Season 10 Episode 10:

Round two, with a new episode of Adventure Time, this time following the cliffhanger from last week where Jake gets teleported away by a mysterious being. All is revealed in this episode directed by Cole Sanchez. Spoilers ahead for the episode let's get into it.

After finding out the mystery in his parent's house with Finn, Jake is approached by a shapeshifter, named Warren Ampersand, who turns Jake blue with a spell and teleports him to a different planet as Jake leaves a not behind for Finn. On the planet, Ampersand tells Jake that technically he is his father, as he is the reason Jake has shapeshifting powers. Ampersand also tells Jake that he is dying. Ampersand shows Jake on the planet that he is famous, and that there is a prophecy that Jake will stop a tentacle monster. Ampersand gives Jake a belt to wear which reads "Galaxy Saviour" as he wears a belt that reads "Proud Pop". Ampersand gives Jake a room, with stuff from Ooo.

The next day, Ampersand tells Jake that he has to use his powers to fit a complex door lock so he can receive a weapon that he will use against the tentacle monster. Jake struggles to fit through the lock, however, he stretches through and unlocks the door and gets the prism-shaped weapon. The next day, the tentacle monster shows up. Ampersand tells Jake that he has to stretch through the weapon to unlock beams to attack the monster. Jake starts to do so, however, as Jake stretches he becomes worn out, and collapses. Worn out and grey, Jake cries to Ampersand as he says he failed. Ampersand stretches and tells Jake that everything was not real, there was no monster and no people. Ampersand explains to Jake that he only needed him to transfer his stretchy powers via the belts so Ampersand would not die, but instead Jake would. Feeling remorseful, Ampersand shapeshifts into different creatures for Jake. However Jake transferred the belts, so Jake gets his health and powers back.

Jake tells Ampersand that he has a family to get back to, and Ampersand shapeshifts the whole planet back to himself as he tries to travel off planet to Ooo to get the powers of technically his grandkids. Jake grabs the rocket as Ampersand falls out and falls into a black hole as he descends into the fourth dimension. Jake takes off his belt, and reverts back to yellow, stuck on a remote planet with nothing but a cake.

Overall, this episode of Adventure Time was very interesting as we got a more clearly defined explanation for Jake's powers. I did like what they did with this story. There was the grander cosmic story of Jake's powers which gives Jake almost a larger purpose in the universe. The story of the episode was fantastic. It very much reminded me of Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2, where Star-Lord meets his father, Ego, however, he was evil and only wanted Star-Lord for his powers. There were many parallels, and it worked in this episode. You know that Jake is a sympathetic character, and the use of him facing a personal villain was some amazing development for the character, as we saw the character of Jake prepared to do the right thing for people who he never knew. This really brings the heroic acts of the character forth, going back to the bases of the show; two brother's being heroes.

The episode has stellar animation. The designs with Ampersand shapeshifting planet was insane to see and shows the effort that the team of animators put into this show. With the blue lighting, there was some great contrast in color, with the yellow skylight complemented with the blue foreground. Making Jake blue in this episode was a remarkably great choice to fit the style of this episode.

The character of Ampersand in this episode was a well explored. The villain side of the character was overshadowed by the resourceful side of him. There was this great blend which drafted a beautiful story for the character. With the character feeling bad for his actions, there was a great end to the character, especially with the end line leaving Ampersand's fate ambiguous. Starring in the episode we had John DiMaggio (Jake), Dave Foley (Warren Ampersand), and Jeremy Shada (Finn Mertens).

In conclusion, this episode of Adventure Time was exciting, we explored the cliffhanger from the last group of episodes in a unique and fulfilling story as we see a character with many qualities that make a great contrast with each other as does the animation. I will give this episode an 8 out of 10. I would like to hear your thoughts on the episode down in the comments below. You can click on the left for more Adventure Time, and click on the right for Tomb Raider. As always thanks for reading, take care.

