Season 5 Episode 4: Hey everyone, we are back with a brand new episode of the Flash, directed Brent Crowell, where we see a chaos arise in Central City, as well as a revelation of what happened when the Satellite dropped from the sky at the end of season four. So spoilers ahead, let's recap. The episode opens with an online reporter, Spencer Young, filming the satellite crash from the end of season four. Back in the present day, Barry is at a CCPD baseball game where Young mind controls a police officer into detonating a bomb, and Nora stops it. At the police station, Nora and Barry are questioning the police officer who does not remember anything, while Nora also does not remember anything. The two run off to stop a fire, and Barry is mind-controlled by Young to run off to Las Vegas. Nora is left alone and Iris guides her through to use the wind arms to put out the fire. Meanwhile, Ralph and Sherloque go to investigate the use of Cicada's mask, which leads the two to...