Season 5 Episode 2:

Hey everyone, we are back with a new episode of the Flash, directed by C. Kim Miles, as we see our new villain introducing himself to the team, while there are a series of other plots highlighting most of our characters in the episode. So spoilers ahead let's recap the episode.

The episode opens Cicada (out of costume) having a flashback to when he killed Gridlock. Meanwhile, at the West house, the team gathers around as Nora shows the future newspaper. While that happens, a new Meta-human, Vanessa, who attacks an arms dealer, killing him with her new block powers. Barry and Nora investigate the scene, as Iris attempts to do a report on the death of Gridlock. Cisco is still upset with his breakup with Gypsy, so Caitlin and Ralph try to help him get over it. Cisco gets a makeover and sees some closure in his relationship. He asks Caitlin about her father, and Caitlin is scared to look into what happened to him. Barry and Nora do some investigating in the lab, and they track down Block who is in the middle of a robbery. Nora attempts to take down Block, however, gets put in a block and thrown across the city, so Barry saves her. Joe and Barry have a talk about parenting, as he compares Barry to Nora.

Back at STAR Labs, Barry teaches Nora the basics of being a speedster showing her a gag reel of season one. The two and Iris, track down Block once more and go after her. Barry and Nora confront Block who traps Barry in a block. Nora tires Block out by running around her. Cisco and Ralph suit up and come to help the two. Nora captures Block, who gets stabbed with a lightning bolt dagger. Nora takes Block to the hospital while Cicada uses his dagger to temporarily take away the team's powers. Powerless, Barry, Cisco, and Ralph fight Cicada and get pounded. Cicada is about to kill Barry, however, Nora screams out for her father. Cicada stops and flees the scene.

Back at STAR Labs, Cisco vibes Caitlin's father's death certificate, showing Caitlin's mother. The team gathers around as Iris reveal with the information she got that Cicada was the one who killed Gridlock, as Nora recognizes his name.

To start off, this episode was a very entertaining episode. There was not a whole lot going on the episode, however, I do feel like they played out the character scenes relatively well, as it showed the development of these characters and where they are going to go later in the season. I did like the arch that Cisco and Caitlin had. Neither one of them wanted help, or to confront their problems, however, they felt a little better after doing so. Caitlin's arch we will see develop over this season, and I am excited to see where it goes.

The team was split up in the episode, and I really enjoyed it. Ralph, Caitlin, and Cisco were great together. The scenes had a lighter tone, and they did address a more serious tone when Cisco wanted to confront Caitlin's problem. Barry and Nora together were also great. I do like how Bary improvised for Nora to stay with him at work. It was a neat way to keep the two characters together in and out of the suit. I also did like how Iris was factored into the episode, where she actually did some reporting. The show hasn't written in many Iris reporting scenes in the show before, and it was great seeing her do something which helped the team and built on her character's role in the team.

Nora's takedown of Block was one of the coolest looking scenes in the episode, the way that it was filmed was astonishing, and the effects looked great. I would say that it may be one of the best looking speedster scenes in the show, and I can not wait to see how many more of these scenes we get from Nora in the season.

The team's encounter with Cicada was a great scene. To explain that, it appears that the dagger temporarily takes away a Meta's powers, and stabbing them will take away their powers and most likely kill them. I did like the build-up of suspense that was used in that fight, so see how Cicada would stack up against team Flash, without their powers. It showed how much of a threat that Cicada can be if the team does not have their powers because they didn't rain with Oliver.
The idea of Nora's appearance stopping Cicada from killing Barry is the idea that Cicada is still a regular person. Cicada is a person who has had his family killed to a Meta-Human related incident, so as much as Cicada wants to kill all Meta's, he does not want to take a parent away from their child, as what happened to his daughter.

Once again, Jessica Parker Kennedy was amazing in the episode as Nora. I absolutely love the character and the dynamic which she brings to the show, especially with Barry. The character is something which I wanted to see on the show, Barry mentoring another speedster, and who better than the daughter he never met. Kennedy had some great scenes in the episode, such as her takedown of Block. The cast of the episode was great, and everyone got a storyline in the episode which was neat for a change. Starring in the episode we had Grant Gustin (Barry Allen/ the Flash), Jessica Parker Kennedy (Nora West-Allen/ XS), Candice Patton (Iris West), Carlos Valdes (Cisco Ramone/ Vibe), Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin Snow/ Killer Frost), Hartley Sawyer (Ralph Dibny/ Elongated Man), Jesse L. Martin (Joe West), Danielle Nicolet (Cecile Horton), Patrick Sabongui (Captain Singh),Erin Cummings (Vanessa Jansen/ Block), and Chris Kelin (Cicada).

Overall, this episode of the Flash is building on a great start to the season as we see the plots further develop with our characters, the new dynamics, and also the villain all tied in with some great scenes. I will give this episode an 8.5 out of 10.
Comment below your thoughts on the episode, such as your favorite scene and characters. I will do a breakdown of that Elseworld poster for the crossover, but until then, click on the left for more Flash, or on the right for more DC, and also subscribe. As always thanks for reading, take care.

