The DC Comics story "Crisis On Infinite Earths" is one of the greatest stories ever told in comics, as it involves an infinite amount of characters from around the multiverse, a high range of stakes for the heroes to win, a grand villain, a series of deaths from famous heroes, and of course it all acted as more or less of a reset button on the DC Comics continuity in a fashion.

So at the end of the Elseworlds crossover, we got the teaser that next year in 2019 we would see the Crisis on Infinite Earth's storyline be adapted in the DCTV universe. Well first, I want to discuss the original plans I thought would happen with the inevitable Crisis crossover, and what it will turn out to be.

So let's get started with my original thoughts back in the earlier seasons of the Flash and DCTV universe.
Well, one of the biggest events in Crisis in the comics is that Barry Allen runs so fast to save the multiverse from the anti-monitor which he sacrifices himself to save everyone. This is how the story ends. Of course, no one dies in comics, and Barry comes back later on. But, many have theorized, including me, that this is how the Flash tv show would end. With the Crisis on Infinite Earth's story being the storyline of the Flash's final season, whether that be season 10 in 2024, or if that would be pushed back or forward.

This would all link in with the future newspaper from the Flash season one, which is also playing a role in this current season of the Flash. The newspaper had the headline "Flash Vanishes in Crisis" which entailed the fact that Barry went missing, and most likely died, as Nora's future newspaper reveals that Barry is missing for 25 years.

One of the reasons that this endgame for Barry would make sense is that by Barry sacrificing himself it would fit his character, he could turn into pure energy and become the lightning bolt which granted him his own powers, and it would be the perfect way to end the show.

In my mind, I thought that everyone else, such as the Green Arrow, Supergirl, the Atom, White Canary, and Batwoman would all be present in this storyline, as the Crisis story in the comics involved nearly every DC character, and the future newspaper name drops these characters in Barry's disappearance.

But now we are here, with the Flash tv show entering season six at back half of 2019, and definitely not ending its run in the year. So it would stand to reason that Barry would not sacrifice himself and die in this version of the story.
This means that in terms of the Flash tv show, Nora succeeds in some fashion in saving her father from dying.- at least for now. I am also guessing that whatever happens with Nora and the Reverse Flash at the end of season five will pave the way for this crossover.

So it seems like, with the Crisis crossover, Barry will not die. Other characters will most likely die, but I am not guessing Barry will. So since Barry is not most likely going to bite the dust, what's the point of the crossover?

Well, the main purpose in the comics was to reset the continuity of DC Comics so everything wouldn't be a mess. In terms of the Arrowverse, there isn't a sixty plus year of continuity which needs to be tidied up, just a few things which need to be fixed, not from the past, but for the future.

That main thing to fix is the main shows being set on separate Earth's in the multiverse. Everytime that Barry and Oliver need help, they have to go breach to Earth-38, and even in this crossover, they hope that this isn't becoming an "annual thing". This means that after this 2019 crossover if Supergirl is on their Earth, Earth-1, they would have a more compelling reason to crossover with Supergirl and those characters. This can also extend over to Black Lightning, where the characters on that show could crossover with the Flash or Arrow in the future.

So this means that with Crisis, Earth-1 and Earth-38 could fold in an create a single Earth. As Psycho Pirate said at the end of the Elseworld's crossover "the universe will never be the same". Also, I believe that vibe that Cisco had in season two will come true and Earth-2 will be destroyed in some form or another.

In terms of the actual crossover, it is possible that it takes up multiple episodes across each show. I am sure that the stage for the crossover is going to be set on the Flash first, and then we will see the crossover on the other shows. I will be fine if the Legends of Tomorrow show is left out of the crossover again. The reason for that being that they deal with a time stream, and they could probably go unaffected by the destruction of the multiverse, or the shaking of it.

This means that the crossover would be the Flash, Arrow, and Supergirl. All of these shows could potentially have two episodes each in the crossover, giving a larger 4-hour crossover, and the crossover spanning two weeks. The teaser for the crossover didn't give a date as it just stated sometime in "Fall"

One of the things which get me excited for the Crisis crossover is the number of characters who will most likely appear, either as their original selves, alternate versions :

The Flash
Green Arrow
Supergirl/ Powergirl
Psycho Pirate
Reverse Flash
Iris West
Killer Frost
Elongated Man
Joe West
Cecile Horton
Felicity Smoak
Lois Lane
Alex Danvers
Wally West
Jesse Quick
Harry Wells
Jay Garrick/ The Flash (Earth-90)
The Atom/ Superman
White Canary
Martian Manhunter
Smallville Superman
Emiko Queen
Captain Cold
Black Lightning/ Black Vulcan

The idea here, is that there are so many characters who could appear, I placed all the more likely candidates at the top of the list, such as the main characters of the shows, and then it moved to be more Flash focused, because although I already established in my speculation that I don't think Barry will die, I do believe that the crossover will like to toy with that concept and maybe to a bait and switch.

One character in the list who hasn't appeared is the Anti-Monitor, who is the cause of the Crisis. He is the "greater threat" which Monitor was testing our heroes for in the Elseworld's crossover.

There are a few Legends on the list. Although the show may not be a part of the characters who have an established connection with Barry and Oliver will most likely make a cameo. And it would such a wasted opportunity if Brandon Routh does not cameo as his Superman from Superman Returns.
I would like to see the Hawks return for the crossover, considering that on the newspaper before Flashpoint, they were mentioned.

Black Lightning would be an awesome cameo to have, but it would be awesome to have Cress Williams to play Black Vulcan instead, a nice nod to the Super Friends tv series

Some notable absences from the list are most of team Arrow, such as Wilddog, Black Canary, and Mr. Teriffic, and then there are other characters from different Earth's such as the Ray, other Earth-X heroes, Gypsy, Earth-19 Flash, and other characters from Earth-38 such as Guardian and Dream Girl. There are a lot of salaries to pay, and most of the list will probably not even appear, or at the most a small capacity.

So in conclusion, the Crisis on Earth-X crossover could last longer than usual, feature a large series of characters in significant roles and cameos with the main intent to most likely merge Earth-38 and Earth-1, to have Supergirl interact with the other heroes more naturally and more often, and not have Barry Allen sacrifice himself to save the multiverse- or at least not yet.

There is a lot to look forward to with the Crisis on Infinite Earth's crossover in 2019, so comment below what you are looking forward to the most from the crossover the consequences in the Arrowverse you may expect to see as a result. The DCTV shows are coming back on January 15. You can click on the left for the Elseworlds review, or on the right for more DCTV, and also subscribe. As always thanks for reading, take care.

