Season 4 Episode 15:

Hey, everyone, we are back with a brand new episode of the Flash, directed by Gregory Smith. In this episode we see Barry Allen put under a lot of pressure when he has to work with Jesse Quick and Jay Garrick to prevent a nuclear explosion. Spoilers ahead from this episode of the Flash, let's recap.

The episode opens up with a stressed out, sweety Barry Allen bringing Iris into flash time telling her that he has run out of options and that there is nothing he can do. "8 minutes, 48 seconds" into the past, we see Barry training to get through Cisco's breaches, however, he is failing to do so. Taking a break, Barry agrees to Iris that he will spend more time with her. In the main hub, Harry calls the team to show them that he has a map of DeVoe' teleportation, and he has been doing this for three years. Jesse shows up at STAR Labs, as she questions her father, Harry as to why he sent an apology cube with no apology. Meanwhile, Joe is in a gunfight with some terrorist, who hijacked an Argus truck. Joe calls team Flash, who come to his aid, along with the ride is Jesse Quick.

As Killer Frost, Cisco, and Jesse take down the terrorist, Barry fronts the leader of the terrorist, Veronica, who detonates the nuclear bomb in the truck. Barry stays at super speed. Jesse asks him what is going on and she sees that the bomb has gone off. Knowing that they do not have time to evacuate the city, not they shouldn't time travel, Barry tells Jesse to go to Earth-3 and get Jay Garrick. Barry brings Cisco into "Flash time" as he dubbed it. Cisco tries to open a breach to another Earth, however, he can not, his powers cannot work that fast. Cisco tells Barry the bomb will start in the blue state, go yellow, and then explode in a purple state. Not being able to handle the speed, Barry has to take Cisco out of Flash time. Barry runs to STAR Labs where he brings Harry into Flash time. Harry is asked about the bomb, and Barry learns that the bomb is at a point of no return. Harry tells Barry to make Jesse go to Earth-2, so she doesn't get hurt. Same reason as Cisco, Barry takes Harry out of Flash time. Jay Garrick and Jesse Quick show up at STAR Labs. The three start to conceive ideas on how to stop this catastrophe. Barry suggests that the bomb could be put in the speed force, however, Jay says that the bomb could destroy the speed force all across space and time, however, they could try to freeze the isotopes in the bomb.

At the bomb site, Barry brings Killer Frost into Flash time. He goes into the truck with Frost and she attempts to freeze the bomb, however, her powers fail to work, instead, the bomb goes to its second state in the yellow color. Barry decides to take Frost out of Flash time but before he does Killer Frost tells Barry to "not let Caitlin die". Garrick, Wells, and Allen try to conceive more ideas until they try to use their lightning energy to disable the bomb. The three speedsters run around to throw their lightning. Barry and Jesse throw lightning, however, Jay Garrick collapses. Not being in his prime, Jay cannot handle going at super speed for this long. Barry tells him to tap out, which he does. The bomb goes to the finale purple stage, ready to blow. Barry tells Jesse to go to Earth-2 like Harry told her. Jesse runs away while Barry looks at his friends frozen in time. At STAR Labs, Jesse tries to bring Harry into Flash time, however, fails. She instead tells him her feelings, on how he never confronted the death of her mother. Also at STAR Labs, Barry is feeling fatigue from being in super speed. Barry runs to Iris as seen in the flash forward. Telling her that there is no option left, Iris suggests using the speed force. The lightning that is produced from when the speed force opens can stop the bomb. Iris tells Barry about the sphere that the speed force has captured thinking it is him, can attract the lightning from the speed force to stop the bomb. Kissing Iris, Barry runs off.

Running fast enough, Barry goes into the speed force where he finds the sphere. Being chased by a rainbow of lightning bolts, Barry outruns the lightning of the speed force. Coming out of the speed force, Barry goes to the bomb site where he is still being chased by the lightning. Running past his friends, Barry throws the sphere at the bomb, as to which the lightning follows, disabling the bomb, and saving Central City. Jesse hugs Harry at STAR Labs. On the ground, Joe cheeks on Barry who is out cold. Cisco, Killer Frost, and Jay get up seeing that they aren't dead. Back in STAR Labs, Barry is recovering by resting, as the team sees that the terrorist had a victory video ready. Jay Garrick comes in and tells the team that he is retiring and that another speedster will guard Earth-3, which he goes back home to. Harry shows Jesse the cerebral inhibitor he was working on for Cecile. He manages to reverse it, and it can now project thoughts. Harry puts a piece on Jessie, and a piece on himself as through thought the two fit their relationship by confronting why Harry did not confront the death of his wife.

At Jitters, Harry and Caitlin go get some coffee. Harry tells Caitlin that he fixed his relationship with Jesse, while Caitlin tells Harry that she felt Killer Frost care for Caitlin in Flash time, wanting her to be safe. The two are interrupted when the coffee shop girl spills her coffee on their table. The girl apologizes and tells the two that she is excited to meet some people. Harry and Caitlin leave and tell her "good luck" meeting the people. As to which the girl mutters "It went well."

Overall, this episode of the Flash was definitely a stand out in the season thus far. The episode all had one singular story which the episode definitely thrived with. FOcusing on the one plot, and one only, we got more context provided and more time seeing how big the threat that is being faced here is. The story did have some other plot threads, however, all contributed to one singular story, and that was saving Central City from the bomb. The episode did a stellar job explaining the do's and don't's of what they can and can not do in this scenario. There were a couple things that were questionable, but I see what the show was doing. The tone of the episode was amazing. We saw this darker scenario for the Flash where we saw his limits put to the test. Seeing the state of the characters, we get a sense of the threat. From going from the less hopefully narrative to the optimistic narrative comes in used in the best way in the episode, showing the evolution of Barry in this stressful situation.

One complaint I do have in the episode was that some of CG looked a little raw, more when Barry ran through Central City. However, the episode was amazing in terms of the lighting and cinematography. Visually this looks like the most stunning episode of the season, possibly the series. The way that the light reflected off characters was incredible to see, and the camera angles used displayed the scenes of the episode in a spectacular way. There were many great scenes in the episode, from Harry's and Jesse's reconciliation to Barry almost apologizing to Iris that he failed by running out of ideas. However, my favorite scene was Barry Allen running through the speed force and throwing the sphere to the bomb. The way that the scene looked was incredible. It was ultimately one crazy comic book panel but on the screen. The CG looked relatively good in the sequence, so it was amazing to see something as incredible as this on screen. If you are wondering, the speed force, consumed that ball, imprisoning it.

Let's talk about the end scene with the coffee shop girl. So played by Jessica Parker Kenedy, we are assuming that she is Dawn Allen. That is purely based on her interactions with Barry in Crisis on Earth-X. What we have seen of her is that she is trying to meet all of team Flash. She meets Barry, she met Cisco and Ralph, and now Harry and Caitlin. That means there are only two more team members she needs to meet. Joe and Iris. I think when she meets Iris, or Joe, her identity will be revealed. If it is Dawn Allen, it will be insane seeing Dawn see her mother and grandfather in their prime. I am not too sure when we will see her next, but it seems like in the finale she may play a role.

John Wesley Ship returned this episode as Jay Garrick, and although his role was a little limited, he was still great. I do get why the character had to stop, but maybe sometime we will see him be coaching Barry. I did enjoy how Ship portrayed Jay in a way which made it seem like he was deteriorating in a long time in Flash time. Violett Beane was awesome as Jesse Quick in the episode. She is one of my favorite characters on the show, and it is always a pleasure seeing her on the show. The character had a sentimental arc with Harry which worked out well with the acting talents of Beane. The character is appearing next in Legends of Tomorrow 315, which will be exciting to see. I do have to say Jesse and Jay were my favorite character's in the episode.

The rest of the cast, great, in portraying their characters in these tires, worn out, deteriorated states. Starring in the episode we had Grant Gustin take center stage and the acting of Gustin displayed how beaten and broken Barry is from being at super speed for this long. We also had Candice Patton (Iris West-Allen)Carlos Valdes (Cisco/ Vibe), Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin/ Killer Frost), Tom Cavanagh (Harry Wells), Jesse L. Martin (Joe West), Bernadette Saquibal (Veronica Dale), and Jessica Kenedy Parker (Dawn Allen?).

In conclusion, this episode of the Flash was one to remember from the season. The story in the episode was simple, however, managed to create depth and intensity and suspense in the episode by introducing characters like Jesse Quick and Jay Garrick to the episode, along with brilliant acting by the talented cast. Complimented with amazing lighting and cinematography, the episode never fell flat in entertainment and excitement, therefore I give this episode a 9 out of 10. What did you think of this episode? let me know by dropping a comment below. You can click on the left for the latest Legends of Tomorrow review, and click on the right for the Star Wars Rebels finale review. As always thanks for reading, take care.

