So it appears we start off in the same arcade where the owner installed the internet to the building and now everything including the arcade games is hooked up to it somehow. So we then see Ralph (John C. Reilly) and Vanellope (Sarah Silverman) go into the internet. As the arcade machines in the first film went through the power cords to the hub, the same is happening here, as the internet modem is connected to the power supply, thus the arcade characters connected to the same said power supply can travel to the internet. Look, that is just an interpretation, I really have no clue on what's going on.
In this physical manifestation of the internet, there are so many easter eggs. I saw a "Youtube Red" advertisement as well as a bootleg Warcraft and even bootleg Buzzfeed. And of course in the shot above we see National Geographic, so this film could almost be seen as an advertisement. Looking at this landscape, this almost reminds me of the infamous Emoji Movie. You may have even made that comparison, but to help Disney here, the Emoji Movie had bland humor with 1-dimensional characters. This film will have three-dimensional characters established in the previous film and it seems like the jokes will not be as bland as the Emoji Movie, as there are people who actually care who worked on this film.
After being greeted by spam advertisements Ralph and Vanellope go to eBay. One thing I want to point out here is that everyone, presumably the users have these weird looking avatars. I do not know how they are going to be explained, however, they do have a weird X-Box live vibe to it. But the obvious jokes are being made here, from the spam adverts to the cute cats, and I think that these are the jokes we will be seeing in the trailers more. There definitely has to be a reference to the insane amount of adult content on the internet, so it is good that Vanellope is a childlike character, thus Ralph protects her from some of the insaities that lie of the internet.
The trailer ends with Ralph and Vanellope going into a mobile game. First of all, this has to be one lucky kid to have a tablet which I assume is connected to the mobile data on her parents phone, thus out heroes can enter the game. But this was a little hilarious, just Ralph blowing up a rabbit, and traumatizing a child. One genuine complaint I do have here is the closing up on the child screaming. I felt like it would have been a better joke to leave on if we saw the child from the initial distance, showing how the internet can impact the real world.
In conlusion, this trailer of Ralph Breaks the Internet was a trailer which more or less teased the ideas that the film will follow on. I guess that the trailer was not from D-23, in that trailer we saw the Disney princesses show up along with R2D2 and C3PO. That felt like some extreme corporate synergey for a first trailer. But with nice looking animations, this film is sure to be awesome, espacially if Owl City returns to do the song. I would like to hear your thoughts on this film down in the comments below. As always thanks for reading, take care.
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