Season 5 Episode 12:

Hey everyone, we are back with a brand new episode of the Flash, directed by Rebecca Johnson, where we see the team try to awake Cicada's niece, Grace, from her coma with some new technology which can tap into her mind where they can find the truths out about her and each other. Spoilers ahead for the episode, let's recap.

After some ice skating, the team heads back to STAR Labs, where Sherloque shows the team a new device which they can use to get into Grace's mind. However to prevent getting stuck in a mind, the team needs to go in two at a time, and a side effect of that is that they can see each other's memories. The team decides that Barry and Nora should go in, so the team goes home for the night, and decides to go through in the morning.

Not wanting to let anyone know that she is working with team Flash, Nora uses the machine herself (once Sherloque activates a part in Grace's hospital room). In Grace's mind, Nora befriends Grace and they are about to leave when the portal to the real world closes.
Caitlin and Sherloque call Barry and Iris about Nora as the two go to STAR Labs, and they go use the machine to try to rescue, Nora. Turns out that Barry and Iris go into Nora's mind, and they are guided by Caitlin (using her Killer Frost walkie talkie) on what to do. In Nora's memory, they find themselves in the Flash museum, which is STAR Labs. In Nora's memory is her defense mechanism which is the Reverse Flash suit, which Barry and Iris have to defeat to access Nora's purest, real memory to get to a portal to save Nora.

Meanwhile, in Grace's mind, her defense mechanism is Cicada himself, who Grace thinks is right because meta-humans orphaned her. Nora fights Cicada and eventually defeats him, and reveals Grace's true memory that Dwyer wasn't the perfect caregiver. Iris and Barry and come into Grace's mind and a new female Cicada appears. Barry takes her down, and Nora decides to leave Grace behind because she doesn't want to go. So Barry, Iris, and Nora leave and wake up in the real world.

Meanwhile, Cisco finds out more progress for the meta-human cure while being a wingman to Ralph at a bar. Back at STAR Labs, the team discovers that Grace has a piece of shrapnel in her head with dark matter, and using the machine could injure her more. Barry then decides that they should use the meta cure on Cicada.

What I liked the most about the episode were the memories that were explored in the episode, the rules which were used to set up Nora's motivations. I did like how the episode explained why Nora didn't want to even run the chance of anyone on the team finding out that she was working with Eobard Thawne. It made for some interesting tensions and also created some personal stakes for Nora herself. They played out some stakes with the possibility that they might die in the mind of Grace, but I don't think anyone thought that anyone was gonna die in the episode. However, I did feel like there were some stakes with the possibility of Nora being caught for working with Thawne.

One of the best things in the episode was the reveal of the Flash museum. In Nora memory where we got to see more of what if offers. There was a lot of flash memorabilia in the museum, most of which is real life stuff you can buy. I saw an action figure which in the packing had the Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, and Aquaman. So maybe in the future, we will see an Aquaman and Green Lantern in the Arrowverse later on. There were also some Flash rebirth comments and posters that were used for the show. There were some other interesting things in the Flash museum, with all the villain costumes. I didn't see anything new, but I am sure that the season six villain could be teased in the museum (well that's unless it's the anti-monitor).

One interesting twist in the episode was that Grace was supporting Dwyler in a way as she also had a personal vendetta against Meta-humans. I am interested to see who got killed Grace's parents killed, whether it was someone significant or not. In Grace's mind, we also saw a female Cicada who I assume was Grace herself grown up and who she wanted to be. I did like that Grace's viewpoints on Meta-humans presents itself as a lost cause for team Flash. Grace could also present herself to be a villain for XS in the future. 

The cast of the episode was great and everyone played an interesting role, especially in the mind spaces of Nora and Grace. Starring in the episode we had Grant Gustin (Barry Allen/ the Flash), Candice Patton (Iris West), Jessica Parker Kennedy (Nora West-Allen/ XS), Islie Hirvonen (Grace Dwyer), Tom Cavanagh (Sherloque Wells), Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin Snow/ Killer Frost), Carlos Valdes (Cisco Ramone/ Vibe), Hartley Sawyer (Ralph Dibny/ Elongated Man), Avionne Dean (young Nora West-Allen), Patrick Sabongui (Captain Singh), Lossen Chambers (Dr. Ambres), and Chris Kelin (Orlin Dwyer/ Cicada).

In conclusion, this episode of the Flash was an interesting way to show how the team is being the best they can be in believing that Grace would want to awake from her coma. The tension with Nora and her lies did create for some great suspense along with the awesome cinematography, music, and also the tour of the Flash museum. I will give this episode an 8/10.
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