Season 3 Episode 12:

Hey, everyone, a new episode of Legends of Tomorrow is out and we see the progression of the Totem war happening, as well as a side story involving the Kid Flash and Rip Hunter continuing from last weeks episode. So spoilers ahead for this episode, we will recap, discuss the episode, and then there is some news about the season finale which I will talk about. But first recap.

Opening up the episode is Blackbeard, in 1717, Bahamas, where we give his girlfriend, Anne Queen, the Earth totem, however, the totem posses her and Blackbeard runs away. Back on board the Waverider, Ray is going over with Amaya the five Totems that they know about. Ray says that the Fire Totem is in Detroit 2018, in a museum. Sara tells the team that she is going on a date, so she goes to Star City 2018, where she meets Ava Sharpe for a date. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew go to Detroit for the Fire Totem. Ray tells the team that the Fire Totem has been stolen by Damien Darhk who left a note. However, Nate tells the team that he knows were the Earth Totem is. So the Legends go to 1717, Bahamas. There the Legends get confronted and are taken to Blackbeard's bar.

In the Yunnan Province, China, 2018, Rip Hunter finds Wally West meditating and tells him that he tracked him through his MP3 player. Rip confronts Wally that he is meditating after his break up with Jesse. Rip then pulls out a flask to drink. On her date with Ava, Sara gets a call from Gideon who tells her that the Legends went to 1717. Sara ignores the warning and goes back to her date. In 1717, Bahamas, the Legends go to a bar where Amaya is feeling down about her destiny, Mick tries to cheer her up. Nate and Ray try to tell everyone that Amaya, is called "Captain Jiwe", who is looking for Blackbeard. After getting his attention, Amaya has a talk with Blackbeard as Ray and Nate head back to the ship. However, in the bar, Damien Darhk and Nora show up dressed as admirals and captures Blackbeard, Amaya, and Mick, taking away Amaya's Spirit Totem.

In 2018, Rip and Wally share some drinks as Rip tells Wally that he needs a favor. In Star City, Wally takes Agent Gary's phone and teleporting time watch. Wally also gets back Rip's coat. On board the Waverider, the ship goes into a blackout as Nate, Ray, and Zari discover they are in the Devil's triangle. With the ship being bombarded by cannon balls courtesy of Damien Darhk, the team has to choice but to time jump as they go to 2018, abandoning a captured and depowered Amaya and Mick in 1717. At her date, Ava is pulled aside by Agent Gary who tells Ava about his stuff being stolen as well as Rip's coat being taken. Sara sees the Waverider crash in 2018 and leaves the date. Meanwhile, in 1992, Tokoyo, Rip and Wally do some Karaoke. Back in 1717, Amaya and Mick save Blackbeard from being executed by some admirals. After an epic sword duel, Amaya, Mick, and Blackbeard run away, however, Blackbeard ditches the two Legends. Amaya and Mick go to Blackbeard's bar and hire his crew to find the Earth Totem. Blackbeard walks in and decides to join Amaya's crew.

Sailing a ship, Amaya, Mick, Blackbeard, and the other pirates approach an island. Onboard the Waverider, Ava teleports in and confronts Sara about everything. She points out that Damien Darhk is now a famous pirate. On this island, Blackbeard, tells Amaya that when his girlfriend, Anne, put on the Earth Totem, she was possessed, so Blackbeard shot her and buried her. Damien and Nora Darhk are digging up Anne's still alive body to get the Earth Totem. Hitting jackpot, Damien, Nora and their crew get attacked. Following the noise Captain Jiwe and her crew get attacked by the possessed Anne. Amaya tries to talk to Anne. Nate and Ray steal Ava's teleporting device to help Amaya. On the Waverider, Sara and Ava continue arguing but then kiss. With the portal still open to the Waverider, Blackbeard and some of his men go on the time ship. Sara and Ava team up to fight Blackbeard and his men.

After trying to get through to Anne, Amaya witnesses Damien kill her taking the Earth totem. Cornered by Damien, Amaya is passed a sword from Nate as she duels Damien. But then Nora has Amaya at a standstill as Mallus takes over Nora who starts to kill Amaya. Ray pulls out his nano gun and shoots Nora, taking Mallus out of her, however slowly killing her. Nate takes the Earth Totem, as he, Mick, Amaya, and Ray go back to the Waverider. With Blackbear and his men taken down by Sara and Ava, Amaya teleports Blackbeard and his companions back home, where Amaya is known as Captain Jiwe to them.

On the Waverider, Sara and Ava have a drink and go make out, as does Amaya and Nate. In 2018, Rip tells Wally that he had a good time, but know they need to go out to stop Mallus. On the Waverider, Mick hangs out with Ray who is feeling guilty. Knowing that Nora is going to die from his nano gun, he creates a cure. Using the escape pod, Ray goes to 1717, to give Nora a cure as she is being cradled by Damien. In return, Damien gives ray Amaya's Spirit Totem. Nora wakes up, recognizing Ray, as she starts to kill him. Damien stops her and tells Nora that Ray may be valuable to them.

Overall, this episode of Legends of Tomorrow was an absolutely brilliant episode in terms of the tone and character development it built up. The pirate theme in the episode going after the Earth Totem was really fun and exciting. In a sort of action adventure, get the McGuffin before the bad guys do scenario. Some place where we have not explored was a pirate era. With Amaya being the lead in this episode, we saw the character develop this concept of getting over something. Following the advice from Mick about enjoying the moment, we saw Amaya consider that and have fun in being Captain Jiwe even without her necklace, and not thinking about her destiny. This created a more optimistic story. Having Blackbeard in the episode was another positive. You have to have Blackbeard in any pirate story, and this lighter spin of the character worked for the tone the show was going for.

The cinematography in this episode was great. There were no absolutely insane shots, but there were no bad shots, it was fine. There were some complaints about the episode. Of course, some of the CG was not the best, more with the Earth totem. But a complaint I do have is clear that there was with the Wally West plot. With only the last line at the end there, I would have no idea what was going on. If there were a couple more lines in there outlying specifically why Rip really needed Wally, and how they were going to take down Mallus than I wouldn't have too many complaints. That is more of a nitpick, however. Wally West was so exciting to see on the show. I loved learning about the point the character is at. How after his breakup with Jesse, he saw that he did not fit on team Flash, and thus he saw himself as an outcast, the definition to be a Legend of Tomorrow. I am looking forward to Wally and Rip go on adventures.

Masie Richardson-Sellers was awesome in this episode. From the different take, she took on portraying Amaya, portraying a pirate was great. She felt right to take on being this Pirate Captain in the episode, with the charisma she brought to the screen. I enjoyed the conveying of the character's journey in the episode, where she went from being worried about her destiny to living a "quarter mile at a time", as Wally would say. The rest of the cast in the episode was as always great, we had Johnathan Cake (Blackbeard), Dominic Purcell (Mick/ Heatwave), Brandon Routh (Ray/ the Atom), Nick Zano (Nate/ Steel), Tala Ashe (Zari Tomaz), Amy Louise Pemberton (Gideon), Caity Lotz (Sara/ White Canary), Jes Macallan (Ava Sharpe), Adam Tsekhman (Agent Gary), Neal McDonough (Damien Darhk), Courtney Ford (Nora Darhk), Arthur Darvill (Rip Hunter), and Keiynan Lonsdale (Wally West/ Kid Flash).

Now for the finale stuff. With the finale taking place in the Wild West as seen by set pictures, it is said that Franz Drameh (Jackson Jefferson/ Firestorm), would be returning for the season finale. I just read about this in the morning, so it is relatively new. This might have something to do with the Fire totem is what people are speculating, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

In conclusion, this episode of Legends of Tomorrow was an entertaining episode. Although it had a basic storyline, we saw this episode be a pirate genre episode which had a well-balanced tone with the character development and the side stories. I will give this episode an 8.5 out of 10. I would like to hear your thoughts on the episode down in the comments section below. You can click on the left for more Legends of Tomorrow and click on the right for the Flash. As always, thanks for reading, take care.

