Season 5 Episode 3:

Hey everyone, we are back with a brand new episode of the Flash, directed by Andi Armaganian as we see a lot of going down regarding Central City's heroes, and Cicada who is coming after them. Spoilers ahead for the episode, let's recap.

The episode opens up with a 'flashback' in 2032 where Nora is in the Flash museum and learns about Cicada which she tells team Flash about in present day. The team needs to find Cicada before he goes after anyone else, so the team contacts Herr Wells which refer to the team to detective Sherloque Wells, who they give some STAR Labs shares to for payment. Sherloque does some investigating and points to one man being Cicada. Nora and Barry go after him and arrest him, however, he is not Cicada, as he has no dark matter in him. Sherloque realizes that since Nora changed the timeline, that Cicada isn't the same on Earth-1 as he was on other Earth's. Sherloque tries to fake his death, while Barry talks to Nora about not rushing into things too early, and thinking.

Meanwhile, Caitlin and Ralph go to visit Caitlin's mother about her father's faked death certificate. Caitlin and Ralph do some more investigating and find a file which belonged to Caitlin's father. Caitlin reminisces over some items and back at STAR Labs finds some clues pointing to her father being alive and Caitlin needs to "find" him, as someone watches Caitlin on some monitors.

Cicada does some investigating and believes that Joe has a connection to Vibe, so he goes after him. Cicada has Joe captured, and after freaking out, Cecile sounds off the emergency alert. Cisco suits up to save Joe, however, he and Cicada fall through a breach. Barry tries to find Cisco and Cicada with the help of Sherloque's investigating skills. Nora goes into flash time to think as she races to Cisco and the others. Cicada takes away Cisco and Barry's powers. Nora runs in and gives Cisco a device which he throws at Cicada, causing an explosion. The Vibe suit is on the ground with Cisco nowhere to be found and Cicada flies away. Cisco comes out of a breach and Nora gave him a breaching device to get out of the explosion, making it seem like Vibe is dead.

Back at STAR Labs, the team tries to publicize the death of Vibe so Cicada won't come after them for a while. Sherloque agrees to stay until Cicada is caught. Meanwhile, Cicada (out of costume) visits his daughter in the hospital who is in a coma. The episode ends with Sherloque questioning Nora before she leaves STAR Labs (to stay with her parents) about her decision to save her father.

To start off, this episode was a well-directed episode in terms of its cinematography and lighting. I loved every shot in this episode from the way that the camera moved to capture a scene, reaction, or action was brilliantly done as it looked amazing. The lighting also played a good job in that, there were some scenes with some awesome lighting which the episode look extra unique.

One of the biggest scenes in the episode was the opening scene, the Flash museum. There were a lot of things in that scene from the Savitar and Zoom suits, the Jay Garrick captured helmet, Heatwave's gun, and a few other props. One of the main things was the Reverse Flash suit. Although it was not directly mentioned it does play a large role in the Flash mythos. This is because Eobard Thawn in the future aspires to be the Flash and learns from the Flash museum that he is the Reverse Flash and leads into that destiny.

The title of the episode was kind of a blatant spoiler "The Death of Vibe" so for most of the episode I was dreading for the moment for when Cisco would bite the dust, however, I did appreciate the twist that was done at the end of the episode. So Vibe really did die, however, that's just the alter ego, Cisco is still well and alive. When a big member of team Flash does die, it wouldn't be in the title, and I feel like there would be a more meaningful death for such a big character.

Barry and Nora's relationship was also being developed more in the episode in a more interesting way. I do like the comparisons drawn by Nora and Barry, especially with Nora and season one Barry, where they both just ran and didn't spend the time to think.

I did like the introduction of Sherloque Wells. I was curious as to how the character was going to be introduced into the season, and it seems like since the character is going to stay in the season, Cicada won't be going away anytime soon. Tom Cavanagh has done many interesting portrayals of Harrison Wells throughout the multiverse, and Sherloque seems like he will be an interesting addition to team Flash.

The rest of the cast in the episode was awesome and everyone portrayed their characters in this awesome episode. Starring in the episode we had Grant Gustin (Barry Allen/ the Flash), Jessica Parker Kennedy (Nora West-Allen/ XS), Candice Patton (Iris West), Carlos Valdes (Cisco Ramone/ Vibe), Tom Cavanagh (Sherloque Wells), Jesse L. Martin (Joe West), Danielle Nicolet (Cecile Horton), Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin Snow/ Killer Frost), Hartley Sawyer (Ralph Dibny/ Elongated Man), Susan Walters (Dr. Carla Tanhauser), and Chris Kelin (Cicada).

In conclusion, this episode of the Flash was a well-directed episode of the Flash which had a great visual flair along with some great stories regarding all of the characters, with some exciting twists which get me excited for the future of the season. I will give this episode an 8.75 out of 10.
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