The sequel to the Walt Disney 2012 animated classic, Wreck it Ralph is back with a sequel titled "Ralph Breaks the Internet", and the first official trailer finally dropped, where we get a sense of the story of the film and where this film may take us involving the internet as suggested in the title. So let's get on with the breakdown. So it appears we start off in the same arcade where the owner installed the internet to the building and now everything including the arcade games is hooked up to it somehow. So we then see Ralph (John C. Reilly) and Vanellope (Sarah Silverman) go into the internet. As the arcade machines in the first film went through the power cords to the hub, the same is happening here, as the internet modem is connected to the power supply, thus the arcade characters connected to the same said power supply can travel to the internet. Look, that is just an interpretation, I really have no clue on what's going on. In this physical manifest...