Season 4 Episode 4:

Hey, everyone, we are back with a brand new episode of the Flash we the introduction of a couple new charters into the Arrowverse including the Elongated Man, and Gypsy's father, Breacher. So spoilers ahead for the episode lets recap.

The episode opens up with Cisco and Gypsy getting down. Gypsy goes into the bathroom and then a figure comes out of a wormhole and starts attacking Cisco. Gypsy rushes out of the bathroom and stops the man, who we discover is her father, AKA, Breacher.

The next day, Barry shows Joe his investigation board on tracking down the Meta-Humans who he affected on the bus. The two go back to  STAR Labs where they find Breacher roaming the place. Barry and Joe talk to him while Cisco gets advice from Harry. The team then goes to look at evidence from the bus that was exposed to the speed force. They learn the driver was killed, and they find a card for Private Investigator, Ralph Dibny. We learn that Ralph was an ex-police officer that Barry had a falling out with.

Barry and Joe go visit Ralph. The two ask if Ralph was on the bus that got hit by the dark matter. Ralph says he was not, so Barry and Joe leave. Ralph is approached by two men who hold him on the top of a building. Ralph somehow manages to wickedly stretch his legs to get to the bottom, being witnessed by Barry and Joe.

Back at STAR Labs, Caitlin, Barry, Harry. Iris, and Joe asses Ralph with his stretching limbs. Freaking out about his powers, Ralph sneezes and twist up his face, which makes Joe throw up. Meanwhile, at Jitters, Cisco has coffee with Gypsy and Breacher. Gypsy goes off to get so tea, and breacher tells Cisco that he does not deserve Gypsy; so he tells Cisco that without using his powers he will hunt Cisco for a full 24 hours to see if he is worthy for Gypsy. Cisco freaks out and quickly runs away.

Back at STAR Labs Barry tells the team that they may have to lock up Ralph as he is a dirty cop, which the team objects to that and tell Barry that he hasn't done anything wrong. Barry and Iris go to Ralph's office to search for any clues as to who the people who were after are. Iris asks Barry what happened with him and Ralph. Barry says that Ralph came to a conclusion on an investigation which Barry believes that Ralph tampered with evidence in his own investigation. So Barry spoke out against Ralph an Ralph got fired from the police force. Iris looks around some more and finds a bomb. Barry quickly saves Iris before Ralph's office explodes.

At STAR Labs, Barry finds out that Ralph has been in contact with the mayor so he questions him about it. Ralph denies everything as he has a grudge against Barry as he was the reason he was kicked off the police force. Cisco is hiding from Breacher, so he turns to Harry, who tells Cisco that he should use his intelligence to beat Breacher. Meanwhile, Caitlin gives Ralph a solution to drink, that solution fixes Ralph's proportions. Caitlin tells Ralph that he can control his powers by thinking of what shape he wants to be, so Ralph gives himself some abs.

Meanwhile, Joe and Barry go visit the mayor to see why Ralph was calling him so much. The Mayor tells Barry and Joe that Ralph was blackmailing the mayor of releasing images of him cheating on his wife. The Mayor leaves and he tells his two henchmen (who are the same as the ones who hung Ralph over the building) to kill Ralph. Back at STAR Labs, Barry confronts Ralph for blackmailing the mayor. Ralph goes on to blame Barry for screwing up his life, and that he was correct in his investigation. Ralph attempts to punch Barry, however, misses, and then Barry punches back with his hand stuck in Ralph's face. Barry removes his hand and Ralph leaves.

At the bottom of STAR Labs, Cisco creates a hologram of himself to trick Breacher. Breacher tries to catch the hologram of Cisco, but Cisco catches Breacher in a forcefield. Breacher pulls out a sword and starts to cut through the forcefield. Cisco quickly runs in fear for his life.

Joe goes to Barry's apartment and the two have some beers and talk. Barry tells Joe that he was trying to play by the rules while working for the police, but then when he became the Flash he took the law into his own hands, being judge and jury. Barry says that Ralph was somewhat right in that he tried taking the law into his own hands to try help the greater good. Two cops come to the apartment and tell Barry and Joe that they are needed at the station. The officers pull out their guns and start to shoot. Barry uses his speed to take them down, and he realizes that they were the Mayor's goons.

At STAR Labs, Cisco is hiding from Breacher; however, the Breacher sees footage of Ralph on a screen, and as "Plastoid" (person with stretching powers), Breacher goes out to kill him because Plastoid's previously invaded his planet. Meanwhile, in an alleyway, Ralph meets with the mayor and he gives he the images of his secret. The Mayor offers Ralph some money which Ralph denies. The Mayor pulls out a gun and shoots Ralph. The bullet of the gun goes in Ralph's head and he blows it out of his nose. Barry comes to the scene and saves Ralph from the Mayor. Breacher comes and attacks Ralph and Barry. The Mayor runs away and captures Joe. Cisco comes with to talk with Breacher, and he reasons with him. Cisco tells Breacher that Ralph is not like the Plastoid's he faced. Breacher stops to attack Barry and Ralph.

Barry and Cisco see the Mayor leave in a helicopter with Joe hostage. Barry turns to Ralph and tells him to use his powers to stop the helicopter. Ralph says he can't, but Barry pulls off his mask and tells Ralph that he cant change his past, but he can change his future. Ralph stretches out his arm and catches the helicopter. Barry runs up Ralph's arm and stops the mayor in the helicopter. Joe quickly tells Barry that Cecile is pregnant.

At STAR Labs the team celebrates their victory. Cisco says bye to Gypsy and Breacher, who says that Cisco is a good person for sticking up for his friends. Later on, Caitlin goes back to her apartment where a message "We miss you/ Come back soon" is carved on her door. The episode ends with Barry in Ralph's apartment. Barry tells Ralph that maybe he can become a superhero later on. Barry goes on to ask Ralph where he got to details on the Mayor from. Ralph replies that he got them from a man named DaVoe. Barry then flashes back to when Savitar and Abra Kadabra mention that name. Ralph asks Barry if that name rings the bell, which Barry says it does.

So the episode, it was an awesome episode which handled the introduction of some awesome characters in a really neat way. The tone was great in the episode was it bought a season one vibe. I am surprised at the how fast the season is moving this time. That is a good thing, especially in contrast to last year. The action in the episode was spectacular, with the new powers of Ralph and Breacher displayed in the episode. I am surprised how good the CG for the Elongated Man looked, well for most of the time. At some parts, it looked a little off. That shot of Barry running up Ralph's arm to the helicopter was awesome.

The introduction of Hartley Sawyer as Ralph Dinby was great. I enjoyed seeing such a ridiculous character in the Arrowverse. The tone the character bought was relatively light, there was some dark stuff regarding his past, which was interesting to learn about. I enjoyed the character on the show and I can't wait to see Elongated Man return to the show, as both a hero and an investigator helping team Flash track down the other Meta-Humans that were on the bus with him.

Danny Trejo as Breacher was awesome in the episode. He was one fun, formidable foe that Cisco faced. There was a nice introduction and conclusion to the character in the episode. Anyway, can't wait to see the charcter return on the show at some point. Carlos Valdes was great as Cisco/Vibe in the episode. The way the character handled his manhunt with Breacher was fun, and the way he got the courage to talk things out with Breacher was great in the characters development, and how he can use his intelligence over his powers.

The rest of the cast in the episode was great, we had Grant Gustin (Barry Allen/the Flash), Candice Patton (Iris West), Jesse L. Martin (Joe West), Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin Snow),  Tom Cavanagh (Harry Wells), Jessica Camacho (Gypsy), and Vito D'Ambrosio (Mayor Anthony Bellows).

Overall, this episode of the Flash was amazing. It had a lot of characters introduced and plenty of storylines that neatly tied into one. I was impressed that the episode was not too convoluted. Danny Trejo and Hartley Sawyer were great new characters in the episode that I want to see more of. I will give 'Elongated journey into night" a 9 out of 10. My personal favorite episode of season four so far. I would like to hear your thoughts on the episode down in the comments below, like what was your favorite character? As always thanks for reading, take care.

