The synopsis for Black Panther has come out on the Marvel website and here it is...
“Black Panther” follows T’Challa who, after the events of “Captain America: Civil War,” returns home to the isolated, technologically advanced African nation of Wakanda to take his place as King. However, when an old enemy reappears on the radar, T’Challa’s mettle as King and Black Panther is tested when he is drawn into a conflict that puts the entire fate of Wakanda and the world at risk.
This sounds awesome, it seems like that people like Klaw and Killmonger are going to find a weak point in Wakanda when T'Challa returns from Siberia and is now the new king, and they are going to take over.I don't know how this would be on a global standpoint, but an international threat is still quite big.
Bucky Barnes might appear in the Black Panther movie, it would be cool if the ending of Black Panther was of T'Challa opening up Bucky's capsule and then he says we need you, then Bam! To be continued in Infinity War.
But Sebastian Stan hasn't been confirmed on the cast but the cast that is in the film is amazing, and they're listed down below, I added in the character that the actors are playing, only for the ones that have been confirmed.
Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa/Black Panther
Michael B Jordan as Erik Killmonger
Lupita Nyong'o as Nakia
Danai Gurira as Dor Milaje
Andy Serkis as Ulysses Klaw
Forest Whitaker
Martin Freeman as Everett Ross
Letitia Wright
Winston Duke as Man-Ape
Florence Kasumba as Security Cheif
Sterling K Brown
John Kani
Letitia Wright
Winston Duke as Man-Ape
Florence Kasumba as Security Cheif
Sterling K Brown
John Kani
And Ryan Cooglar is directing the film which is awesome, Creed was awesome.The cast in so talented and the film has started filming, and they are going to film in Atlanta and South Korea.In South Korea, they are probably going to film a lot of the futuristic technological parts of Wakanda, that's my speculation.
So the film has just started filming I would expect a teaser at around Spiderman Homecoming time, and a trailer when Thor Ragnarok comes out.
I would like to hear thoughts on the synopsis and casting of the Black Panther film down below.As always, thanks for reading, take care.
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