Season 3 Episode 2:

Hey, everyone, we are back with a new week of tv ahead, and starting off is Supergirl, with a new self-contained episode. Spoilers ahead for the episode if you haven't seen it, so let's recap.

The episode opens up with a montage of Kara and Alex in their sperate lives, getting up, out of bed. Kara goes off to work where Lena is at CatCo as the new boss. Kara is not at work for long when she is called into the DEO. Kara is notified about a robbery that went down where the robber was not armed. There is another robbery going on which Kara flies to. Kara confronts the robber however she gets in Kara's head and Kara the sun which she feels like she is flying towards to. Maggie manages to find Kara and bring her to the DEO.

At the DEO Kara and the rest of the team discovers that the robber is a metahuman. J'onn uses his telekinetic powers to search for the 'marks' this robber left on Kara. The team finds out that the robber is at work again so Kara flies over to try to stop her. J'onn uses his telekinetic powers from afar to try the robber from using hers, but she manages to push him off. Kara then gets whammied by the robber and sees a vision of her being sent off by her mother in the pod, off Krypton. Kara wakes up and finds out that the robber got away.

Back at the DEO base, Winn managed to get information on the robber, Gayle Marsh, A.K.A: PSI. Winn gets to work on trying to build a telekinetic dampener. Kara talks to him privately and tells him that PSI is using peoples fears against them. Later that day Kara goes back to work where she is confronted by her new boss, Lena, who is worried about her. Kara goes out and she is in the elevator where she is called about another robbery. Kara starts to unroll her shirt until she has a panic attack and freaks out in the corner of the elevator. Kara flies out the top of the elevator and she is told by Alex on the coms that the robber got away, again.

Back at the DEO Kara is being looked at by Winn who tells her she had a panic attack which Kara wants to deny. Kara leaves and Alex asks Winn what is really going on with Kara. Back at Kara's apartment Kara is confronted by Alex about PSI giving her fear dreams (like the scarecrow). Kara comes clean about her fear of reliving the isolation she had while in her pod. The two go back to the DEO where Winn gives Kara the telekinetic dampener. Kara flies out ready to beat PSI who is wreaking havoc including using a wrecking ball in the city. Kara flies in, to save the day. She starts to use the dampener on PSI which is working a bit. PSI manages to use a telekinetic push to throw Kara away and give her a fear vision. Alex finds Kara in shock and manages to wake her up. Kara says that she saw Mon-El's pod and it blew up and that she killed Mon. Alex tells her that she knows "Mon is alive" because she did the same thing her mother did to Kara when Krypton exploded. Kara realizes that Alex is right and Mon may still be alive.
Kara flies over to PSI and with no fears knocks her cold.

While all that was going on in the episode, we followed up with Samantha (Reign) and her daughter Ruby. In the episode we find out that Sam is trying to get a new job, however, gets interrupted when she has trouble with her kid, who discovered that her mother had some sort of powers. WHen PSI was attacking the city Ruby put herself in danger to see if her mother would save, but Supergirl saved her instead. Later on, when Kara is at work, Lena introduces her to Sam, who we find out is taking over L Corp for Lena, while she works at CatCo. Their arc in the episode ends with Sam testing out her powers which is not successful.

The episode ends with J'onn at the alien bar where he gets s telekinetic call from Miss Martian telling him to go to Mars.

This episode was a very self-contained adventure, apart from that ending which leads into next week's episode; which will have Martina Manhunter and Kara, go to Mars to fight against the White Martians which rule over it. So that is going to be an exciting episode. But in the episode there was not too much to point out, Kara sort of got "over" Mon-El, or at least her blaming herself for what she thinks is his death. If you don't know Mon is going to come back, the show is going to do Legion of Superheroes which is the team Mon will be a part of when we see him next. And that team is based in the future if you were wondering. So that is where the portal he went through must have led.

The cast in the episode was alright. We had Melissa Benoist as Kara who stole to show this week again. The rest of the cast was great as well, we had Chyler Leigh (Alex Danvers) David Harewood (Martian Manhunter), Jeremy Joran (Winn Schott), Katie McGrath (Lena Luthor), Mechad Brooks (Jimmy Olsen), Florina Lima (Maggie Sawyer), Odette Annable (Samantha Arias/Reign), Emma Tremblay (Ruby Arias) and Yael Grobglas (PSI).

Overall, the episode of Supergirl was an okay filler episode. The adventure was somewhat exciting and easy to follow. The acting was okay but some of the story elements involving the Reign storyline feel flat. I will give this episode a 7 out of 10. Please comment below your thoughts on the episode down in the comments below, I would really like to know. As always thanks for reading, take care.

