Season 4 Episode 4: Hey, everyone, we are back with a brand new episode of the Flash we the introduction of a couple new charters into the Arrowverse including the Elongated Man, and Gypsy's father, Breacher. So spoilers ahead for the episode lets recap. The episode opens up with Cisco and Gypsy getting down. Gypsy goes into the bathroom and then a figure comes out of a wormhole and starts attacking Cisco. Gypsy rushes out of the bathroom and stops the man, who we discover is her father, AKA, Breacher. The next day, Barry shows Joe his investigation board on tracking down the Meta-Humans who he affected on the bus. The two go back to STAR Labs where they find Breacher roaming the place. Barry and Joe talk to him while Cisco gets advice from Harry. The team then goes to look at evidence from the bus that was exposed to the speed force. They learn the driver was killed, and they find a card for Private Investigator, Ralph Dibny. We learn that Ralph was an ex-pol...