Hey everyone, DC comics had its panel today in Hall H at San Diego Comic-Con, and we got the first trailer for the 2019 film, "Shazam" directed by David Sandberg. In the trailer, we see the origin of the Shazam character, and how the film looks. I will discuss the origin, the suit, and everything else in the breakdown.

Meet Billy Batson (Asher Angel) who is a foster kid who is seen to be running away a lot. In the film, the character is going to around 14 or 15, so old enough to think he can live on his own, but not old enough to wait out the couple years to turn 18. The film will have Billy in this new foster home, where he meets Freedy Freeman (Jack Dylan Drazer). Freeman is going to be the sidekick friend to Billy in the film, and it's not only Billy who is going to get a Shazam form, all the kids living in the foster home will get Shazam powers. In the comics, and presumably the film, Freeman will become Captain Marvel Jr, or Shazam Jr, depending on what has happened with the rights to the name.

Freeman is a major superhero film, confirming that this film is in the DCEU. In his room, we see a Superman figure, a Batarang, and then there are all these newspapers. So going from left to right we have a newspaper which presumably reads "Visitors From Space" And the picture appears to be possible ruins from the events in Justice League. The second paper is written by the "Daily Planet" which is where Clarke Kent and Lois Lane work. The paper has an article which reads "Superman's Real Agenda" possibly something made in the events of Batman vs Superman. The next two papers are also by the Daily Planet. One of the journalists on the paper, "Allison Klien" is a real-life journalist. On that paper it there is an article about Lexcorp. The last paper from the "Gotham Free Press"  relates to Superman, possibly on his return in Justice League.

After saving Freeman from some school bullies, Billy runs away and loses the bullies in the metro. This was similar to the way Billy got on his way to get his powers, by going to the metro, I will get into the specifics of how Billy gets his powers later. But I do like this scene, as we see the symbols go all crazy on the metro.

Here is the Wizard Shazam (Djimon Hounsou). In the comics, more specifically the new 52, Billy did come to him to get powers, in the same way by saying Shazam, which stands for the Greek Gods:

  • S-Solomon
  • H-Hercules
  • A-Atlas
  • Z-Zeus
  • A-Achilles
  • M-Mercury

The powers of Shazam are derived from the powers of the gods, so that is why we see Shazam have all the powers of strength, lightning, and all the others. In the back, there appear to be seven pillars most likely representing one of the gods. I do like the look of the Wizard, especially the staff, that looks awesome.

After saying "Shazam!", Billy gets granted his powers and turns into the adult form as the Shazam person (Zachary Levi). He automatically gets his suit like in the comics, and I do have to say, I kind of like the suit. in the set images, the suit looked okay, but within post-production, the suit seems to have been polished up. The suit is extremely bright, and that is not done in post-production, however, the suit was made to look brighter going in contrast with what was done with Justice League and Wonder Woman 2. The lightning bolt in the middle does look neat. I do like the lightning bolt popping out of the suit and lighting up.

I really do like the way that the trailer is building up the character of Shazam. The idea of the character is that he is ultimately still a kid who has a wide range of powers, and he still sicks with his buddy, Freeman, who seems like he does not have powers yet. This convenience store robbery is great, realizing that he is bulletproof is also amazing. I do like how Billy manages to take a bunch of snacks and some beer, trying to act as an adult. The film seems to play on the more comedic side of Billy being an adult in the Shazam form. I am not too sure if he will be out of the costume in the Shazam form, but I am excited to see how the character plays out.

In conclusion, the Shazam trailer is brilliant in bringing to the spotlight the character of Shazam. The film looks really neat in playing more of a lighter tone, and showing off the characters of Billy and Shazam! I am excited to see how the film turns out, but looking at this, this looks great.
What are your thoughts on the trailer for Shazam! Let me know your opinions and excitement in the comments below.
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