Okay, it is finally here, the trailer for Avengers 4, which has been revealed to be “Avengers: Endgame” which I will get into at the end as this trailer offers a series of other things which hint at what is happening in the film such as returning characters, Thanos farming, depressed and shaven Avengers, and a new release date. So let’s get into the trailer breakdown.

The trailer opens up with Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) on the ship that the Guardians of the Galaxy used to get to Titan, the “Benatar”, with Nebula (Karen Gillan) to get back to Earth. In this specific scene, we see Tony recording his last message in his nearly destroyed Mark 50 helmet to Pepper as resources are running low. (Even with 5/7th of the Guardians gone, there still aren’t enough resources for two)

One thing which stands out in this shot is that Tony looks like what he looked in the cave in the first Iron Man, with the black tank top and the flat hair, a neat parallel to point out from this film to phase one.
By this point, I don’t think that Tony has seen Doctor Strange from the past looking into the future, he just seems like he lacks hope and there is “no other way”, and just a little unmotivated to act on stopping Thanos even on the account of him dying.

If I had to guess it is most definitely Captain Marvel who finds and saves Tony and Nebula. It is an easy way to bring together the characters, and it creates for an easy way to get the three characters out of space and quickly back to Earth.
A fun guess would be that the Guardians 3000, Starhawk's team rescues Tony and Nebula, but I don’t think they’re coming back for this film. Kragglin could also come back to help out Nebula and Tony here, but I don’t think the character is appearing in this film; Sean Gunn is appearing though, as the body for Rocket.

Here we see a callback to the comics with the scarecrow on Thanos’ farm wearing his armor. I actually don’t know when he went back to get the armor, he may have had some spare armor lying around, I don’t know. Cool shot nevertheless.

Thanos (Josh Brolin) is on the farm with plenary of resources, walking through the field. The gauntlet is still on Thanos still mangled and melted. There are two main reasons why I think that Thanos is walking out here in his farm field with the Gauntlet.

I) The Gauntlet is melted to Thanos' arm, there is no possible way to remove the Gauntlet.
II) Thanos wants to bury the Gauntlet far from home in his field so he or anyone else won’t use the power of the stones again to do anything, such as bringing back Gamora.

Back on Earth at the Avengers facility in upstate New York the surviving Avengers will assemble and think of their plan of action. I thought that everyone would be assembling in Wakanda considering the resources and technology they have there to help the Avengers out, but I guess home is home. So at the beginning of the film Captain America (Chris Evans). Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo), War Machine (Don Cheadle), Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Rocket Racoon (Bradley Cooper) will all be at the facility. I doubt that anyone in Wakanda will shot up because there are a series of problems there. But some surviving Asgardian such as Valkyrie, Korg, and Miek could potentially show up. Wong could also show up if he’s up to it.

Shaven Steve Rogers, Black Widow, and Bruce Banner are looking at their next steps. This seems like it takes place maybe a day after the snap. This is shown by enough time for Steve to shave off his beard, but yet Natasha has her blonde hair still, and hasn’t gone back to red hair. 

This shot is interesting, we see Steve crying. I am guessing that it may be that Bucky died, the last person who he knew from his past is now dead. Steve may have also found out that Sharon Carter died, someone who he cared about.

In this shot we see Banner looking at holograms of enhanced individuals who have (thought to have) died from the snap, however, cannot be confirmed and classified as “missing”, as either no one was there, or they were off planet. In these holograms, we see Shuri (Letitia Wright) who must have turned to dust with no one witnesses, as she and everyone else in the lab where knocked out cold. In terms of Wakanda, it seems like M’Balu is most likely king, which we may see him kick the Avengers out of Wakanda as a result of most of his tribe being killed in the snap.

We see an image of Peter Parker (Tom Holland) who obviously did turn to dust, but there is no communication from Earth to Titan, so no one on Earth knows.

There is also an image of Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) which we know to be alive in the Quantum Realm, however, the Pym family who was supposed to pull out Scott turned to dust, stranding Scott at the subatomic level. 

With this showing missing individuals it seems like we could see characters like Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Mantis (courtesy of Rocket or Thor telling the Avengers about them), Falcon, Doctor Strange, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Iron Man and potentially TV characters if the Easter eggs department are wanting to include them in some capacity.

A shot of Thor sitting down in regular human clothes the Avengers facility. I am curious to see what Thor’s going to be like in Endgame, and the guilt he has that he didn’t go “for the head”. In the film, Thor may try to find the surviving Asgardians who got off the ship, such as Valkyrie, Korg, and Miek. That’s if they survive the snap. I really hope Thor does find them and call them up by the end of the film, for their all-out assault on Thanos.

Here he is the man everyone was waiting for in Infinity War, Clint Barton (Jeremy Renee) who is not Hawkeye anymore, however, has the alter ego of Ronin. The Ronin persona was confirmed a few years back, maybe even before Infinity War came out. We don’t get too much of a front view of the suit, but there are some hints of a golf pattern on his gloves, and the weapon he is holding is far from anything he would use as Hawkeye. The suit looks really awesome and fits the tone of a man who probably just saw his whole family turn to dust.

The biggest question in this scene is why Japan. What brings Clint to Japan. There are a few reasons, both of which may because Nick Fury tasked Clint before he turned to dust. What I am guessing Ronin is doing in Japan is:
a) Ronin is going to steal a piece of technology which may be pivotal to defeating Thanos.
b) Captain Marvel was somehow abducted and taken to Japan, and Clint is going to find and rescue her.

“This is gonna work Steve”
“ I know, cause I don't know what I’m going to do if it doesn’t” 

Here Black Widow and Captain America seem like they are going to be acting on a plan, which I will speculate on in a second. But let’s talk about what is going on in this scene. It appears that this is happening near the beginning of the film, as we see blonde Black Widow and Captain America in his stealth suit from the Winter Soldier. In this scene we also see Steve look at his compass with the picture of Peggy from the First Avenger. This is some foreshadowing of Steve’s death. The picture of Peggy was the last thing he saw before everyone thought he died so it might be the last thing he sees in this film before he really does die, or this could be another fake out.

But in terms of a plan that is “gonna work” is a huge mystery, because I am not even too sure what a first or even second act climax will look like. I have no idea of any battle that will go down in this film apart from the all-out assault on Thanos at the end of the film.

Here is the title reveal, “Avengers: Endgame”. In terms of titles, everyone came up with this back in May, but then the directors of the film, the Russo brothers said that the title was not said in Infinity War, and Doctor Strange said “Endgame” so everyone crossed that off. So in terms of saying that, it’s kind of annoying to get lied to, but it’s here, the title is Endgame and it sounds insane and gives a sense of higher stakes such as permanent death of a character, such as possibly Captain America.

Here he is, live footage from outside Avengers HQ in New York, Scott Lang rocks up in Luis’ van. There are so many things happening with the Ant-Man character in this single scene. So first of all, the van he has is pivotal, it means that the Quantum Realm tunnel that was at the back of it in Antman and the Wasp is now at the Avengers facility.

But the last time we saw Antman, he was stranded in the Quantum Realm. It appears that he obviously got out, and here is what I think happened. Since time moves differently the Quantum Realm, Scott managed to get out himself using an enlarging disc (like he did in the first Antman) however Scott finds himself several years in the future in say 2023. There he finds his snap-orphaned daughter, Cassie who is potentially a vigilante using Pym technology to protect a post-snap world. There has been an older version of Cassie cast, being played by Emma Fuhrmann In the comics, Cassie went on to become the hero known as Stature. Although his daughter is a hero in the future, Scott does feel the guilt of abandonment and decides to go back in time with the Quantum Realm (courtesy of a “time vortex”) and decides to help the Avengers find a way to stop Thanos and reverse the snap.

Side note: I also believe that the van that Scott used to get into the Quantum Realm will be in the same place because Luis died in the snap and didn’t get it back.

So that’s the trailer for Avengers Endgame- I don’t think I’m going to get used to saying that. The trailers dark tone was great and as set the mood for the first grand loss for the Avengers which has affected the world. There are many exciting things to see in this film, such as seeing more individuals who lived or died in the snap. I am also excited to see everyone coming back together, the original Avengers, Ronin, Antman, Captain Marvel, Rocket, all lead by shaven Captain America.

The new release date for Endgame is April 26, 2019, it’s moved forward like Infinity War was last year.

What did you think of the Endgame trailer? Comment below all of your favorite shots and character moments from the trailer, and the theories you have for what’s going to happen in the film. You can click on the left for more Endgame, or on the right for more Marvel, as always thanks for reading, take care.


