The Flash season 4 has started with a mostly positive reception and has been building to a number of different things in the season, one of which we will discuss and that is the Tornado Twins. Also spoilers ahead for the last two episodes of the Flash, that being the crossover episode and the mid-season finale.

In season 4 of the Flash, we saw Barry and Iris get married. This is building on the idea that one day they may have kids in the future. In the comics, this happens, and Iris gives birth to twins, Dawn Allen, and Don Allen, who both possess their father's abilities. In the comics, the twins are dubbed the "Tornado Twins". In the crossover Crisis on Earth-X, the Supergirl episode showed the initial wedding ceremony of Barry and Iris before it was ambushed by Nazi's. In the ceremony, Barry is approached by an overly enthusiastic waitress who offered Barry and drinks. The waitress Tells Barry that she excited to Ben here on this “day for the ages”, and she also adds to the end of her conversation “please say ‘I do’”. What I and many others have speculated is that this lady is Dawn Allen, Barry and Iris’ daughter, who traveled back in time to see her parents get married and make sure that they do get married by adding the “say I do” line at the end of her conversation.

After that scene no more is said or heard of the suspected Dawn. However, in the crossover, there were some teases of Iris getting pregnant one day. This is obviously planting the seeds for the Tornado Twins one day. I believe that with all these seeds, that the Tornado Twins will come to the Flash some day. We don’t even have to see Iris give birth, but their kids, using their powers travel to the past to interact with younger versions of their parents.

If this didn’t happen, the Tornado Twins appear on the Flash, I do not believe that they will Ben main characters. However, one of Barry and Iris’ descendants could be, thus enter Bart Allen, the grandson of Barry and Iris. Bart Allen's parents are Don Allen and Meloni Thawne's (Eobard Thawne's descendant). With the combination of genes from two-speed force families, Bart ages at an accelerated rate. There is further depth to the character in the comics, but he does also become the Kid Flash in the comics. What I am proposing is that with Wally West most likely moving to Legends of Tomorrow, it would be great to see Bart Allen come on the show as Barry Allen's sidekick in season 4 or season 5.

I would be excited to see Bart Allen on the tv shows in any capacity, and I would also like to see the Tornado Twins more on the tv shows. The cool part of the tornado Twins is that you can cast an actor at any age to be in the series, saying that they time traveled back to when their father was in their youth. But with all these hints I feel like the Flash writers are going to have something huge for us, most likely in season 5. I would like to know your thoughts on the Tornado Twins and Bart Allen coming to the Flash, let me down below. As always thanks for reading, take care.






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