Season 5 Episode 20: Hey everyone, we are back with a new episode of the Flash, directed by Kristin Windell. In this episode, we see what Nora gets up to when she returns back to 2019 using the negative speed force, and how she is teaming up with the new Central City rogues to pull off a heist. But spoilers ahead for the episode lets recap. In the episode, Nora returns to 2019 and steals some blueprints for a building. Nora brings together her own rogues gallery own Weather Witch, Ragdoll, and the Bug-Eyed Bandit to pull off a heist and steal some meta-weapons. Caitlin and Ralph go to one of Icicle’s old bases where a chemical has been stolen by Cicada. Nora and her team go to STAR Labs where Nora steals Spencer’s meta-phone and confronts Barry while Ragdoll kidnaps Cisco and Sherloque. Back at the rogues base, Nora forces Cisco to hack into the meta-phone so it can be used to hack into the facility that Nora wants to break into. Cisco hacks into the phone, and th...