Season 4 Episode 10:

Hey everyone, we are back with a brand new episode of the Flash where we see the storyline or an adaptation of the storyline, trial of the Flash, as Barry Allen is convicted of a murder he did not commit. Spoilers ahead for the episode, if you have not seen it yet.

The episode opens with Barry taking some mugshots as we transition to STAR Labs where the team is discussing what to do with Barry's trail. Barry said he refuses to break out of prison and be a fugitive. Cisco then starts to dig through the guilty and innocent gibberish Barry was saying when he came from the speed force. Joe and Ralph go out to seek evidence to prove that DeVoe is not dead.

Meanwhile, a new Meta-Human is in town and he creates a nuclear fallout in his presences, as Cisco detected. In the courtroom, Captain Singh testifies and then Marlize also testifies. Ralph and Joe come into the courtroom with photographic evidence of Marlize hooking up with Dominic. When confronted with this in the courtroom, Marlize makes up a truth to explain. Iris talks with Marlize outside to courtroom. In the courtroom, Iris rushes in and is about to reveal that Barry is the Flash, as Cecile suggest, but Barry denied. Barry then runs and manages to bring Iris into superspeed where he tells her not to reveal he is the Flash. Back at regular speed, Iris stops herself and sits down.
Back at STAR Labs, Caitlin, Harry, and Cisco are tracking down this nuclear meta, which they nicknamed, "Fallout".

Joe and Ralph go to the DeVoe household. There Joe plans to plant evidence, and Ralph tells him that he will feel good about it, then feel like a terrible person about it later, as he knew he did the wrong thing. Ralph walks away and Joe decides not to follow in Ralph's footsteps and walks away. In downtown Central City, the nuclear meta, Neil, has his powers playing up where he is creating Fallout symptoms around him. The team tracks him down and discovers that if Fallout continues, he will create a nuclear explosion. Cisco calls Barry and the team in the courtroom, and Barry is allowed to leave. Suited up and on the street, Barry, Cisco, and Killer Frost try to stop Fallout. However, they suffer from radiation poisoning. Barry tries his hardest and runs circles around Fallout, while he is about to explode. Harry tells Cisco to create a breach to Earth-15, a dead Earth, which he does, and all of Fallout's energy goes to Earth-15, saving Central City from nuclear havoc.

Barry goes back to STAR Labs to get dressed and then heads back to court to hear his sentence. At the court, Barry sees Dominic and talks to DeVoe, who is inside of Dominic. After exchanging some words, Barry goes into the courtroom where the judge gives a monologue. Over that monologue, we hear Captain Singh awarding the Flash an award of bravery. At the courtroom, Barry is called is sentenced by the judge a lifetime sentence in prison.

Barry is taken to prison and dropped in his cell. He takes a seat and looks at the wall and sees some writing by a previous inmate reading "Henry Allen was here".

To start off, this was a great episode. The way that this story is going is very interesting and it surprised me. If we learn anything from the Flash, nothing lasts very long. If you take a look at the season three premiere, Flashpoint, that could have had at least a two-episode arch. But with the twist that Barry goes to prison at the end of the episode was great, as it showed that they learned from last season and that they are going to drag out this storyline for a little while, which is awesome. The final scene in the episode was also really neat. Father like son, it is a neat idea that Barry ends up in the same cell as his father.

In the episode, Barry manifested a new power which he had no idea he could do. Barry can bring people into super speed when touching them. This power seems like it will happen at the will Barry, maybe if he wants someone to slow down. The details on the power are unclear, but visually, it looked really awesome, with the lightning swirling around Barry and Iris.

The character development in the episode was amazing. nearly everyone got their own arc in the episode to take away from the trail of the Flash. We, of course, had Ralph telling Joe not to plant evidence, and to not pull the mistake he once did himself. I also do like the contrast made by members of the public. Calling the Flash a hero, and Barry a villain. It made for some neat parallels in the episode.

The cast in this episode was exceptional. We had as the lead, Grant Gustin as Barry Allen, the Flash. It was neat to see how his story is flowing this season, to see how the character is trying to the right thing and stay positive in the toughest of situations which is quite a contrast from last season. The rest of the cast in the episode was also great, we had  Danielle Nicolet (Cecile Horton), Candice Patton (Iris West-Allen), Jesse L. Martin (Joe West), Hartley Sawyer (Ralph/ Elongated Man), Mark Valley (Anton Slater), Carlos Valdes (Cisco/ Vibe), Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin/ Killer Frost), Tom Cavanagh (Harry Wells), Ryan Alexander McDonald (Fallout),  Kim Engelbrecht (Marlize/ Mechanic), and Kendrick Sampson (Dominic/ DeVoe/ the Thinker).

In conclusion, this episode of the Flash was a masterpiece. It played well on the idea that even though the public hates Barry, they love him as well, as the Flash. The charcter arcs in the episode were well written and thought out, and the side plot in the episode was not a boring one. I will give this episode of the Flash a 9 out of 10. I would really like to hear your thoughts on the episode down in the comments section below. You can click on the left for the latest Supergirl review, and you can click on the right for the Tornado Twins possibly coming to the Flash. As always thanks for reading, take care.

