The trailer for the Flash season five came out in the DCTV pannel at Sand Diego Comic Con, and there was a lot of news regarding the season, with the trailer, episode 100, and the crossover. The trailer has a lot of scenes from the first few episodes of the season and shows off what we can see from Barry, Nora, and the team. So let's get on with the breakdown of the trailer.

The trailer opens up with the recap of season four, with the Nora (Jessica Kennedy Parker) scene, where Barry (Grant Gustin) sees Nora saving the satellite with him, and her coming to the team Flash party in the West house, where she introduces herself. I do love Cisco's (Carlos Valdes) reaction "Does anybody need a refill?"
But in the trailer, we learn that Nora needs the team's help for a number of reasons, as there was more than one mistake which she made. I will speculate on those later on.  It was revealed that Nora is from thirty years in the future, so from 2048. In that time period, as we learned from Legends of Tomorrow, Meta-Humans are outlawed so Nora cannot use her powers where she is from.
One large reveal here is that Nora has the nickname "XS". In the comics, Barry's granddaughter used that name as her alias to be a speedster, but since we might not see her in the show, and we have no reveal of the other twin, Don, it seems like Nora is getting the XS name. That makes sense as the costume she has (which is Iris' speedster suit), and the suit resembles the XS suit in the comics. There were some set pictures which had Nora in the XS suit where she had the lightning symbol. The symbol was is more of a button, for functionality, instead of it being switched on like we see with the flash logo on the suit.

With his new suit from last season destroyed, Barry uses his famous season one suit. There were set pictures of this, and people speculated that this would be a flashback scene, however, Barry just needs a spare suit to use, while he hopefully gets a new one late on this season, which in fact was promised, and the suit will be more comic accurate. If we look at the scene, we can see that Barry finished battling someone in the suit, most likely in the first episode.

Here we see Nora in Barry's forensic office. If you don't remember, in the season four finale, Captain Singh called Barry to tell him that he is getting his job back at the Central City police department, after he was sort of fired. But now Barry is back. I do like the idea that Nora is so attached to this place, a place where potentially she has seen more than Barry at this point. This scene takes place in the first episode, soon after the party, as Barry and Nora are wearing the same clothes.

Barry is scared that Nora is going to erase herself out of existence, like what nearly happened to Marty McFly in Back to the Future. But Barry confronts Nora in STAR Labs, where he asks her what she is hiding from him. This is where the mistakes of Nora come in. I am speculating that Nora has knowledge of dark paths which awaits each member of team Flash in the future, which she doesn't want to 'spoil'. But one of the main things which Nora is hiding is what the future 2024 newspaper, that being the disappearance of the Flash, something which happens in between Nora being conceived and born. However, there is something which is most likely more imminent for the season, which most likely regards the villain of the season, who is revealed at the end.

In the first episode, there appears to be a plane crash above Central City, and we see Barry and Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale) try to save the plane. In the new 52, Barry managed to save a plane crash, by rescue every individual passenger from the plane. I am guessing something similar will be seen on the on the plane, and they need every speedster they can get to rescue every so Barry, Wally and most likely Nora will save the plane.

Keiynan Lonsdale, the actor of Kid Flash, is leaving the DCTV shows for the meanwhile, so these first episodes of the Flash will be the last we see for a while, as he will be leaving Central City, and not joining with the Legends.

As we know, Barry got the season four Flash suit destroyed, so Nora hands over the Flash ring to give Barry a "fan favorite" the season one suit. This is absolutely awesome, to see Barry wear, the famed Flash ring from the comics. We have seen Reverse Flash wear the ring in season one to suit up, but now we see Barry own it. I am not too sure as to how the suit will look coming out of the ring. We might see it in full the first time, however, later it will be shadowed be lightning, a cheaper special effect. This scene does take place before the shot of Barry in the season one suit because that is the suit inside the ring. Somehow Nora managed to get that in the future.

The last scene in the trailer is of the villain of season five, Cicada (Chris Kelin), and it was supposed to be the season four post credit scene. In the comics, Cicada was written as more of a psychopath who blames the Flash more making the planet worse, as he uses his lightning bolt to take souls for his immortality. In the show, we see that Cicada has his lightning bolt dagger that we see here. Also in the show, the character this will be majorly changed from the comics. From what we see in the scene, it seems like Cicada had a family, who was killed in an accident which the Flash failed to prevent, or didn't save everyone. Cicada, well his real name, David Hersch, seems to be disfigured, and thus he wears the mask. In the season, Cicada seems to have a vendetta against Barry and the other meta-humans, for all the chaos. I do like the idea that Cicada lost his child, while Barry met his.

So news with the crossover, episode 100 of the Flash will be season 5 episode 8, and that would usually end up being the crossover, which this year, is a three-way crossover (excludes Legends of Tomorrow). With the crossover, there would be a lot going on with a heavily themes Flash story, and all the Batwoman stuff so the episode would be crammed. So instead of having the 100th episode and the crossover episode in the same episode, the crossover is pushed back one episode, to episode nine. Therefore, the Flash can have its 100th episode and do something amazing with its story and be a love letter to the show, without servicing a greater plot for the other shows, just itself. In the seasons this year in the crossover, the shows will still have some set up for the rest of the season like the mid-season finales usually do.

In conclusion, the Flash season five trailer looks very promising, and I really like the dynamic which Nora posses in the season. If we have learned anything from Arrow, the fifth season is amazing, so I am very hopeful for the Flash season five int eh way it handles Nora, the story arcs int he shows, and Cicada. I am mostly looking forward to Nora in the show. But what do you think of the Flash season five trailer? Let me know all your thoughts, opinions, and theories for the fifth season of the Flash down in the comments below.
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