Season 5 Episode 10:

Hey everyone, the Flash is back from its mid-season winter break in full swing with this David McWhirter directed episode which shows Nora truly becoming a hero and her relations with Eobard Thawne. Spoilers ahead for the episode, let's recap.

The episode opens up with Nora confronting Reverse Flash in 2049 after all he has done before returning back to 2019. Cecile is back at work as an attorney working against Weather Witch with Barry Allen working as a witness for the case. The team gets an alert of a stolen Lambo and Barry and Nora to try to stop it. Barry touches the car which has been affected with Meta tech and he can't stop vibrating. Nora takes him back to STAR labs where Barry is placed in a meta cell so he can stop phasing.

Nora takes Barry place as a witness in the court and tells the judge that Weather Witch is guilty. In custody, Weather Witch is broken out by the woman who stole the Lambo, named Silver Ghost. Weather Witch manages to get out and asks for Nora's attention for help by starting a hurricane, but Nora takes her to the police station. Back at STAR Labs, Nora learns that Barry sees the best in people like he did in Captain Cold because that's what heroes do.

Silver Ghost breaks Weather Witch out of the police station and the two go to Argus to steal a new advance car. Nora and Caitlin go the streets of Central City with Cisco and Iris tracking the car. Nora decides that she is going to turn Weather Witch good, as she and Killer Frost try to take down the car. The car goes invisible, and over a radio signal, Nora talks to Weather Witch about being a hero, and she stops the car before it his Nora, and she flies off with Silver Ghost.
Back at STAR Labs, Caitlin agrees to help Cisco find a Meta-human cure after a disagreement, Barry stops uncontrollable vibrating, Sherloque investigates Nora, who has gone to 2049 to see if Reverse Flash could potentially be a hero.

What worked in the episode was the way that it focused on Nora developing her own Rogues gallery with Weather Witch and Silver Ghost. It is great seeing the character of Nora get characterized in the present day rather than just being used as a plot device.

The most important scenes of the arrowverse happen in this episode with Nora and the Reverse Flash. It was interesting seeing the two interact after Nora learns of how the Reverse Flash is the Flash's greatest enemy. I did find some of the lines said interesting in the way where we see how Eobard doesn't want to be himself, and Cavanagh's acting illustrated that in a brilliant way. But in terms of the conversation, Eobard has his own agenda, and Nora believes that he can still help her and that he can turn good. What I think is happening, is that Eobard will ultimately backstab Nora and team Flash at the end of this season and he will lead into Crisis on Infinite Earth's by working with the Anti-Monitor depending on what the timer is all about.

The Cisco and Caitlin scenes were great. I did like what it was going with, but it seemed a little weird that they didn't suggest this "choice" earlier in their discussion. It would've saved time, and it was worn coming from Cisco because he is a rational person most of the time, and he wasn't acting out of grief at this moment. The plot of this meta-cure seems interesting and will be great going forward, to see how this will probably not work because will still need several seasons with big bads with powers.

The cast of this episode was great, I did like have Jessica Kenedy Parker being the lead of the episode, and again establishing her as a hero in 2019, and creating her own rogue's gallery with Weather Witch and Silver Ghost. I am interested to see what other characters could be opposing her in the future. It is also great that she is fighting meta-tech which can be passed down in the future, so in two time periods, she can be a hero against similar foes.

Also starring in the episode we had Jessica Parker Kennedy (Nora West-Allen/ XS), Tom Cavanagh (Eobard Thawne/ Reverse Flash/ Sherloque Wells), Grant Gustin (Barry Allen/ the Flash), Candice Patton (Iris West), Danielle Nicolet (Cecile Horton), Carlos Valdes (Cisco Ramone/ Vibe), Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin Snow/ Killer Frost), Reina Hardesty (Weather Witch), and Gabrielle Walsh (Silver Ghost).

Overall, this episode of the Flash was alright, it established Nora more as a character, and showed some Reverse Flash scenes. The direction was great especially with the on purpose fast cinematography parading the Fast and the Furious films as the title does. One thing which annoyed me was the basic interface on the Argus car. Anyway, I will give this episode an 8 out of 10.
What did you think of the episode? let me know your favorite scenes and character moments down in the comments below. You can click on the left for more Flash, or on the right for the new Spiderman trailer, and also subscribe. As always thanks for reading, take care.



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