With Iron Fist and Luke Cage being canceled, it seemed like the Marvel shows on Netflix were coming to an end, and that is the reality for arguably the best show, Daredevil. That is right, after three seasons, the man without fear will not be getting a fourth season with the show being canceled. There were no official reasons given to the show's cancellation, so it is all up for speculation. But if I had to guess I would say that the show was canceled because of potentially low viewership of the third season (Netflix doesn't release any official numbers though), or there may have been issues between Marvel television and Netflix regarding costs, or creative issues. It is really disappointing to see that Daredevil is canceled, and I would say that the two shows in production will end after their seasons come out. That being Jessica Jones season three, and Punisher season two. Back in 2013 with these shows being announced, I was excited to see these characters get their own...