An image was released by Geoff Johns on Twitter revealing a banner for Wonder Woman 2, as seen above. The image has "WW84" with the letters obviously standing for Gal Gadot herself, as Wonder Woman, and the 84 teasing the year that the film is going to take place, 1984. The film was rumored to take place in the 1980's, but this confirms the time period of the film, which teases what might happen in the film, so let's go through that. The first film focuses in World War I, having the films set in World Word II, seems like it would be another version of the first film, just being more horrific, so it makes sense that the sequel is not set in the 40's. In 1984, or the 1980's in general, there was one major global threat, and that was the Cold War, well that extended through 40 years, with the US, and USSR had their differences in their political views, and yeah, hydrogen bombs. In Wonder Woman 2, it seems like Diana Prince will being the one stelling do...