Season 5 Episode 4:

Hey everyone, we are back with a brand new episode of the Flash, directed Brent Crowell, where we see a chaos arise in Central City, as well as a revelation of what happened when the Satellite dropped from the sky at the end of season four. So spoilers ahead, let's recap.

The episode opens with an online reporter, Spencer Young, filming the satellite crash from the end of season four. Back in the present day, Barry is at a CCPD baseball game where Young mind controls a police officer into detonating a bomb, and Nora stops it.
At the police station, Nora and Barry are questioning the police officer who does not remember anything, while Nora also does not remember anything. The two run off to stop a fire, and Barry is mind-controlled by Young to run off to Las Vegas. Nora is left alone and Iris guides her through to use the wind arms to put out the fire.

Meanwhile, Ralph and Sherloque go to investigate the use of Cicada's mask, which leads the two to discover that Cicada might be having some lung trouble. Meanwhile, Nora and Iris find Young and find out that she is not a Meta-Human. Then there is a bomb threat at the Central City stadium, so the Flash and XS investigate, as they realize that Young is mind-controlling to create headlines for her blog. Young creates a headline reading "XS kills the Flash" which mind controls Nora as she fights her father. Iris goes to the stadium as she takes down Nora using a tranquilizer as Barry takes down Young.

Back at STAR Labs, the team discovers that Young's phone had dark matter as a piece of the satellite merged with it. Nora and Iris have a talk as Nora tells her that she only discovered her powers a few months ago as Iris placed a power dampening chip in her shoulder and the two have an argument. Nora runs off to stay with Joe. The episode ends with Cicada at home showing the dark matter dent in his shoulder.

There was not too much to say about this episode as it served to be more of a filler episode, that being we had a villain of the week. However, the main part takes away from the episode was the Meta-technology, which means that people can just essentially buy powers. I would like to see a black market of enhanced technology which the team takes down.

Getting to the Cicada of it all, we can see that the meta-technology has somehow infused with him giving him the wide range of powers he has. It seems like Cicada will not be a full meta, and just be enhanced with a piece of meta-technology, therefore, that is how he can justify killing metahumans, and not feeling a large sense of guilt, or wanting to commit deathpacito after he kills the Flash and XS- which the team will try to prevent.

I did like the opening scene, the handheld footage was an awesome concept, and it was a better version of what the Justice League film attempted to do.

Towards the end of the episode, I did like the reveal of why Nora has been cold towards Iris. It does tie into to the meta-human outlaw future that was seen last year in Legends of Tomorrow. So it does make sense that Iris would place the chip in Nora as a child.

However, the bigger plot of this all which is being set up is who helped Nora discover she was a Meta. There are a lot of different friends of foes who could have lead Nora onto discovering she is a speedster. I have seen a lot of people believe that that person may be the Reverse Flash, which would be an interesting circling around of the character. It could also be some other villain, potentially someone from another Earth.

Starring in the episode we had Grant Gustin (Barry Allen/ the Flash), Jessica Parker Kennedy (Nora West-Allen/ XS), Candice Patton (Iris West), Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin Snow/ Killer Frost), Hartley Sawyer (Ralph Dibny/ Elongated Man), Tom Cavanagh (Sherloque Wells), Jesse L. Martin (Joe West), Danielle Nicolet (Cecile Horton), Kiana Madeira (Spencer Young), and Chris Kelin (Cicada).

In conclusion, this episode of the Flash was an okay episode, which did have some entertaining actions scenes in this filler of an episode, however, there were a few interesting plots set up with Cicada, Nora and Iris. I will give this episode a 7 out of 10.
What did you think of this episode? let me know your thoughts and your favorite scenes and characters down in the comments below. You can click on the left for last weeks Flash review, or on the right for more DC, and also subscribe. As always thanks for reading, take care.

