Part Three:

Well, we are back again for the third part of the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover, with this episode taking place on The Flash. There was a lot which went down in the episode, with twists from the comics, callbacks to other DC Comics television series from the past, and a cliffhanger which will have us waiting till January. Spoilers ahead for the episode, lets recap.

Ray finishes creating the paragon detector which tells the team that Barry is the paragon of love, Martian Manhunter is the paragon of honor, and a man from Earth-1 named Ryan Choi is the paragon of humanity, who Iris, Ray, and Ralph set out to find. Meanwhile, Constantine, Mia, and Diggle go to Earth-666, to enlist the help of Lucifer to retrieve Oliver’s soul from purgatory. 

Elsewhere, Barry, Cisco, Killer Frost, and Pariah find in the Anti-Monitor’s lair, that the Flash of Earth-90 was captured by the Anti-Monitor and is running on a ‘cosmic treadmill’ which is powering the anti-matter canon which is destroying the multiverse. To try to stop this, Pariah enlists the help of Black Lightning.
Whilst all this is happening, the other heroes try to save civilians from the other Earths before they end.


    Opening: The Last Paragons

The introduction of team Flash into the fold of Crisis was so awesome to see. Cisco and Caitlin are such important characters in the arrowverse, and it was a shame that they were excluded up until this point. But now they are ready for action. I also did love Ralph’s reaction to coming on board the Waverider. It was great finally seeing the character interact with other heroes outside of Central City- something which he was excluded from for the past two years.

Ray creating the paragon detector I felt like was a little rushed. There could have been more of a story that could have been explored there. But I did enjoy the few seconds that he and Cisco spent building it. 

The reveal of the last three paragons was interesting. Although the reveal of the paragons was spoiled for me, I felt that the paragons were well selected and at the same time, unexpected. We knew that Barry would play a pivotal role in this crossover, but I never expected it to be like this. Martian Manhunter being a paragon was something that I was not expecting. Although the character has been tested the most from the Supergirl series, I felt like the character being absent from a majority of the action of the past two episodes made it seem like he was not going to have a larger role. 

    Plot A: Flash Vanishes in Crisis
Over the past six years, we have been anticipating Barry Allen to die in what was teased to be Crisis on Infinite Earths, and now we finally see that future newspaper headline paid off, as the Flash, Barry Allen did vanish in the crisis.

Having the original team Flash together in the midst of this crisis was so fun to see. Although this did show that this episode is a Flash episode at heart, the importance the Cisco, Caitlin, and Barry have had to the Arrowverse made it seem justified to have this team Flash focus in comparison to how the other parts handled their focus on the main cast of their respective series.

The Anti-Monitor base an awesome setting. I loved the diverse textures used in the set, with the brick background mixed with futuristic technology. Although it is not set in space, the base does kind of resemble the Anti-Monitor’s base in the Crisis on Infinite Earths comic series.

The twist that the Flash of Earth-90 was captured by the Anti-Monitor was a neat twist. Although it was revealed that John Wesley Shipp was reprising his role as Barry Allen, I never expected it to be like this. The twist answered a lot of questions about the whereabouts of this Flash in an exciting way which was ripped right from the comics. Essentially, in “Elseworlds” last year, when the Flash-90 was teleported away by the Monitor, the Anti-Monitor captured him. This allowed the Anti-Monitor to use the enhanced kinetic energy used by the Flash-90’s powers on the cosmic treadmill to power the “anti-matter canon” which is the source the anti-matter waves. 

I did like how the team was determined to save the Flash-90. It was really neat seeing them saving one person, which was something that Barry was focusing on with Cisco with Bloodwork in the first half of The Flash season six. The other twist that the Anti-Monitor put in a safety mechanism in the canon where it would exhaust all of its energy to destroy the multiverse if Flash-90 ever managed to escape.

When Barry was about to sacrifice himself, that team Flash hug hit me hard. Cisco and Caitlin potentially having to say goodbye to Barry was a heartfelt moment as it felt as though the entire Flash series has been culminating at this moment. Ever since season one, the characters have been slowly preparing themselves for the inevitable that the Flash vanishes in a crisis, and to see that paid off is almost indescribable.

The introduction of Black Lightning into the Arrowverse was so awesome. This character is someone that has been developed in his own continuity, with only references to other heroes, so it was finally so breathtaking to see that the character was interacting with other heroes. The use of Black Lightning in this plot seemed reasonable. Jefferson was to absorb all of the power from the anti-matter cannon so it did not destroy the remaining multiverse. The introduction of the character did not seem forced, as there was an important reason as to why he was brought into the fold because he is an established character who has powers that dabble in that of electricity and energy manipulation.

    Plot B: Finding Ryan

Ray, Iris, and Ralph going to find Ryan was an interesting plot. Although it may have deviated the focus away from more important story elements, the plot still had an interesting take on introducing a pivotal character. Ryan was introduced as a reluctant hero not because he had nothing to fight for, but because he had everything to fight for. The human aspect of Ryan is something that is pivotal to the character (as he is a paragon of humanity), and its traits found in the character did not seem to be forced.

Ryan freaking out over Ray and the Elongated Man was a great way to establish how Ryan has been a character who has lived in this universe. It was interesting to see the impact of these characters in their universe on the wider world in which they reside. We do not really see the impact of enhanced individuals on areas outside of Star City and Central City, so it was neat to visit Ivy City to see this impact.

Iris being the person to convince Ryan to join the team seemed fitting for the character of Iris. I did like how Iris being the only person who is not enhanced or a vigilante being the person to recruit someone in the same position, however, is meant for a higher purpose, was great. I did feel like the flashback to the conversation she had with Barry on the Waverider was unnecessary to have at that moment. It would have been better if we saw that conversation unfold in real-time, before the team found Ryan, as it would have acted as more foreshadowing, rather than the episode overtly pointing out why Iris was the person to convince Ryan to join the team, believing that the audience can not act on its own intuition. 

    Plot C: Saving Oliver’s soul

John Diggle was finally bought in the fold for the crossover, and it seems so late. Diggle should have been in the crossover in the first part, but better late than never I guess. I suppose this does bring up somewhat a problem I have with this crossover is that it is very episodic. There should have been a consistent theme and a primary character arc in this crossover with Oliver. Similar to that of Iron Man in the Avengers films. Since this crossover is going to be the last time we see Oliver, it should act as more of a review of the universe and the superhero community that he inspired to create. 

But that aside, entering Purgatory was an interesting concept. The team had the help of Lucifer which was an awesome cameo to see. The Lucifer television series is based on a DC Comics in print and has been severed off from the Arrowverse up until this point. Going to Lian Yu which is the embodiment of purgatory was a great way to tie in the meaning of the name of the island into the plot. The last moment with Oliver in his current form saying goodbye to Mia and Diggle I feel like should have been extended to drive home the point that although the body of Oliver will still remain, the essence that makes Oliver who he is will essentially be gone.

    Ending: Everything Ends
Like most two-part events in films and television, Crisis on Infinite Earths ends on a cliffhanger with the known Multiverse's matter being turned to anti-monitor, erasing all life, except the seven paragons. 

Harbinger being corrupted by the Anti-Monitor and killing the Monitor was a twist taken from the comics. Although an accurate adaptation of the comics, it felt kind of predictable in the episode. I feel like there could have been less suspense with Harbinger having the voices in her head, leaving the audience to come to the same realization as the heroes as to why Pariah is present in this scene, and what is about to go down.

The way that the anti-matter wave look coming over Earth-1 and the Waverider was awesome. I do wish that we saw more of inside the Waverider as the anti-matter wave destroyed everything, such as a shot with Cisco and Caitlin. But I did love the expression of insurance Clarke had on his face while looking at Iris and Ralph. They knew that somehow, that the seven paragons would save them, but them looking death in the face was a really well-done scene that tells a lot about these characters and the influence of Superman being the ideal superhero with any words.

The place that the paragons ended up, which was a place-based at the end of space-time was something that had only been seen in Legends of Tomorrow season one, and I believe that Captain Cold of Earth-1 died there, destroying the organization that Rip Hunter worked for and was betrayed by. 

Lex Luthor taking over that place of Earth-96 Superman was an awesome twist that I didn't see coming. It showed the true villainy of Lex Luthor at that moment and presented a way more interesting and complex conflict. Also, the way that Superman evaporated in Supergirl’s arms mirrored the comic book panel of Superman carrying Supergirl’s body in the 1985 Crisis on Infinite Earths comic.


    Ryan Choi
The introduction of Ryan Choi was a really neat way to see a character who will be important going into the future of the Arrowverse. If you do not know, in the comics, Ryan Choi became the Atom. And since Brandon Routh is leaving the Arrowverse soon, this character will take over the mantle of the Atom on Legends of Tomorrow.

Ryan was a great character to bring into the crossover as he acted as a great base for the common person in the Arrowverse. Everyone we have seen in this crossover has been tied to a superhero in some form and is aware of all the craziness that is going on with the end of the multiverse. But Ryan, representing the common person is oblivious to the doom that awaits everyone. It really places an emphasis on great questions on the superhero community in the Arrowverse on whether they should inform the public of ongoing threats, or risk the possibility of having the very public they are trying to protect to live in an oblivious reality to them. 

    The Flash of Earth-90
After a year we finally catch up with Barry Allen of Earth-90. The character almost seemed like a one-off for the crossover last year, but he returned, and in a really meaningful way. I absolutely loved his introduction scene where Barry-1 runs up to him, and he puts out his hand warning Barry-1 to stop. 

Barry-90 is a character who has not been explored in this expanded multiverse. We know that this is the same Barry Allen from the Flash television series from 1990-1991, however, outside of that, we never really got to see his interaction with other flashes, up until this point. 

Barry-90 sweeping the leg of Barry-1 was one of the greatest moments of this episode. I loved the idea that because of the thirty or so years of Barry-90’s experience as the Flash and having superspeed, he learned a lot of new moves, such as taking the speed force from another speedster. This is something that I believe has been done in the comics. I know that speedsters can gather energy from other speedsters, however, I do not believe it has unfolded in this hand-grabby way before. 

A sacrifice had to be made, and it was stated in episode one of The Flash season six, that “Barry Allen must die.” Since this Flash is also Barry Allen, he did fit in the confines of the sacrifice. I kind of saw this twist coming. We knew that the Flash series was not going to continue without Barry-1, so it made sense that this original television Flash was to be the sacrifice. It made for a great moment, where Barry had to see his father die once again. In addition, the Flash vanishing in the manner that he did mirrors that of Barry Allen dying on the cosmic treadmill in the Crisis on Infinite Earths comic. 

    Black Lightning

Finally introduced to the Arrowverse is Jefferson Pierce, also known as Black Lightning. The Black Lightning series is arguably better than the other established series in the Arrowverse, so it was great to see this crossover. Jefferson is a character that I felt as though mixed well with Barry and the rest of Team Flash. 

The initial upset that Jefferson had with his Earth being destroyed really could have dragged out longer. There could have been a longer focus on the effects that losing literally everything in your known existence would have on a person like Jefferson. But I do like the idea that the optimism that a person like Barry Allen holds is enough to inspire hope to Jefferson that he can get his family back.

Lucifer is a character who has remained mostly disconnected from the other DC Comics television series, so it was great to see him being bought back in the fold. The character living on Earth-666 was awesome to see, showing that even in the multiverse the devil still somehow finds a place to leave its mark. 

There was some neat chemistry between Lucifer and Constantine which hints towards a past between them. I really liked the idea that most magic users in the multiverse have just met each other at some point. And although it may not be explored too much in the future, I like the idea that there was somewhat of a dark Justice League possibly in the Multiverse in the Arrowverse in the past.

The Spectre was introduced in this episode in purgatory. Much like the comics, the Spectre is a mantel that is passed on, and now, it is passed on to Oliver Queen. This is essentially the “something else” that Oliver is becoming which has been the opening monologue for this past season of Arrow. This is an interesting choice to take Oliver, not only does the green hood of the Specter mirror that of Oliver’s Green Arrow costume, how the Spectre and Oliver take down criminals is similar in that they take them down in ironic ways according to their crimes.

I felt like Oliver transforming into the Spectre was a little too rushed, as we never really got to explore the dynamic of Oliver in his current state and his friends that he has not seen in a while, such as Barry, Sara, Ray, Cisco, Caitlin, or Kara. I’ve said this a couple of times at this point, but the lack of a story-line focusing on Oliver and how he has inspired various heroes in this Multiverse is something that this crossover needs.


In conclusion, this episode of the crossover is by far, at this moment the strongest. The way that it handled the characters was great, with the introduction of Black Lightning into the Arrowverse, as well as Lucifer. Also, the twist with Barry Allen of Earth-90 dying, Lex Luthor replacing Earth-96 Superman, and the facade of hope over a scared Earth-38 Superman’s face really tied this episode together.
Rating: 8.5/10

What did you think of this episode? Comment below your favorite moments and characters down below. As always, thanks for reading, and I will be back in January for the final two parts of this crossover.

