Season 3 Episode 8:

Hey, everyone, we are back with a brand new episode of Supergirl which is the first part of the crossover event with the Flash, Arrow, and Legends of Tomorrow. So spoilers ahead for the episode, let's recap,

The episode opens on Earth X where we see a Nazi archer, the Grüner Pfeil take down Jimmy Olsen who is suited up as the Guardian. Grüner Pfeil tells Guardian that his rebellious acts are over and he kills Jimmy.

On Earth 1, Central City we see Barry Allen, the Flash, fighting King Shark. Iris tells him over the coms that people have not RSVP to their wedding. We cut to Star City where Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow is fighting some ninja's and Felicity tells him over the coms that they need to RSVP to Barry's wedding, which they do. Meanwhile, in England 1183 A.D, we see the Martin Stein tell the Legends that they need to make their way to 2017 for Barry's wedding. On Earth 38, National City we see Supergirl fighting a Dominator.

After her mission, she goes home where she sits down with Alex discussing their problems. Alex asks Kara about an invitation, and it is for Barry and Iris' wedding, Kara says she is not going because she has no one to go with. Kara then changes her mind and decides to be proactive and uses her portal device to got to Earth-1 with Alex to the wedding.

On Earth-1, the ladies are getting prepared for the wedding, while Oliver and Barry are trying on suits. At STAR Labs Martin and Jax (Firestorm), talk to Harry and Cisco about splitting the Firestorm matrix. On Earth-X we see Grüner Pfeil tell an officer that he needs to get a project done.

Back on Earth-1 Martin has a talk with Caitlin about splitting the Firestorm matrix, and that he can finally retire and spend time with his grandson. That night at the practice ceremony in Jitters, the teams are celebrating. Sara and Alex get a little close, while Barry talks to Kara about Mon. Barry then asks Kara for her to sing at his wedding. Martin comes to the practice where he meets his wife and daughter. He then talks to Jax and tells him that he created a serum for him which will allow him to have powers to still be a Legends. Jax gets excited until Martin tells Jax that he will have a toned down version of Spiderman powers, only the "sticking on walls" part. Jax gets mad at Martin for creating powers for him.

At the practice, Joe gives a speech and tells everyone that he is thankful for Barry and iris showing him how to love again. Oliver then talks with Felicity and asks her without a ring if she would like to marry him. Felicity says "yes" and "no" at the same time because she loves Oliver, but she does not want to do the legal stuff of their love. Oliver gets confused, and after their misunderstanding, Felicity blurts out "I do not want to marry you, Oliver",  then she walks out.

The next morning, Barry wakes up early, while we see everyone else get up. Alex realizes she had a one night stand with Sara. Outside the Church where the wedding is, Kara meets up with Alex who is shocked she had a one night stand. In the Church, everyone is getting seated. Barry is approached by a lady who is carrying some drinks and offers one to Barry. The lady tells Barry that she is excited to be at the wedding. Everyone at the wedding gets seated and Joe walks in his daughter, Iris. Kara starts to sing at the front for the entrance of the bride. The priest is about to marry Barry and Iris, however, the doors get busted down and Nazi soldiers come into the building with the Grüner Pfeil, as well as another archer and an enhanced "SS" individual, Overgirl.

Everyone at the wedding freaks out. Barry stops the Nazi's from shooting people while Jax and Martin join to form Firestorm and start to fight the Nazi's. Kara fights Overgirl and their fight breaks out into the ky with their abilities matched. Alex and Sara SS Prometheus. Wally West starts to evacuate people with his super speed, while Oliver gets a portable bow and starts to fight eh Naz's. Caitlin forms to killer Frost and joins in on the fight, along with Mick Rory who uses his heat gun. Oliver sees the Grüner Pfeil and gets Cisco to teleport him to fight him. Oliver fights the Grüner Pfei, however, the two get distracted when Kara is thrown into the building. Kara gets up and hulk claps Overgirl, taking her down. Grüner Pfeil takes Overgirl away as the rest of the Nazi's retreat.

At STAR Labs, the teams got nazi Prometheus in the Meta-Human prison. Cisco is unconscious from the fight, and the Barry and Iris are thankful that they are both alive. Martin also learns about Caitlin becoming Killer Frost. Barry tells Wally to take Joe and Cecile away as they are being targetted. The members of the teams discuss what the fight was like and how Overgirl matched Kara's abilities as well as Oliver and Grüner Pfeil. Everyone looks at the security cam of Prometheus as Oliver says "let's get answers".

The episode ends on Earth-X where we see the Blitzen Flash meet with Grüner Pfeil and Overgirl on a rooftop. The Blitzen Flash pulls off his hood to reveal, Harry, who tells the two that because of their reckless actions, Prometheus is captured. Grüner Pfeil pulls off his mask to reveal Oliver Queen and Overgirl take off her mask to reveal Kara. Kara tells the other two that the heroes will fall.

To start off, this was a brilliant episode of Supergirl, and tv in general. From film techniques such as the cinematography to the onscreen text, this honestly felt like a movie, and it was brilliant. it shows that this crossover is not only like a film in terms of its large scope, however in the way it looks as well. I am very excited for this crossover. Speaking of crossover, this was very much a crossover. Being a Supergirl episode it focused more on Barry and Iris, flash characters, as well as other characters such as Jax and Martin, and their storyline. There was development in the characters of all the shows from their relationships with one another to the way that the stories of these individual shows will change from this crossover.

The large cast of this episode was great to see, and it was awesome to see how everyone got developed storylines, not only just the Supergirl characters. But starring in the episode we had Melissa Benoist (Supergirl/ Overgirl), Grant Gustin (Barry /the Flash), Candice Patton (Iris West), Chyler Leigh (Alex Danvers), Stephen Amell (Oliver/ Green Arrow), Emily Bett Rickards (Felicity Smoak), Caity Lotz (Sara/ White Canary), Victor Garber (Martin Stein), Franz Drameh (Jax/ Firestorm),  Dominic Purcell (Mick/Heatwave), Mechad Brooks (Jimmy Olsen/ Guardian), Jeremy Jordan (Winn Schott), David Harewood (J'onn/ Martian Manhunter), Chris Wood (Mon-El), Jesse L. Martin (Joe West), Danielle Nicolet (Cecile Horton), Carlos Valdes (Cisco/ Vibe), Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin/ Killer Frost), and Tom Cavanagh (Harrison Wells), and Keiynan Lonsdale (Wally/ Kid Flash).

In the episode, we had this girl awkwardly talking to Barry. After watching this scene I think I know who she is. I believe this is Barry and Iris' daughter, Dawn Jae Allen. Looking at the actress, she looks she could pass as the child of Barry and Iris, and the character talked to Barry about his wedding in past tense. So it seems like inheriting super speed from her father, Dawn went back to the wedding to witness the marriage of her parents, and she told Barry to say "I do", otherwise she would not be born. And there was some talk of Iris having kids earlier in the episode. But I really can not wait to see the possibilities that wait for the Tornado Twins to come on the tv shows.

In conclusion, this episode of Supergirl was a fantastic part of the crossover which truly felt like a film not only with the large scope and cast but with the way it looked. There was a lot of effort put into this crossover and I can not wait to see where it goes. I will give "Crisis on Earth-X part 1" a 9 out of 10. Comment your thoughts on the episode as well as your favorite character down below in the comments section. The seconds part of the crossover, the Arrow part is out tonight, already out, so be sure to watch that, the review will be out. The third and fourth part, the Flash and Legends of Tomorrow episodes will be out tomorrow. As always thanks for reading, take care.

