Season 4 Episode 9:

We are here for the final episode of the Elseworld's crossover, this time on Supergirl, with the episode directed by Jesse Warn. With this Elseworld situation escalating we see how our heroes come together to defeat Monitor and Dr. John Deegan, who does the opening monologue. So spoilers ahead for the episode lets recap.

With reality changed, Dr. John Deegan changed his appearance to become black suit, Superman. Barry and Oliver hideaway where they encounter the Monitor in another realm who tells the two that he is testing them and seeing what they have. Barry and Oliver go and find Cisco who is a mob boss who has hired Gary and Jimmy. Barry and Oliver tell Cisco that they can take down black suit Superman, in exchange for him breaching them to Earth-38, where, in the fortress of solitude, the three find Clark and Lois. Barry and. Oliver asks Clark for help, which he agrees to do, who also knows how to read the Monitor’s book.

In STAR Labs, Kara is locked up and she convinces Earth-1 Alex- who is working at STAR Labs with Deegan- to let her out, which she does. Clark, Barry, Oliver, and Cisco show up on Earth-1 with Alex and Kara. Clark fights Deegan as Superman, while Oliver fights alternate reality Killer Frost and Diggle. Barry, Kara, and Alex find the Monitor’s book in the brail room and Kara can’t read it. Kara takes the book and flies over to Clark. Clark starts to read the book and starts Toto return parts of Earth-1 to normal, with Barry and Oliver returning in their suits and getting their powers back. Deegan steals the suit from Clark and flies away. Oliver, Clark, Kara, and Barry assemble and. Barry and Kara decide that they can slow down time by traveling n super speed in opposite directions around Earth. Clark tells the two that they will die, and he saw it in the book. Barry and Kara go ahead with their plan.

In Central City, Deegan continues to change reality. Meanwhile, Lois breaches into Earth-1 with Martian Manhunter and Brainiac who fight. Deegan and a resurrected Amazo. Oliver summons himself to Monitor’s realm where he tells the Monitor that his test is not worth it as two heroes who inspired will die in this test and will not be alive to fight the greater threat that he said was coming. The Monitor tells Oliver to make a deal. Barry and Kara run around the Earth and start to burn up. The Earth starts to slow down. Oliver shows up and shoots Deegan with a glowing arrow. The book falls the ground and burns up, reverting Earth-1 to normal, with Deegan defeated.

At STAR Labs Cisco opens up a breach as Kara, Clark, Lois, Brainy and J’onn, go back to Earth-38. On Earth-38, Lois reveals that she is pregnant, and Clark proposes to Lois. Back on Earth-1. Barry and Oliver get a drink thankful to be in their own lives and that they had the freaky Friday experience. Kate Kane calls Oliver who tells that the prisoner Psycho-Pirate has gone crazy saying “Worlds will live, worlds will die, and the universe will never be the same.”

The episode ends with the reveal that next year's crossover is “Crisis on Infinite Earths”

First of all, I will not be talking about the teaser for the next years crossover in this review, it is way too much to unload and to discuss. I will have a discussion talking about that in a few days- I promise.

Overall, this episode was a great episode in terms of the crossover, and what it had to accomplish in terms of the main story, and being a Supergirl episode. The use of the character of the monitor was interesting as it posed him as this god-like figure who was going about saving the Earth in a twisted way. I do like the use of Oliver where he was the one who stood up to the character of Monitor and he told him that he isn’t a hero in the way that Barry and Kara are, as they inspire. The focus of Oliver in the episode in that regard was great and furthered this narrative of him not being the best, however, the first hero.

In terms of how the episode was filmed, it was well done. I liked most of the establishing shots in the episode, as well as most of the set pieces, you could see the budget was increased for this crossover. Most of the special effects were alright, and not as terrible as we have seen before. The lighting was well used creating more some great shots and character moments.

The Supergirl stuff in this episode was okay. It was great to see the Kara and Earth-1 Alex interact, however, there were with the plot holes of Alex on Earth-38 being strikingly similar to the altered alternate Alex. The scenes did have a sense of emotional pay off at the end, making it feel like a Supergirl episode.
The inclusion of Lois was great, it furthers the plot to a limited degree. The inclusion of Jimmy in the episode was great. It was cool to see that Brainy and Martian Manhunter made an appearance, however, they felt a little underutilized and it would have been cool to see those two interact with the Earth-1 heroes a little more.

In terms of characters, this is where some of my complaints come in. Where was Earth-90 Flash and Batwoman? The two were hyped up for the crossover so it was a little underwhelming to see that they didn’t really get a big pay off, especially 90’s Barry, he disappeared the last episode.
Batwoman felt a little overhyped for the crossover in general, consider of the lack of what we got of her. I am looking forward to seeing what her own spin-off series could look like and how she will be featured in the future of the arrowverse, especially with the end stinger with psycho pirate- a pivotal part of next year’s crossover.

The Flash was a character who did get a little bit of the short end. They teased some parts of his future, but most of this episode he was at the status quo for most of it. In terms of the other Flash characters, they were well utilized. It was great seeing portions of the episode with Cisco, Caitlin, and Diggle, in this reality. Again, there were some of the plot holes with Cisco having his powers, but it all worked out. I did like the Legends of Tomorrow cameo from Gary, that was a nice touch.

The cast of this episode was amazing, the campiness was taken away from e protagonists, however, the villains did feel a little campy in this episode, which kind of isn’t a bad thing. Starring in this episode we had Stephen Amell (Oliver Queen/ Green Arrow), Grant Gustin (Barry Allen/ The Flash), Melissa Benoist (Kara Danvers/ Supergirl), Tyler Hoechlin (Clark Kent/ Superman/ black suit Deegan Superman), Elizabeth Tulloch (Lois Lane), Carlos Valdes (Cisco Ramon/ Vibe), Chyler Leigh (Alex Danvers), David Harewood (J'onn J'onzz / Martian Manhunter), Jesse Rath (Brainiac-5), David Ramsey (John Diggle/ Spartan), Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin Snow/ Killer Frost), Mehcad Brooks (Jimmy Olson), Adam Tsekhman (Gary Green), Jeremy Davies (Dr. John Deegan), LaMonica Garrett (Monitor), Bob Frazer (Roger Hayden/ Psycho-Pirate), and Ruby Rose (Kate Kane/ Batwoman).

In conclusion, this concluding Supergirl episode of the crossover was a brilliant way to wrap everything off while having things be open for the future of the arrowverse. I did like how the episode had the plot with the reality changing and Deegan going forward while having some special moments for Supergirl, Superman, and the Green Arrow. There were some issues with the episode such as the absence of some characters and some plot holes in the reality changing. Anyway, this was a good time, and I will give it a 9 out of 10.
What did you think of the episode? Let me know your favorite characters, scenes, shots, or anything from the episode down in the comments below. You can click on the left for part one of Elseworlds, or click on the right for part two, and also subscribe for the breakdown for next year’s crossover. As always thanks for reading, take care.


