Sorry in advance that this post is late. 2023 is a year that had several lows, but I would say there were sprinklings of light throughout that may give me rose-colored glasses when looking back on it. As we approach closer to 2030, I can not help but to feel anxious about the 'kicking the can down the road' attitude that most government about the Climate Crisis we are living through. With the hottest summer ever recorded and destructive wild fires and floods in most continents, the need to save the habitability of life on Earth is desperately needed. Immense change must be made into how we use and depend on resources. In a just world, there would be no Climate Crisis. But politicians fueled by their own greed and who only look out for the welfare of the rich, do not want to. They simply do not think that saving Humanity and life on the planet is worth the cost to them and their corporate buddies. They have placed a price tag on life. Other events that have concerned me is the ...