Well, this was unexpected. We now have a brand new trailer for Avengers Endgame, and its main purpose was to announce that tickets are now on sale. But tickets aside, we have a bunch of polished and brand new footage from Endgame, which shows off some more story beats, so potential spoilers ahead for the film. If you do not want some parts of the film spoiled, please click off this.

The trailer opens up in the Avengers compound with Bruce Banner saying "If we do this, we would be going in shorthanded." With James Rhode saying, "Yeah, because he killed all our friends." This scene is obviously in reference to the team planning an assault on Thanos. It seems like the team would be discussing this once Tony and Nebula get to the compound, and they know where Thanos is- on Titan II. 

With Bruce's comments about the situation, it seems like he would be against going to confront Thanos, and I have a theory on what might happen when the team goes off to fight Thanos once again, and that involves them going with Captain Marvel.

But, that aside, let's do a headcount here on who is alive: Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, Bruce Banner (the Hulk is absent), War Machine, Rocket, Ant-Man, Nebula, Captain Marvel, Rescue, Happy Hogan, Valkyrie, Korg(?), Miek(?), Okoye, M'Baku, Wong, Dumme, FRIDAY, Cameron Kelin(?), Vision's corpse, and Hawkeye. 

Here we see Tony and Nebula finally come back to Earth at the Avengers compound in upstate New York. Rocket and Nebula holding each other's hands here is super depressing because they are both alone. They don't know each other that well, but everyone that they knew is all dead. Nebula will probably tell Rocket the news pretty slowly that Gamora was sacrificed for the soul stone, and Quill, Drax, and Mantis have all died in the snap.

This will also add so much guilt to Rocket, with him knowing that since he didn't do anything to stop Thanos in any way, shape or form, because when everyone confronted Thanos in front of the Mind Stone, Rocket was absent.

Pepper Potts and Tony Stark hug each other when Tony comes straight off the Bentar from being stranded in space. At the beginning of the film, I am guessing that Pepper will be at the Avengers compound with everyone else trying to figure out where Tony is. Maybe before that, Pepper will be out helping people in a post-decimation world with the Rescue armor. It also appears that Tony and Nebula will find their own way home. In this shot, Tony will have a large sense of relief knowing that Pepper is safe, and wasn't a victim of the snap.

An awesome shot of the new Iron Man armor, the Mark 85. The Mark 85 does hint a few things, however, I will do a separate breakdown of that in a few days. What I really wanted to talk about in this shot is what I really think is going on.

You see, Marvel Studios trailers have been notorious for having heavily edited trails to remove spoilers, and this shot is no exception. What I believe is happening here is that this shot is taking place in New York... in May 2012, the battle of New York from the first Avengers film.

In the background there would be swarms of Chitari aliens invading the city, so with all this mayhem, present-day Tony would have the ability to sneak past and be undetected in his new get up. With Tony looking down, above the high rise buildings, it is most likely that Tony is looking down at the Space Stone in the Tesseract on top of Stark tower, or possibly the Mind Stone in Loki's scepter.

At this point in the first Avengers film, Dr. Selvig will be the only person on the roof, and he's knocked out cold. If we are looking at the time travel theory, this would be a perfect opportunity for Tony to 'borrow' one of the stones, or alter one of the two in order to either A) make his own infinity gauntlet or B) prevent the snap from happening.

Hawkeye is back in the Avengers compound, and ahh... he has tattoos now? This shot is something because Clint Barton doesn't strike me as the guy who would have gotten tattoos when he was in house arrest for two years, since 2016, after the events of Civil War, and him striking a deal with General Ross. So did Clint just get a series of tattoos when he saw his family turn to dust? This may explain a several month time jump, and it does go along with his new Ronin persona, but it just a seems little weird. But at least it isn't as weird as his mohawk.

"We're the Avengers"- Everyone is here in the Avengers compound standing next to each other. With Natasha's red hair we can see that a significant amount of time has passed since the snap, potentially a couple months. So from left to right, we have Hawkeye, War Machine, Tony, Captain America, Nebula, Rocket, Ant-Man, and Natasha. It seems like that everyone here is either looking at Thor, Captain Marvel or more likely, Bruce Banner, who may have transformed into the Hulk after his struggles in Infinity War.

In Endgame, it is heavily rumored that the Hulk will be professor Hulk, the perfect contrast of Banner and the Hulk, with the mind of Banner, and the body of the Hulk- the best of both worlds.

In New York City, Tony Stark asks Steve, "Do you trust me?" and Steve says "I do." This scene features a lot of detail. First of all, it is the first time we see Tony and Steve reconcile their differences since Civil War. I am guessing that they would have of properly made up earlier in the film, but in this scene, it seems like Tony is going to do some a little crazy which would test Steve's trust in Tony. 

This scene also seems like it may be heavily edited in a way. I believe, much like the scene with the mark 85, this takes place in 2012, the Battle of New York from the first Avengers film. There were set images which showed Tony in the same SHIELD blue suit on screen with Captain America in his Avengers suit, along with Ant-Man. It is possible that Captain America in this scene is actually wearing his 2012 bright blue suit, and this Infinity War suit is just edited on top.

If this is the case, it would further solicit the time travel theory, and that Tony, Steve, and I would assume Scott has used the Quantum Realm to get back to May 4th, 2012 to 'borrow' either the space or mind stone (or both) to make their own gauntlet, or tamper with the two stones, to prevent the snap from happening.

This is where we get into the theory that I was talking about in the first shot.

In a Disney shareholders meeting, a clip with this shot was in it, and it had Captain Marvel and Nebula leading some of the Avengers to Titan II where Thanos is residing. 

I have a theory that Tony and Nebula get back to Earth, and very soon after Nebula leads Captain Marvel, Captain America, Black Widow, Thor, War Machine, and Rocket to confront Thanos once again to get the gauntlet and undo the snap right there and then. This plan will all go wrong, Thor doesn't go for the head again, and Thanos ends up mind controlling them with the mind stone and sends them back to Earth to oppose Thanos' biggest threat, Tony Stark.

Meanwhile, on Earth, Ant-Man will get out of the Quantum Realm, back to the present, and will show up at the Avengers compound, like we saw at the end of the first trailer for Endgame. However, he will be talking to Tony and Bruce, and they will help him set up the Quantum realm van, so they have a different shot at winning against Thanos. When the other heroes return mind controlled, Tony will at least have some support in knocking everyone out and letting them come to their senses like what happened in the first Avengers film.

This fight would set up a few things in the way that it would give a sense of everyone's power levels, it would show how Thanos still wants pawns to go after Tony, knowing how much of a threat he is, to take him out, without the threat of Thanos himself not seeing the sun rise over a grateful universe again. In this fight, we would potentially see professor Hulk come out

Back on Earth, Tony is looking at what he has lost to Thanos, that being Peter Parker, the emotional distraught of seeing a kid he felt responsible for, fade away in front of him. Tony's main motivation in the film will be the guilt of having Peter killed. In all fairness, Peter would have died either way due to Thanos' snap, however, it is the guilt that he had that he didn't do more to stop Thanos on Titan, which would have saved Peter.

It appears that Thanos still has a lot of his forces left from Infinity War, as in this shot, Thanos still has his ship, the Sanctuary II, and the other 'Q' ships are floating back to it. If this is a shot taken from the present day, it seems like that no one would be running it, seeing as though Thanos is retired on a farm, and the whole Black Order is dead. However, it would make sense for the Outriders and Thanos' fleet to be functioning as seen in the shot if this takes place in the past. It is possible that a past version of Thanos will go after the time-traveling Avengers. If the Avengers are 'borrowing', stealing, or tampering with the stones, in this scene Thanos could be going to protect that power stone, or the reality stone, seeing as though this is in space, not near Earth.

Here is a continuation of the previous Benetar shot, where we see a closeup on Nebula and War Machine. It seems like Nebula is confirming the planet that they are heading to, which is presumably Titan II- the farm that Thanos is residing on. I already speculated what may be going on with this scene, and we might see a few Avengers meet their initial demise here in the film.

In this shot, we see that the War Machine suit is the same one from Infinity War and not the tankier one he will get in the film. This does indicate only a couple months passing at maximum since the snap, and Tony may have come home only recently, which would explain why he hadn't upgraded. 

Rocket is looking a little concerned in this golden room. I believe this scene was filmed in a church in Great Britain, where Chris Hemsworth, Tessa Thompson, and the Rocket puppet were spotted. By looking at the detailed floor work in the background, it seems like Rocket here is looking at either a secret hideout where the Asgardians who got off the ship, and survived the snap are staying, or this is a place in deep space where one of the stones were held at one point in time, such as the Reality stone, or the power stone.

In the midst of a battle, Captain America is knocked down, shield in hand, getting ready to face Thanos once again. This shot I assume is a continuation from the previous trailer where Captain America straps his shield on, blood coming from his teeth. In this scene, either one of two things is happening.
1) This is the initial battle where Nebula and Captain Marvel quickly lead some of the Avengers back to Thanos for one more fight to undo the snap, very soon after Tony and Nebula get to Earth.
2) This is in a scene after when Thanos comes to Earth and starts a fight with the Avengers to stop them once and for all from trying to undo the snap.

"You could not live with your own failure. And where did that bring you? Back to me." Thanos is back, and he seems angry that he can not farm in peace, and watch the sunrise without the threat of balance being undone. In this scene, Thanos is coming to what I assume is Earth using the beam of the 'Q' ships and not the space stone.

Thanos has his full armor on, meaning that his Infinity Stone days may be behind him, since they may not work anymore, or they took a toll on his arm, and he can't bear to hold that amount of power anymore.

Thanos appears to be attacking the Avengers compound, which is actually a Lego set. If we are building off my previous theory for the film, Thanos may come to Earth right after the Avengers that came to Titan II to confront him are back their normal selves, and Thanos is fed up living in fear and wants to stop Tony himself, once and for all.

In the new Mark 85 armor, Tony confronts Thanos once more, this time, on his own desolate wasteland. Looking at the ruble, it is pretty safe to assume that this takes place at the Avengers compound, as told by the large amounts of cement and metal. The fires also show that an attack happened very recently, and what else would be attacked apart from the Avengers compound. It seems like Thanos planted a bomb, or got a mind-controlled hero to plant a bomb in the compound to take everyone out.  I am just curious as to why Thanos even is attacking the Avengers now, as he probably doesn't know anything about the Quantum realm heist they might pull off.

And here they all are, after four years of not seeing these three on screen together, they are finally back, walking up to Thanos who is sitting on the ruble of the Avengers compound. You can see that Thanos is holding onto his duel blade, the 'balance blade'. It is really weird seeing him just sit around waiting to be attacked in this shot, so this leads me to believe that this scene is edited and the mad Titan is up to something else.

In the foreground, Tony is in the Mark 85 armor as we saw in the previous shot, Captain America is wielding his shield, and Thor is still looking the same since Infinity War. It is crazy to see these guys back together, all with one common goal, and that is to bring back half of the universe.

Well, that does it for the breakdown of the new Endgame footage, the special look. I kind of wish in all honesty that I didn't watch this, just because of all that it gives away in those awesome looking shots. But, if things like Tony's rescue and his reunion with Steve are in the trailer, there might be crazier twists and reveals in the film.
What did you think of the new special look for Avengers Endgame? comment below your thoughts and opinions on the footage.
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