Season 4 Episode 17:

It is time for the Flash to return with a new episode, and this episode is directed by Kevin Smith. Focusing on the team finding the eleventh bus meta, as well as a side plot with Cisco, we explore how DeVoe is scheming to take down team Flash, potentially with the help of another villain. Spoilers ahead for the episode, I will do a brief recap and we can discuss the episode.

With the Harry discovering the identities of the final two bus Meta-Humans, the team starts to track down Janet Petty, AKA "Null", a thief who has been going around Central City messing with Silent Bob and Jay stealing whatever shimmers and shines. In an encounter with Null, Ralph and Barry discover Null's powers, that is to make objects float, which is what happened to Barry. After not taking the mission seriously, Ralph is benched by Barry.
Meanwhile, Cisco is visited by Breacher, who tells Cisco that his vibe powers are not working. Cisco tries to find a solution to the loss of his powers, however, Caitlin tells Cisco that Breacher may have lost his powers due to old age. Cisco resists telling Breacher, however, when Breacher thinks he gets his powers back, he confronts a vampire he was fighting on another Earth. Cisco saves Breacher and tells him the truth, that we will not get his powers back.

Finding Null again, Barry saves a man from a falling car, as Null gets away. Harry gets annoyed at his thinker cap for not working. In the Thinker lair, Marlize discovers that she is getting her memory wiped by DeVoe, as DeVoe (in Izzy's body), confronts Marlize, takes her down, removing her memory. Barry has a talk with Ralph as he learns that Ralph makes jokes to because it takes the stress off of him. Ralph and Barry suit up to confront Null at an event. the Flash and Elongated Man show up and confront Null by saving a lady who was sent floating. Barry runs everyone out of the event. When he returns, Null touches him and Barry floats rapidly. Ralph puts the cuffs on Null's legs. Barry starts to fall, so Ralph elongates into a ball, saving Barry from splatting on the ground.

Back at STAR Labs, the team celebrates their victory, as Joe goes to research the last bus Meta. Breacher visits Cisco as he tells him that he is retiring. Breacher offers Cisco a job, to take his place, all the while he can spend time with Gypsy. Marlize and DeVoes go to find ways to sustain a body for DeVoe. The episode ends with Harry going into the brail room, where he places the thinking cap on the Tachyon accelerator, while he activates Gideon, who greets him as "Mr. Wells."

To start off, this episode was more of a comedic and character-centric episode rather than action. There were a few teasers at the end of the episode which I will discuss, but first the episode as a whole. Directed by Kevin Smith, this episode did have some great comedy, in relation to the characters. The comedy was worked into character development, like for Ralph, where we got that small backstory of him and his mother. The way that comedy was used at times was a little on the nose, but the show sort of knew that, and went with that. The tone of the episode was relatively light, in the way where there was nothing too heavy ongoing in the episode, such as big character turns. The season has gone with the lighter tone, so I do appreciate that this episode to start the final run of the season was lighter, to remind us of the tone. In the episode we did see one of the greatest shootouts ever, that was Silent Bob and Jay in the episode, as the security guards. "Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back" is a movie directed by Kevin Smith who also starred in it, so it is great that those characters are now basically canonized in the Arrowverse.

The Thinker plot in the episode is leading towards a turn for the season finale. In the episode with Marlize being wiped of the memory that the Thinker is drugging her, creating a rift between the wife and husband. At the end of the episode, we saw the everything is back to normal. Eventually, near the finale, Marlize is going to be able to escape. From the escape, Marlize will know that DeVoe is psychotic and will work with team Flash. In the episode, it was foreshadowed by DeVoe, that Marlize's love is the only thing that can stop him. That is the key to stop DeVoe, Marlize. She can be a mechanic to help the team create the cerebral inhibitor, while also being bait for DeVoe.

The side plot of the episode with Cisco and breacher was enjoyable to watch. I do love the dynamic the two characters have, and this episode played on that. The concept of the plot was brilliant, in the way that it made Breacher a more likable, and sympathetic character, as he just wants to defend his Earth. I was a little confused, I thought that Breacher lost his powers completely, but no, he can still breach from one Earth to the other, however, he can not make vibe blasts or vibe. The way that the plot flowed was great, I liked the idea that Cisco tried so hard, to keep Breacher's hopes up. The ending to that plot was fulfilling. Breacher is going to become Daenery's on Earth47. The main cliffhanger to that story which I wanted to talk about was Cisco being offered to take the place of the Breacher at the Collector agency on Earth-19. For the most part, Cisco will probably not take that position until the season finale. From there it is most likely that Cisco could leave the team and be on Earth-19. If the character left the show it would be kind of sad, and the team would feel a little empty, however for the character it would be a satisfying end to put the character back, as he would be in a place to return to the show any episode. All of this really depends on Carlos Valdes wanting to stay a series regular in Season five.

The big ending though, with the potential Reverse Flash twist was my favorite scene of the episode. To start off, I was not expecting this to happen. What I believe is that Harry, the one that we saw is the real Harry, from Earth-2. Knowing that the team wouldn't approve, he is using the technology of the Reverse Flash to make his cerebral inhibitor. The Gideon at the end, the program has not been used on the Flash since season one, instead, the A.I has been on the Waverider in Legends of Tomorrow. With the A.I in the past, and not in the future, she seems to be very confused. Harry appears to be tricking Gideon into giving him answers on the future, and how team Flash stops DeVoe. Hapossiblyssibley doing this in secret, as he knows everyone else would not approve of using the Reverse Flash's research from the future. The other possibility is that this is actually the Reverse Flash. What could have happened is that in the Thinking cap process, Harry was swapped out by DeVoe and replaced by Eobard, who is back as the Reverse Flash? It was teased on Crisis on Earth-X, the Reverse Flash could be wearing anyone's face, and the point would be that he didn't change his face, but remained to look like Harrison Wells. I do feel like the Reverse Flash actually being back could be a little farfetched, so please do not hold your breath. I feel like when the Reverse Flash returns, it will be in a bigger way.

Hartley Sawyer had the best performance of the episode tonight. I love the way that the character's growth is being told in the show. In the episode we see the character's mentality in these stressful situations explored, in the way that he makes jokes to calm himself and others around him down. The show is making a large effort to create sympathy with the character, as it is possible we see the death of Ralph this season. In the episode, everyone had great scenes and performances in them. Starring in the episode we had Grant Gustin (Barry Allen/ The Flash), Candice Patton (Iris West-Allen), Tom Cavanagh (Harry Wells), Jesse L. Martin (Joe West), Bethany Brown (Janet Petty/ Null), Carlos Valdes (Cisco/ Vibe), Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin/ Killer Frost), Danny Trejo (Josh/ Breacher), Paul McGillion (Earl Cox), Kim Engelbrecht (Marlize DeVoe/ the Mechanic) Mirinda MacDougall (Clifford DeVoe/ Izzy), Jason Mewes (Jay), and Kevin Smith (Silent Bob).

In conclusion, this episode of the Flash was a very comedic and character-centric episode which had a talented director behind the camera creating some great visual techniques and bringing to life great performances by talented actors. I will give this episode of the Flash an 8 out of 10. I am excited where the season is going with DeVoe, especially with all those endings teasing Cisco leaving, Marlize joining team Flash, and the possibility of Reverse Flash returning. What did you think of the episode? let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments section below.
You can click on the left for more Flash and on the right for the Legends of Tomorrow season three finale. As always thanks for reading, take care.


