One of the most underutilized characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe was Pietro Maximoff, A.K.A Quicksilver, played by Aaron Taylor Johnson, who both debuted and died in Avengers Age of Ultron (2015). With Avengers Endgame approaching, and the film promising to wrap up the past 22 films, it is possible that we see Quicksilver return in Endgame, and I have a theory as to how that may happen.
The main reason that Quicksilver was killed off in the MCU was that writing for speedsters is simply just too hard. Especially if the speedster is not counted in their powers.
The main reason that Quicksilver was killed off in the MCU was that writing for speedsters is simply just too hard. Especially if the speedster is not counted in their powers.
If Quicksilver lived in Age of Ultron, we most likely would have seen him in Captain America Civil War, and Avengers Infinity War.
In Civil War, for example, Quicksilver would be too overpowered for team Iron Man. If Quicksilver sided with Captain America in the airport battle, he could have rushed every member to the Quinjet, and Zemo would have been captured. Tony wouldn't have stood a chance. Therefore no major divide in the team in Infinity War, and Thanos would've struggled a little more to win.
Speaking of Thanos, he is one of the only characters who pose a threat to Quicksilver. Especially with the use of the space stone and the time stone. If Quicksilver was still alive, Thanos would freeze him in time to take him out, and not riddle him with bullets. However, Quicksilver would put up a fight, potentially get the gauntlet off Thanos, or even take a stone out. This is where the theory comes in.
In the comics, once Thanos snapped his fingers and erased half of all life in the universe, Adam Warlock had the genius plan to gather all the remaining heroes, have them fight Thanos (as filler) and meanwhile on the other side of the universe lead Silver Surfer to fly at his fastest speed to steal the Infinity Gauntlet off Thanos.
Although the plan did not work in the comics, it was still the best attempt the heroes did to take down Thanos on their own.
Now replicating this to Endgame. Thanos has erased half of all life in the universe, and the Avengers don't have much to fight Thanos with. However, thanks to the Quantum Realm, the Avengers could bring Quicksilver back from another reality where he has developed his speed (or back in time) and get him to attempt to steal the Gauntlet from Thanos, like what Silver Surfer did in the comics. I am guessing that Quicksilver would fail this job, but he would still be in the film, and the team could either bring back the character is he is from back in time, or have a final farewell to the character if he is from an alternate reality.
In conclusion, this is just a theory, and this may or may not end up in the film, just a thought on a way to see this underutilized character back in the MCU once again. So comment below your thoughts on this theory down below.
You can click on the left for more Endgame, or on the right for the Flash, and also subscribe. As always thanks for reading, take care.

In Civil War, for example, Quicksilver would be too overpowered for team Iron Man. If Quicksilver sided with Captain America in the airport battle, he could have rushed every member to the Quinjet, and Zemo would have been captured. Tony wouldn't have stood a chance. Therefore no major divide in the team in Infinity War, and Thanos would've struggled a little more to win.
Speaking of Thanos, he is one of the only characters who pose a threat to Quicksilver. Especially with the use of the space stone and the time stone. If Quicksilver was still alive, Thanos would freeze him in time to take him out, and not riddle him with bullets. However, Quicksilver would put up a fight, potentially get the gauntlet off Thanos, or even take a stone out. This is where the theory comes in.
In the comics, once Thanos snapped his fingers and erased half of all life in the universe, Adam Warlock had the genius plan to gather all the remaining heroes, have them fight Thanos (as filler) and meanwhile on the other side of the universe lead Silver Surfer to fly at his fastest speed to steal the Infinity Gauntlet off Thanos.
Although the plan did not work in the comics, it was still the best attempt the heroes did to take down Thanos on their own.
Now replicating this to Endgame. Thanos has erased half of all life in the universe, and the Avengers don't have much to fight Thanos with. However, thanks to the Quantum Realm, the Avengers could bring Quicksilver back from another reality where he has developed his speed (or back in time) and get him to attempt to steal the Gauntlet from Thanos, like what Silver Surfer did in the comics. I am guessing that Quicksilver would fail this job, but he would still be in the film, and the team could either bring back the character is he is from back in time, or have a final farewell to the character if he is from an alternate reality.
In conclusion, this is just a theory, and this may or may not end up in the film, just a thought on a way to see this underutilized character back in the MCU once again. So comment below your thoughts on this theory down below.
You can click on the left for more Endgame, or on the right for the Flash, and also subscribe. As always thanks for reading, take care.

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