Nora and Eobard's plan go haywire when the new Cicada comes to Central City, as Nora jeopardizes the relationships and trust she had with has with her family.

The episode opens in 2049 where Eobard tells Nora that she needs to tell Barry about their dealings as he will know how to sort out the problem of the new Cicada.
Back in present day, the team is researching how a new Cicada has emerged. The team discovers that Eobard's time sphere was stolen by the new Cicada in the future and bought back to the present day. After some investigating, Cisco breaches an ATM and finds out that Grace's parents were killed in a Meta-human accident, as they believe that Grace in the future is the new Cicada who wants revenge.

The team tracks down Grace's parents killer as they discover that the woman who killed them, Vickie Bolen, did it on accident. Barry, Nora, and Joe visit Vickie and save her from danger when the new Cicada shows up. Vickie's daughter is injured, and she uses her powers, as Grace leaves. Meanwhile, Ralph tries to get Cisco to tell Camila about his Vibe life, and Sherloque is investigating who told Nora to come back to the past, as he gets closer to finding out that it is Eobard Thawn.

At the hospital, Vickie has an argument with her husband about not telling her family about her powers, as Nora listens and relates to why Vickie didn't do so with her own situation. Cicada shows up at the hospital and throws her dagger into the hospital, forcing Barry and Nora to quickly save the Bolens. Nora runs with Vickie with the dagger chasing them, so Cisco breaches the two to safety. Barry goes to confront Cicada outside as Orlin shows up to also stop his future niece. Grace has her dagger fly back to her she stabs Orlin, killing her uncle, as she runs away and Barry cradles his once enemy in his arms.

Back at STAR Labs, the Bolen family is under Argus custody, the team is down that Orlin is dead and they haven't caught their new Cicada. After the Bolen encounter, Nora realizes that she needs to come clean about her workings with the Reverse Flash with the whole team. With everyone gathered around Nora is about to say something, however, Sherloque comes in and tells the team about his investigation, and that Nora coming back in time wasn't her idea. Shorloque tells the team that Nora was told to come back in time by "Eobard Thawn the Reverse Flash." Nora confirms that she is working with Eobard, and with a tear in his eye, Barry throws Nora in a Meta-cell as she apologizes for lying as Barry says "so am I."

What this episode was leading up to was the team finding out that Nora was working with the Reverse Flash. The two and a half minutes we saw of that at the end of the episode was intense and made for a great break in the team dynamic that we have seen in the past season. The allegory played with the Bolen family in the A plot was a little on the nose and I did feel like it was stretched out for the sake of incorporating the new Cicada character. I do wish that the A-plot took a back seat to the plot of Sherloque investigating Nora and more suspense was created that way, which would have lead to a better build up at the end of the episode and a more defined episode overall.
The last scene of the episode was definitely the stand out from the episode, and my personal favorite The scene carried so much emotion and has been set up extremely intricately over the past one and a half years on these shows.

The Cicada plot was for the most part interesting. I did feel like it did drag a little bit in the episode, and a few parts could have been cut in lieu of the Sherloque plot. I did like the way that the team investigated the new Cicada and that being Grace, however, the encounters did feel a little like filler. At the beginning of the episode, I did like how the team came across the time sphere and realizing that it was stolen in the future. Cisco investigating Grace's origin story was also an interesting part of the episode and created for an interesting way to set up the motivations of the new Cicada coming back in the present day to get revenge. Orlin being killed off in the episode

Tom Cavanagh was brilliant in the episode. I enjoyed his performance as Eobard rather than Sherloque, that's also just my perception of the characters as well. However, I would have liked to have seen an expansion of the Sherloque plot and seen that character go over his bread and butter in the episode.
Jessica Kennedy Parker played the character of Nora in an interesting way, especially at the end there. The nervousness in her performance was amazing and really heightened the suspense in the episode.
Starring in the episode we had Grant Gustin (Barry Allen/ The Flash), Jessica Kennedy Parker (Nora West-Allen/ XS), Candice Patton (Iris West-Allen), Jesse L. Martin (Joe West),  Danielle Nicolet (Cecile Horton), Carlos Valdes (Cisco Ramone/ Vibe), Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin Snow/ Killer Frost), Tom Cavanaugh (Sherloque Wells), Catherine Lough Haggquist (Vickie Bolen), Chris Klein (Orlin Dwyer), and Sarah Carter (Grace Gibbons/ Cicada).

In conclusion, "Time Bomb" as an episode doesn't offer too much excitement, or at least as much as it could have. The interesting parts of the episode were great, such as the investigation into finding out that future Grace is the new Cicada, and also the big 'time bomb' which was dropped on the team at the end of the episode. I will give this episode an 8 out of 10.
What did you think of the episode? Let me know your thoughts and opinions of the episode down in the comments section below. You can click on the left for more Flash, or on the right for Avengers Endgame, and also subscribe. As always thank for reading, take care.

