So the wildly famous Pewdiepie has released another game which is a mobile youtube simulator.The game is a lot of watching adds and tapping, but it is still kind of addictive.The game just has you the player publishing videos trying to earn subscribers and views.You can upgrade your avatar and room and it is surprisingly fun.There are a lot of things from the last Pewdiepie game, the legend of the brofist,like the avatars, I really want a sequel to legend of the brofist. So far I am only on level 2, but I haven't had much time to play, I just have the default computer and camera and the cardboard desk but I did manage to get a poster.I have been watching Luke Cage, at the time of this being published I am currently on episode 5. I would like to hear your thoughts on tuber simulator, and what level are you on? let me know by dropping a comment below.As always thanks for reading, take care.