Season 6 Episode 15:

Hey everyone, we are back with a brand new episode of Arrow directed by Kristen Windell. In this episode, we see the return of Colton Haynes as Roy Harper, as we also see Thea Queen suit a Speedy once more. So spoilers ahead for this episode of Arrow, let's recap.

The episode opens up with Oliver learning that the case against him as the Green Arrow will be dismissed as the source of that information, Cayden James is a convicted criminal. Oliver goes with a walk with Thea and Quentin as they see that Black Siren is consuming the role of a missing Laurel Lance of Earth-1, where she is getting a lot of press. In a private room, the three have a talk with Laurel where she tells them that the money is missing, and she is doing what they wanted and becoming Laurel. Oliver has a talk with the police captain who tells Oliver they can get more money if they sell confiscated goods. Dinah has a talk with the police captain and tells her that she will take the case on investigating Laurel. Meanwhile, Curtis visits Rene's daughter, Zoe and tells her that Rene is in hospital. In a closed court session, Oliver learns that the opposition has a new valid witness instead of Rene to testify against Oliver as the Green Arrow, and that is "Roy Harper."

Team Arrow decides to save Roy, and free him. In a recon mission, Oliver and John discover that Roy is being beaten up by police in a hotel room. Meanwhile, Dinah visits Quentin and Laurel in the police station. Dinah and Quentin have a talk while Laurel gets changed, but before they know it Laurel escaped. We find that Laurel was taken by a police officer to see Anatoly. Thea suits up as Speedy and goes with Oliver to the hotel. Oliver creates a distraction of a firework arrow. Thea swings into the hotel room where she finds Roy. She kisses him and helps an injured Roy to the exit. However a swat team is coming in, so Oliver grapples Thea out of the room, leaving Roy. In the Arrow cave, Oliver apologizes to Thea for abandoning Roy. In a private room in the police station, Oliver talks to Quentin and Dinah. He tells that two that there is corruption in the police force, and the two need to work together to search for who can be trusted. Laurel visits Ricardo Diaz who is wrestling. Diaz and Laurel have a talk where she denies joining his team again.

Learning that Roy is being transported in a police van, Thea, Oliver, and John suit up to intercept Roy. After pulling over the van, the vigilantes see that there is no prisoner, and it was a setup. We see that Roy is captured by Diaz who is wanting to get Oliver's secret as the Green Arrow revealed. At the Arrow cave, Oliver has a talk with Felicity, and then Thea. Oliver tells Thea when they rescue Roy, she should go with him, get away from Star City. While investigating police files in Quentin's apartment, Dinah and Quentin are visited by Laurel. Oliver and Thea come over as they learn from Laurel that Diaz is operating from a casino. Oliver, John, and Thea suit up and head to the casino. They find some Diax's men and Oliver takes them down. Felicity warns that the other guards are armed, but Oliver, Thea, and John fight them off, as Diaz takes Roy away. Anatoly shows up and Oliver takes him down. John holds down Anatoly as Oliver chases after Thea. Thea confronts Diaz, in a fight, Thea is about to be killed by Diaz, however, Oliver saves her. Holding Diaz up with arrows,  Oliver and Thea have Diaz down. However, the police start to arrive. With the police under Diaz's thumb, Oliver tells Thea to take the van that Roy is in, as Oliver bounces out.

In the Arrow cave, Roy is being patched up as Oliver tells him it is good to see him, and he is sorry that he got re-involved with this. Oliver tells the team that if anyone was in Roy's situation he would do the same thing. In Quentin'apartmentnt, Laurel gets a text from Diaz, hinting that she is working with him. The episode ends with Thea and Roy going to her apartment where the two make up. A lady in a hood says that she found the "heir to Ra's Al Ghul."

Overall, this episode of Arrow was thoroughly entertaining. We saw the return of Roy Harper. The only complaint I had about that in the episode was that he is barely in the episode. However, any amount of Colon Haynes in these seasons of Arrow is great to see. There was really only one main story which had a few side stories branch of it. I did like the initial reveal that Roy was a witness and Oliver's reaction to that. The action scenes of the episode were awesome. I loved seeing Thea back as Speedy. I am excited to see how long this will stick, and whether or not, she will suit up in the red and black in the season finale. The side story of the episode related to Laurel. It was interesting seeing how Diaz has shifted the power of the possy into his favor, and that he is working with Laurel, who is undercover the good guys. Dinah and Quentin were great in the episode. I enjoyed the way the two characters interacted with each other, as you felt what the characters were feeling, and that is a matter of distrust.

The end scene of the episode was a great set up and I am interested. Some people are not too fond of season three of Arrow, but I sort of enjoyed it. In next week's episode, it seems like Thea is being called to take the place of Ra Al Ghul. And in that episode, we will see Nyssa come back, one of my favorite characters of the series.

Colton Haynes was great to see back in this episode of Arrow. I really wish that he was used in the episode more than a McGuffin. There did not feel like any service to the character, and I really wish we saw that in this episode. However, Willa Holland was excellent in the episode. The character got a full-blown story arc, something we really haven't seen in the past couple of seasons. But from the acting of Holland, we get a sense that she does not want this life, however, she will do anything for Roy. I do like seeing the two characters together so I would not be too upset if Thea went off with Roy, and the two appeared every so often like season finale's.
The rest of the cast was brilliant in the episode. You got a sense of every character's path in the episode. However, there were characters like Curtis, Zoe, and Felicity that got barely any screen time. But starring in the episode we had Stephen Amell (Oliver/ Green Arrow), David Ramsey (John/ Spartan), Emilly Bett Rickards (Felicity Smoak), Paul Blackthorne (Quentin Lance), Juliana Harkavy (Dinah/ Black Canary)Echo Kellum (Curtis/ Mr. Teriffic), Eliza Faria (Zoe Ramirez), Katie Cassidy (Laurel Lance), David Nykl (Anatoly), and Kirk Acevedo (Ricardo Diaz).

In conclusion, this episode of Arrow was an excellent episode which introduced Roy to this season. The return of Haynes was great, but I do wish he was characterized more, instead of being used as a Mcguffin. The cinematography was great, with long swift shots in the action, in junction with the lightning which looked great. The performances illustrated the state of the characters, and Willa Holland was amazing in taking the center stage in this episode as Speedy. I will give this episode an 8.75 out of 10. What did you think of the episode and Speedy's return along with Roy? let me know by dropping a comment below. You can click on the left for the Flash and on the right for Legends of Tomorrow. As always thanks for reading, take care.

