Avengers Endgame bought the return of Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel in her second film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, as she joins the Avengers team her second time out. So spoilers for Avengers Endgame ahead, as we are going to discuss Captain Marvel in the film, and her future in the MCU.

Recap of Captain Marvel in Endgame

In the post-credit scenes of Avengers Endgame, Carol Danvers arrives on Earth and meets the Avengers who have found the pager she gave Nick Fury.

Carol Danvers flies through space and finds the Benetar with Tony and Nebula inside, as she flies them back to Earth. Carol then goes with Nebula, and the Avengers (minus Tony) to Titan II to get the stones from Thanos. The team takes finds Thanos, and learn that the stones were destroyed. Thor then goes for the head and kills Thanos. Five years later, Carol calls in Captain Marvel with a new suit and haircut as she tells Natasha that she has been policing the deep reaches of space.

In the third act of the film, the Avengers and the returned Avengers fight 2014 at the Avengers Compound. Captain Marvel flies in and destroys Thanos’ ship, the Sanctuary. Carol picks up the Infinity gauntlet from Peter Parker, and tries to fly is to the Luis’ Quantum tunnel van. Thanos manages to grab the gauntlet, and head buts Carol and takes her down with the power stone. Tony then gets the gauntlet, and snaps Thanos and his forces away, killing Tony as well.
Carol goes to Tony’s funeral and then flies off back into space.

Review of Captain Marvel in Endgame

Going into Avengers Endgame, I thought that Captain Marvel was going to have a larger role than what she got. I thought that the character was going to be a member of the team for a majority of the film and go on the time heist with the rest of the Avengers. I wouldn’t be too surprised if there were drafts of the film where Carol went with the team and told them that the space stone was also stored in space for half a dozen years in the early 90s.

The new Captain Marvel suit was interesting, to say the least. I have to say that out of the two suits, the new suit is my least favorite. It’s a little weird seeing the blue at the top and the red down the bottom. I know what color design from the comics they were going with, however, it was a little odd to see. It did illustrate a change in the character and the universe which worked in that aspect.
I did wish that there was an explanation for the sash with the character.

One thing that we did not see the film in terms of Carol was what has Earth turned into after the years that Carol has been absent, especially with all the people that she left behind once again. We saw her shock knowing that Nick Fury was snapped, however, there was no pay off with those characters in the film. Carol also never touched based with the Rambeaus, or even Goose the Cat which was a missed opportunity. I suppose we can assume that they were snapped.

In the final fight, Carol played a really awesome role. I did like her showing up later in the fight, presenting the other heroes with more of a challenge.
I have to be honest when FRIDAY said to Tony “Something just entered the atmosphere” I thought that a celestial such as Galactus or Eternity was going to show up. However, Carol was a pleasant surprise who was fun to see, and didn’t break the fabric of the universe.

Carol fighting Thanos was an exciting fight. I did like how she head butt Thanos, that was badass.  The fight scene was really intense and well thought out and showed off the strength of Carol and the rage in Thanos. I also did love Carol's expression when she was punched with the Power Stone.

Future of Captain Marvel

When looking at the future of Captain Marvel in the MCU, it seems like she will get two more of her own solo films, completing a trilogy. The first Captain Marvel film made a billion dollars, so it seems like a full trilogy will be a profitable choice for Disney. With Carol going back into space at the end of Endgame, it seems like she will be continuing what she has always been doing and will be policing the Kree Skrull territories. When a new Captain Marvel sequel does come out, I assume that the film will deal with Carol confronting the Kree empire on Hala.

However, past the solo films, in terms of Captain Marvel’s role in the Avengers films, it seems like she will play a pivotal part in the future. However, that will depend on what the threat is. If the Secret Invasion story is adapted for an Avengers film, of course, Captain Marvel will be leading that film, as the Skrulls are a race she needs to look out for.

In conclusion, that is all for the character analysis of Captain Marvel in Avengers Endgame. Brie Larson did a great job and was in the film less than I expected, however, the scenes she did have were awesome. 
Comment below your thoughts on the character and what do you think the future of the character is in the MCU. You can click on the left for more Endgame, or on the right for more Captain Marvel, and also subscribe. As always thanks for reading, take care.


